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Posts posted by Kara_J

  1. *snuggles* Rest and eat well between shifts. *hugs* Don't you DARE step foot into the RP section until you feel better hun! *leads Pol to bed and tucks in* Now stay there until you've had at least 8 hours kip!!



  2. Yep I can attest to this fact. Tay is the personification of cute! Or, to put it another way, she is cuteness personified.


    *smoochies the adorable Taykins*  :-* :-*


    Even her personality is cute *noddity nod*

  3. Alaya staggered and put the rock down next to the pile and flinched involuntary as she heard Owen's voice cut through the wind. She stood head bowed and tears pricking her eyes, as Owen said his piece and tried not to groan aloud as he told them to move the rocks elsewhere. Eventually and to alay's great relief,  he moved on and Rhya practically ordered Alaya to take a break and drink some of the soup she'd brought for the others. Much to her shame, Alaya practically fell to her knees at the small pile of coats and food she'd dumped earlier. Wiping her hands on a cloth, still wet thankfully as it had been sheltered from the wind, she grabbed a hunk of bread and took a long draught of the soup. It was still warm and it did much to increase Alaya's warmth and vitality. With reluctance she finished the hunk of bread and rose, rather unsteadily, to her feet.


    Passing Rhya with a grateful nod she found some energy to half run toward the pile and grab a rock before tottering towards the new location as one of the others went to grab something to eat. She kept her head down against the wind and concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, oblivious of everything apart from the weather and the weight of the rocks.


    She paused for a breather and was surprised to see that the pile of rocks that they were working from was noticeably smaller, so it cheered her somewhat and she pressed on. As time passed her arms and legs began to feel leaden and she hadn't been able to feel her hands or toes for some time, thanks to the biting wind. But, as she dropped the rock she was carrying onto the pile and stood up, knuckling the small of her back and trying to prevent anyone noticing how much she was trembling with the exertion, she noticed that the others had also stopped next to her. It took a few moments for her to register that the pile they had been diligently shifting had now disappeared. They'd done it.


    Alaya smiled in delight and then sat down hard as the last reserves of her energy suddenly left her. 

  4. Done with her business, Esther returned their room. Deanne seemed to have pulled herself together somewhat, but her usually pretty face still looked a bit woebegone.

    Esther surprised herself by taking the comb and straightening a few of the wayward locks that curled around Deanne’s face. Her own hair received some attention too, before she turned to her room-mate and said in a gruff, but not unkind way:

    “Shall we go then? I saw Larindhra head up to her quarters a short while ago, which is good – less chance of being interrupted there than at her office.”


    Deanne gazed up at Esther, the fact that Esther had managed to touch her precious hair completely bypassing her for the moment, so stricken was she with worry, guilt and not a little amount of fear.  "Do you really think this is the best course of action?" Deanne asked in the vain hope that Esther had had a change of heart. Deanne sat on the bed, shoulders slumped, banded dress dishevelled and looking totally unlike the vain girl she usually was.


    Awkwardly Esther patted Deanne on the shoulder. “It’s Larindhra and a possible future as Aes Sedai, or the Trainee and being a housewife the rest of your life. You have to decide now, Deanne.” She surprised herself by adding: “I’ll help you best I can, either way.”


    Deanne sat pole-axed, her mind racing for an alternative, something that wouldn't get her into trouble with the Mistress of Novices or get her tied to a life of - she shuddered - drudgery. Eventually she sighed deeply. "It isn't really much of a choice is it?" Deanne paused and stood, taking a deep breath.

    "Thank you" She said awkwardly.


    “No thanks needed. Flaming awkward position for you to be in. Would have done it for anyone,” Esther mumbled, blushing. Trying to hide her shock at hearing a word of thanks from Deanne of all people, Esther busied herself with straightening Deanne’s dress. “Well, no use putting it off any longer – let’s get this over with.” She bustled a still reluctant Deanne out of the room and down the various corridors and ramps leading to the Red quarters.


    Deanne let herself be straightened and herded out of the room and towards the Red Quarters. Her stomach seemed to sink further with every step and her eyes threatened to fill with tears once more. She kept her head down and prayed she wouldn't see anyone she knew. Eventually they arrived at Larindhra's door. Taking a deep breath and flashing a tremulous smile at Esther, Deanne raised her fist to knock.....and stopped. She stood with fist raised, shaking from head to foot and mumbling "I can't do this!" under her breath.


    Esther had wondered if Deanne would balk at the last gate, but being a farm girl she was ready for her. Never give the flaming sheep time to think about it – rush it right through.

    The mumbling hadn’t even stopped yet when her own fist connected firmly with the door. Deanne was bundled through it before the echoes of Larindhra’s “Enter!” had faded.

