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Posts posted by Aremeriel

  1. Not posted on these forums for ages.

    I haven't read ToM yet either (I have ordered it, but not received it), but being called a grammar nazi on a regular basis, I couldn't let this slide. ;)


    • [*]Pg 247 - "...rougher than the ones which have buffeted me..." - 'which' should be changed to 'than'

    [*]Pg 609 - "How many was the Shadow going to take from him..." - should be 'were'

    "...rougher than the ones which have buffeted me..." - 'which' should be changed to 'than' ? Hope you meant 'that', because '...rougher than the ones than have buffeted me...' doesn't sound right, does it? ;)

    "How many was the Shadow going to take from him..." - should be 'were' Actually, no. Who/what performs the action in this sentence? The Shadow, not 'how many'. If the sentence had been for instance "How many were going to be taken from him...", I'd agree with you.


    Usage of that/which is open to some debate; the original wording isn't necessarily wrong.


    -- dwn


    Also true. ;) 'than' would be very wrong though. ;) And since Angelfan wrote 'than' I took it as a typo of 'that'. ;)

  2. Not posted on these forums for ages.

    I haven't read ToM yet either (I have ordered it, but not received it), but being called a grammar nazi on a regular basis, I couldn't let this slide. ;)


    • [*]Pg 247 - "...rougher than the ones which have buffeted me..." - 'which' should be changed to 'than'

    [*]Pg 609 - "How many was the Shadow going to take from him..." - should be 'were'

    "...rougher than the ones which have buffeted me..." - 'which' should be changed to 'than' ? Hope you meant 'that', because '...rougher than the ones than have buffeted me...' doesn't sound right, does it? ;)

    "How many was the Shadow going to take from him..." - should be 'were' Actually, no. Who/what performs the action in this sentence? The Shadow, not 'how many'. If the sentence had been for instance "How many were going to be taken from him...", I'd agree with you.

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