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News item Comments posted by Eqwina

  1. While the premise has some similarities the books are VERY different. I want to tread carefully so I do not spoil anything. In Sanderson's novel the "good guy" lost a long time ago, In Kade's it feels a little more recent. Kade takes us on the journey toward the loss. Kade's novel is also much shorter, by around 200 pages I believe (its hard to tell since I read Kade's book on my computer). It makes it a quicker read than some fantasy novels, and that was also appealing to me. 


    I have not read anything else by Kel Kade, but I am interested in adding another of her books Free the Darkness to my reading list. It is a four part series.


    If you do read the novel I would love to hear your thoughts. One of my favorite things about reading fantasy novels is discussing them with other people. I think it is the nature of the genre that everyone interprets them slightly differently. It makes for great conversations. 

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