    She curtsied hurriedly, Deanne did the same but in a slightly more wobbly manner. “Larindhra Sedai, please forgive us for intruding, but Deanne has something to tell you.”

    Deanne didn't have time to back out though, Esther knocked and was ushering Deanne through the door before she had time to so much as lower her fist! In short order she was bobbing a wobbly curtsy and Esther was explaining that Deanne had something to say. She could feel Larindhra's eyes boring into her and the expectant air from Esther but she couldn't bring herself to speak. Instead the tears welled up once again and spilled down her cheeks. Deanne suddenly felt Esther's hand slide into hers and give it a squeeze, which she supposed was meant to be reassuring but only served to make her cry all the harder.


    Esther sighed.  It looked like it would be up to her to break the news. Larindhra was looking none too pleased at the intrusion into her private rooms – keeping her waiting much longer would only increase her irritation. Without thought, she grabbed hold of Deanne’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “What Deanne wants to say is … uhm …” This was more difficult than she had imagined it would be. “What’s happened is that there was this … the short of it is that Deannne’s gotten herself pregnant, Larindhra.” Esther rushed on before Larindhra could open her mouth. “But the important thing is that she wants to become Aes Sedai, Larindhra!” Not a word from Deanne, except for some more sobs. Esther trod firmly on her foot.


    Deanne listened to Esther's explanation and  continued to sob loudly until Esther's foot trod heavily on her own. She gasped and nodded at Larindhra. Then Esther kicked her in the ankle so she spoke up. "I...I'm sorry Larindhra Sedai. I really do want to be Aes Sedai! I do really!" As she spoke Deanne realised that she truly did want to be Aes Sedai. "Please believe me!" She held out her hand towards Larindhra beseechingly. "I never intended this to happen. Please don't kick me out of the Tower. I'll do anything!"


    Deanne Heillan

    Accepted - Genuinely Penitent!

    Esther Tremaine

    Accepted - Helping Deanne, of all people!

  5. As Esther's words sank in Deanne recoiled in horror. Remain unwed?? Marry the trainee? What kind of choices were those? Deanne shook her head in despair, a fresh wave of tears pouring forth. She numbly took the cloth and comb off Esther and, after a brief moment of confusion where she tried to wipe her face with the comb and brush her hair with the cloth, she gathered herself enough to sort herself out somewhat.


    Whilst she awaited Esther's return, Deanne looked at herself mournfully in the mirror. Her tear-streaked face stared back at her. At least her hair had grown back a bit, though no where near the length and glorious asset it once was. How could I have been so stupid? Deanne asked herself for the umpteenth time. She was grateful that Esther hadn't said any of the things that she had expected her to, or indeed that Deanne would have said if the tables were turned. She was also grateful that Esther had volunteered to go to see Larindrha with her. There was no way in the Light that Deanne wanted to break the news alone.


    Esther was right, telling Larindhra was the only option. Deanne could only hope that this whole situation could be sorted out easily. Maybe there's a secret weave that could sort it out, surely the Yellows would know of such? But, as soon as she thought of that, Deanne almost gagged. She was surprised with herself. She had never had to think about anyone else before, but now there was a little person growing inside her and depending on her....how in the Light could she even consider getting rid of it??


    She buried her head in her hands and bitterly regretted the day that she set eyes on that trainee!

  6. If Deanne hadn't already had a big shock, Esther's comments would have knocked her sideways. They had never got on and Deanne had privately thought, on more than one occasion, that Larindhra Sedai had arranged it on purpose. But, here Esther was, offering Deanne sympathy and comfort. Deanne would never understand her!


    She sat up, still racked with heartfelt sobs. "I don't know! I don't want to be turned out of the Tower! I want to be Aes Sedai! Help me, please!" Deanne begged and threw her arms around Esther - or at least attempted to. The stupid woman went stiff as a board so Deanne reluctantly withdrew and blew her nose on a tissue.


    "I don't know what to do. I know who the father is, he's a trainee in the warder's guild, but he won't want anything to do with this will he? Oh no!" Deanne exclaimed in horror as a thought struck her. "I'm going to have to tell Larindhra Sedai won't I? She'll kick me out of the Tower for sure! Maybe I should just run away, go back to my family. What do you think, Esther?" She turned her tear stained face towards her.


    Esther is practical, she will know how to deal with this situation. Deanne thought hopefully. Maybe she can help me arrange to run away before anyone works out my predicament. I'm sure she won't make me face Larindhra, she knows what she's like! But, as she watched Esther's face grow firm, Deanne had a sinking feeling that she wouldn't like what Esther was about to say....not that she ever did.


  7. Deanne had just had the biggest shock of her life, and no..it wasn't finding out that people still didn't like her..but something far more life-changing, from anyone's point of view.

