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Posts posted by Kara_J

  1. Raslyn raised an eyebrow as first Jasmyne showed far too much eagerness for this kind of undertaking, though she acknowledged that Jasmyne had only just been raised to the Shawl and was perhaps trying to gain credit with the Highest by throwing support at her, and secondly when Zarinen threw her cup - supposedly at Jagen.


    Raslyn sat deep in thought as Zarinen levelled accusations at Jagen. The woman certainly was living up to her reputation. Of course! Zarinen must know her reputation and thus is using it for her own ends.


    She sat back and watched as Jagen stood, fiddling with her shawl, a sure sign of nerves and maybe for a reminder that she is Aes Sedai. It was interesting how many people resorted to that, but no matter, that wasn't the issue here. Jagen launched into an answering tirade, Raslyn was certain that was what Zarinen wanted.


    Waiting for Jagen to finish, Raslyn spoke mildly. "Now, Jagen, I'm sure Zarinen doesn't expect us to hide who we are." she turned her gaze on Zarinen. "Do you, Zarinen? I think you have a whole stratagem in mind, why else would you summon us all here? Care to share with us your plans?"

  2. Raslyn's eyebrows rose in spite of herself as Carina divulged her secret. Now she understood why Carina had reacted the way she had during their conversation. It obviously meant a lot to the girl and, if Raslyn was right, Carina wouldn't let the matter drop that easily. That would mean that her attention would never be fully on becoming Aes Sedai and that would truly be a tragedy. She could make a good Aes Sedai if she concentrated on her training.


    Raslyn steepled her fingers as she thought before speaking.


    "Carina, this obviously means a lot to you. You do realise that if you hadn't have stolen from those you would not be here now, on the path to being Aes Sedai." She paused, watching Carina and then realised that mere words would not absolve Carina of the debt she felt she needed to repay. Trying another tack, Raslyn went on.


    "What I propose is this, and it is entirely up to you if you accept my offer. You will give me the names and addresses of the people you stole from, along with a list of the items you purloined and I will, personally, pay them all back. You then can repay me by doing your best to become Aes Sedai." Raslyn stopped again, trying to gauge how this was being received.


    "As I said, it's your choice. What do you say?"

  3. Raslyn's eyebrows rose a notch. So there was another letter? One that filled her with shame? That was interesting. Remaining impassive, Raslyn let the girl continue, noting all she could of her tone, demeanour and posture. Carina's last whispered words puzzled her though. Redeem herself? Why in the Light would she need to redeem herself? What can be in that letter? It's obviously something mortifying enough to elicit the reactions Carina was showing.


    "Child, you do realise that you can't keep carrying your shame and mortification around with you here, in the Tower, specially if you wish to make Aes Sedai. It is all well and good if you have something to drive you forward, but I think what you carry - willingly carry - around will you will just hinder your progress." Raslyn paused to see how her statement was being received.


    "Unless you can find a way to leave your past behind and concentrate on your future, not to mention forgive yourself for whatever has you beating yourself up, you'll fail as surely as if you'd given up back on the road. Do you understand me, child?"


    She paused once more awaiting a response from her charge.

  4. Raslyn stayed silent whilst Carina told her story, observing the manner of the child sat before her, taking a mental note of her expressions, her gestures - however subtle, and the tone of voice. There was something that the child omitted from her story. Raslyn could tell by the way she rushed the latter part of the story and the way she literally sagged after she'd finished.


    Musingly, she tapped her lips with a finger.


    "I'm sure the Mistress of Novices has seen children worse off than yourself arriving at the Tower child." Raslyn smiled reassuringly. "You are a very determined girl, that is for certain. Most others would have turned back as soon as they were attacked, regardless of what had happened to their companions. Even some men have had less backbone than what you have exhibited, child."


    Raslyn paused for a moment before deciding to venture an idea that had formed as Carina was speaking. "Yes, many men have had less backbone and much less honour that you have shown, Carina. The letter must have been important for you to venture onwards, alone, to the White Tower. I wonder, did you know what was in it?"  with that she sat back and prepared to study the reaction it invoked.


  5. "Is there something you want to tell me, Child?" Raslyn asked with a hint of concern in her voice. She stepped back a little to study the young novice. Her voice had said one thing but her eyes had said something completely different. Something was bothering this youngster to the point of insensibility.


    Something that must be addressed, or she'll not survive long in the Tower. We all have secrets, but some need to be told. Now, how to get her to reveal anything...


    "It seems you have started one of the tests I mentioned, Carina." Raslyn said after not receiving more than a blank shaking of the head in return to her question. "Some tests are ones you have to do on your own, others you have to have help. As your mentor I'm here to help." Her voice remained smooth and calm, soothing whilst she studied the girl for reactions.