    She had never been that organised so she didn't pay attention to how regular her cycles were. When they happened, they happened. But it was only when she'd overheard two other Accepted talking about their cycles, that she realised she hadn't had a cycle for at least a month.


    She thought back and remembered that her last cycle was when Flainey had taught that Element class she had been forced to attend, and that was two months gone!


    She was pregnant. That was the only explanation. She thought guiltily back to the last time she'd snuck out to the warder's training yard. In moments huge self-pitying sobs racked her body and she curled up into a ball on the bed. "How was she ever going to marry a rich man or become

    the Amyrlin Seat now?


    She didn't know how long she lay there crying into her pillow, but stupid cow Esther soon came stomping back in like a herd of bulls, bleating about how she needed some things for her cycle. Deanne knew she was just doing it to rub it in. Esther was now wittering at her, so she sat up, fumbled under her bed where she kept most of her stuff, found the bag she was looking for and threw it with all her might at the smug holier-than-thou face of her room-mate. "Take them! I won't need them any more! I'm pregnant!" Deanne shouted and fell back onto the bed, sobbing anew.

  8. Larindhra did not miss the sarcasm dripping from the child's voice and, rather than launch into the tirade she was about to, she dealt with it then and there. Embracing Saidar she wove a small thread of Air and smacked the girl with it, hard.


    "You will not be warned again, child. Now unless you particularly want to taste soap for the rest of the day you will keep a civil tongue in your head. Do I make myself clear?" She asked biting each word off succinctly. She held the girl's gaze until she was satisfied the message was received and understood.


    "Now you have been entered into the books, you are required to wear Novice Whites. Go into that small anteroom and find a novice tunic that fits, change into it and return here. When you return I will appoint you a mentor to help with your studies." She watched the child move, sulkily it seemed and returned her attention to the book to see who she could assign the child to. Finding a name she deemed suitable, she wrote Devrion's name next to the entry and awaited the child's return.


  9. Larindhra looked up and nodded in approval at Kharal. "Take a seat child, whilst I find you a mentor." She pursed her lips as she worked her way down the list. Eventually she came to a name and suppressed a sigh before penning Kharal's name next to the entry in the book.


    She looked up and felt sympathy for the young girl in front of her. Larindhra could only hope that this girl wouldn't be affected too much by her new mentor. She shuddered at the mental image of two of them simpering or bawling, whichever helped more, around the Tower. Taking a deep breath, she pasted a smile on her face and put as much confidence in her voice as possible.


    "Kharal, your new mentor will be Deanne Heillan. She's an Accepted, but you should treat her as if she was an Aes Sedai." Inside she mentally winced - Deanne would love that! But, those were the rules. Maybe this new girl would be a sobering influence on the girl....she could only hope.


    She quickly penned a note to Deanne and sealed it with a smile, remembering the note she'd sent Deanne with not so many years ago. Handing it to Kharal she spoke kindly. "Take this and report to the Accepted outside, she'll take you to your quarters and show you where to find Deanne. Give Deanne this note and I wish you the best of luck in your future at the Tower." With Deanne as your mentor, you'll need it! She thought privately. 

  10. Aislyn's eyebrows rose steadily as Winifred explained the situation and she couldn't help but stare incredulously at the sack, now squirming on the floor.


    "You mean that you brought a wanderer all the way here in a sack?" Aislyn couldn't stop the incredulity from entering her voice. "Do you really think she's that dangerous?" She looked at Winifred and got the answer without Winifred even opening her mouth. "I see."


    Aislyn regarded the sack thoughtfully. "How long has she been in there? Has she been fed and given something to drink?"



  11. Aislyn sighed inwardly. Some people fell back on denial as they felt that it was all too much to understand. But if this girl was to face the reality of her situation it had better be sooner than later. Raising her eyes, she met Rhya's gaze and nodded imperceptibly.


    In the meantime it looked as if Arienna was getting something of a headache. "Would you like a herbal drink for your head?" Aislyn asked. "I have a concoction that will ease your headache and relax those tense muscles. And, unlike most concoctions it doesn't taste too bad, if I may say so myself."


    She glanced back at Rhya and saw her incline her head slightly. Smiling, Aislyn turned her attention back to Arienna and indicated the plate of food. "Are you sure you don't want to anything to eat?"

  12. Alaya smiled as they took the flasks from her then looked on in puzzlement as they each went back to lifting the rocks. She took the flasks back off them and checked they were all secure before taking a deep breath and dumping the bundle on the ground, ensuring that the cloths and flasks were protected from the weather by the oilskins. If you can't help them with food, Alaya, you might as well join in!.


    Bending down she picked up a rock and staggered under its weight. She'd never had to do any hard labour before, the most her parents asked of her were a few household chores and sewing, so this was entirely out of her range of experience. Trying to straighten up under the burden she staggered in the direction of the other pile, the others already coming back towards her.


    She splashed through the mud puddles, the wind tugging at her hood and the rain sending rivulets of water running down her face. She blinked to clear the water away and stared dismally at the bright window of the infirmary in the distance. Why did I come out here?? I could still be in the warmth, in a comfortable chair, with a good book! She grumbled to herself, but persevered. She was almost there....

  13. Alaya flushed. She'd forgotten to introduce herself! Her mother would have scolded her for sure!


    "A..Alaya. Alaya Maniea " she stammered. "Pleased to meet you." she added. "I'll go first if you like?" she said, eager to get it over and done with. They sat down and Alaya thought of what emotion to come up with. Then she remembered the one feeling she'd had as a constant companion since she left her home. Sadness.



    Taking a deep breath, Alaya thought of how she'd run away and left her parents behind, not stopping to leave a note or anything to say where she was going or to try and explain. They must be so worried and concerned and now she may never see them again. She put as much sadness as she could forward, glad that her partner had her eyes closed, or else she'd have given away the feeling by the tears in her eyes. Trying to keep from bursting into tears altogether, Alaya studied the girl in front of her. She'd never seen such garish clothing! Rumour said that she was of the Tinkers, though Alaya had never met one before.


    Returning back to the task at hand, Alaya wondered how long it would take for Myra to realise what emotion she was projecting, she hoped it was soon as she couldn't hold this intense sadness for long without breaking down entirely.

  14. Aislyn laughed. "No. I'm not going to wait for you to undress. I can tell you are of good health already, not least by the amount of food you polished off upstairs." Aislyn paused, an amused smile twitching at her lips. "Just leave your clothes outside the door in this bag." She reiterated, indicating the laundry bag hanging on a hook. The bag was usually used for wet towels, but his clothes could also go there. "For that matter, put your wet towels in there too please."


    "Now, I'll leave you to bathe in peace. If you need anything, you only need ask, and we'll do our best to accommodate you." With that she smiled and turned and went back the way she came. She could smell his bewilderment, coupled with a sense of relaxation. She nodded to herself, that boy would soon fit in, she was sure of it.


    Now to prepare his room before he got out of the bath. The sound of distant splashing reached her ears and she smiled again. This job was so rewarding. Humming to herself, she set to work, making the bed up and ensuring everything was ready for his use.

  15. Alaya had finished her chores for the day and had decided to sit in the communal lounge for a while with a book, seeing as the weather was turning for the worse. She glanced out of the window as she settled down to find her page and was startled to see a few figures trudging back and forth seemingly carrying rocks from one place to another. She watched them for a while and wondered what they were about. It didn't seem that the task had any useful purpose so maybe it was some form of punishment though she couldn't think for what.


    Alaya wrestled with her conscience, her book forgotten on her lap. She was still fairly timid and the thought of butting in on someone else's punishment made her nervous, but on the other hand, the weather looked like it was worsening and by the looks of the piles they still had a fair bit to go. Maybe if she helped by bringing them some soup or something, surely that wouldn't land her in hot water? Biting her lip she watched the figures a bit longer and then made up her mind.


    Once she'd decided on a course of action she moved swiftly. Grateful that the kitchen was deserted, she did not want to have to explain to Miryana or Aislyn why she was heating up soup for three people, she popped some cold soup on the hob and left it to heat whilst she dashed to her room and got her rain cloak and some spares from the laundry, just in case. Returning from that task, she stirred the soup and got out three clean flasks. Tapping her foot impatiently she waited for the soup to heat up then carefully shared it between the flasks then, grabbing a fresh half loaf of bread, she chopped it into large chunks and put it into a bowl, covering it with a waterproof cloth.


    She was just out of the door when a thought struck her. Stupid! Stupid! She berated herself. How are they meant to eat with hands that have been carrying rocks?? Think girl think! Running back into the kitchen she dumped the bowl of bread and stoppered flasks on the table and wetted some rags for them to wipe their hands on. She also, after a small hesitation, took a tube of salve for cuts from the medicine cabinet. Then with arms carrying the bundles of food and clothing and her heart in her mouth, she went out into the rain towards the figures.


    She waited by the smaller pile of rocks for the others to notice her. Now she was closer she recognised who they were. Rhya, Winterwinds and Rahien. What in the Light had they all done to deserve such a punishment, for that was certainly what it was.


    She'd not had the chance to speak with any of them really, her chores and shyness being the principle reasons. They were coming back wearily towards her now, so she swallowed and smiled hesitantly. "Hello. Soup?" Was all she could bring herself to say.

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