    Wait, was there something in the way she said 'Forgive me, Aes Sedai'? Something more than asking for forgiveness for her inattention? Deciding to find out she changed the subject.


    She waved a hand airily as she sat back down. "Never mind what happened earlier, there's nothing to forgive." She said, putting a slight emphasis on 'forgive' to see if there was a reaction. "Now, tell me more about yourself, where you grew up and how you travelled here?" Was there a flicker at that last sentence?

  6. OOC: Continued from here


    Raslyn nodded at the child's determination and hoped that it would see her through. Too many started off determined only to wane and fall by the wayside. She eyed the young novice in front of her and frowned.


    The girl was staring into space and looked positively stricken. Oh light, what has happened now. She's not suddenly embraced the Source, so that can't be it. Raslyn ran through the conversation she'd had with the child and couldn't see anything there that would elicit such a reaction. So that left the child's past.


    "Child?" Raslyn spoke sharply. "Carina!" She repeated her name several times, but to no avail. Eventually she got up and approached the girl, who still staring into space, her breathing becoming laboured.


    Taking Carina's shoulders she gave the girl a shake "Carina! What's the matter girl?" Raslyn spoke firmly, wondering whether to slap the girl out of her hysterics.


  7. Accepted Requirements


    • Choose 3 of the Following:
      * Aes Sedai RP - RP with a sister(s) from any Ajah, while traveling (must have a plausible reason, and must have staff approval), in an intrigue or anything else of substance. Does not have to be the Ajah you are aspiring to.
      * Turning of the Wheel - A character specific roleplay where your character changes in some manner due to an event.
      * Create your own Character Centered RP - Must be approved by Staff
      * Transition - is similar to Homesickness, except adjusting to wearing the banded hem, the new rights and responsibilities that go with it.
      * Teach a class* - Min of 4 Classes (total of 1500 words). Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * Take a Class* - Must be taught by an Aes Sedai. Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff
      * One Open Rp - Where a Random Rp is started and others are invited to take part, be it a Prank or a Free Day.
      * 100 Weaves RP - Practice & Application.
      * Introduction to Roleplaying Class - OOC - only once per person.
    • Accepted Quiz - Ooc. Must be completed before RPing as an Aes Sedai.
    • Three Oaths - Only to be completed when previous Requirements are completed and marked. Link to information: http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/whitetower/?page_id=23







    • Accepted Quiz - [Complete / Incomplete]


    • Three Oaths - URL - Word Count - [Complete / Incomplete]

  8. Aislyn gave an amused chuckle at Rhya's comments and then watched her leave with a fond twinkle in her eyes. Bring herself back to the present, Aislyn rose at the joint yawns and smiled.


    "Come on you two, lets get you set up into your quarters. You're right that people who wok in this kitchen wouldn't be pleased to find the two of you snoring away in the middle of their kitchen." She laughed as she said it and gestured for them to follow her.


    Leading them out of the kitchen and out of the Infirmary, she approached a modest cottage adjacent to the Infirmary. Turning to the two followers, she spoke. "This is my cottage. You can stay in my spare room until you find your feet and your own place here. That way, if you have anything to ask me or need me for any reason, I won't be too far away." Whilst she was talking she let herself into her cottage, kept tidy as always.


    The kitchen is through there, the living room is through here and your bedroom is up here." She led the way upstairs to a small room off a corridor. "Here is your room, there's a small bathroom adjoining it through that door. In there you'll find fresh towels in case you want to wash before you go to bed." The room was plainly furnished but comfortable for all that. It consisted of a bed, wardrobe, small chest of drawers and a vase of fresh flowers. A small painting adorned one wall and pale blue curtains flapped at the open window. The bed linen was plain and faded but clean, and a fresh smell permeated throughout the room.


    "I'll leave you to it" Aislyn said. "I'll be in the infirmary a while longer if you need me. There are some clean clothes in the drawers and wardrobe, you should be able to find some that will fit. Until tomorrow then." Aislyn smiled and left, humming to herself.




    Providing warmth and comfort

  9. Raslyn sat stunned for a moment. Did Shevara know what this fool of a woman was planning? Surely not..but yet... Raslyn stayed silent whilst the others spoke one after the other, then she rose and helped herself to some Tea, asking the others silently if they wanted some. Making tea helped her marshal her thoughts somewhat and, after she'd passed tea to the others, she regained her seat. She sat for a moment appraising Zarinen, judging the merit of what she knew of the woman and what she had said coupled with the Amyrlin's insistence of attending this meeting. Putting some authority in her voice, though not too much to overstep the bounds of propriety, she addressed the room.


    "I think Zarinen has thought this through. Let us hear how and why she came up with idea and, indeed, how she thinks we can control a warder going mad before we start arguing points for and against." She took a sip of her tea, observing the expressions on her Sisters' faces as she did so.



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