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Posts posted by Kara_J

  1. Deanne tried hard not to smirk as Evanen opened her eyes and stared at the apparition in the room with them. She had really impressed herself with that illusion, even if she said so herself. And, it appeared, that it had the desired effect on Evanen too.


    Deanne watched her out of the corner of her eye as she pretended to be scared out of her wits. Then suddenly it was Deanne's turn to get a shock as a gout of flame erupted from the floor. She was so shocked that she released the Weave and the illusion evaporated. Deanne stared at Evanen, to stunned to speak and it took a moment for Evanen's words to register.


    "Me?!" she practically shrieked "I didn't do a thing! You Channelled!" she paused trying to get some semblance of dignity back. "You actually channelled" she continued in a softer voice and, in a very unfamiliar fit of compassion, she went over to Evanen and gave her a hug. "I think you have a block. I think that you can only channel when something scares you. Don't be frightened, whatever it was has gone now, and at least we now know why the rosebud method wasn't working." Deanne said suddenly wondering how they were going to explain this to the Mistress of Novices....




    Wondering what to do now...



  2. Deanne gaped as the hitherto polite and quiet Novice suddenly snapped at her. "Well! I'll be talking to the Mistress of Novices about your attitude as soon as this lesson is over!" Deanne snapped back, conveniently forgetting that her attitude was much the same.


    "Now you'd best sit there and keep trying. You'll not get anywhere in life or in the Tower for that matter if you give up at the first hurdle." Said Deanne imparting the wisdom hammered into her from her own teachers.


    Deanne sat on the edge of the table and glared at Evanen until she shut her eyes - whether to humour her or actually try to surrender, Deanne didn't know or, for that matter, really care. This lesson was turning out to be a disaster. The Mistress of Novices was sure to blame Deanne for the lack of progress.....maybe Evanen needed a bit of a scare to wake her up a bit.


    Deanne smirked as she wove an Illusion. She figured that if Evanen couldn't surrender to Saidar she wouldn't be able to see the Weaves. She checked the girl had still got her eyes closed and pictured a Trolloc in her mind and managed to weave an illusion to that effect. She was quite impressed with it, truth be told.


    Then she let out a small shriek (she didn't want to alert the Aes Sedai to her little prank) and waited for developments to happen....






  3. Deanne frowned when the girl opened her eyes without the glow of Saidar around her, and her expression darkened further as Evanen spoke.


    "Well you can't have done! You should be holding Saidar now." she sighed in exasperation, her earlier feeling that she was enjoying herself was rapidly evaporating.  "Try again! Become the rosebud, feel the petals opening, draw down the sunlight and embrace Saidar. It's easy!"


    She gestured impatiently to Evanen to try again. "Go on, you're not going to get anywhere if you just stare at me!"



    Patience? What's that?

  4. I hate the rambling, what I call "self" posts that concentrate on the character's inner thoughts and feelings but doesn't allow anyone else to interact with them. It's fine if you're doing a solo RP but when you're meant to be RP'ing with someone it's hard to respond to someone that's sat there internalising/analysing all their thoughts and feelings grr!


    I love witty banter in RP's and slightly kooky off-centre type characters. :P

  5. Deanne frowned. How could one possibly Channel without surrendering to embrace Saidar?


    "you must have done something like that to have been able to Channel. I'll teach you the method I was taught. It works best if you are comfortable. Stand up, sit down - whatever makes you comfortable and pay attention." She waited somewhat patiently for Evanen to sort herself out and then began.


    "Begin by closing your eyes and breathing evenly" Deanne waited for Evanen to comply and continued in a softer voice  (truly if anyone could have seen her then, they'd have had to go for a lay down! She looked and sounded totally different to the spoiled brat she usually was) "When your breathing is even and steady, imagine a rosebud in your mind. Visualise every petal, see all the contours and curves of the bud. When you've got that in your mind, become the rosebud. Visualise yourself opening up to the sunlight and drawing it down into yourself."


    She waited patiently for Evanen to follow her instructions and watched carefully for the tell-tale glow around her. Deanne was feeling quite excited that she may be able to actually teach someone to Channel and she was surprised to find that she was actually beginning to enjoy herself.


  6. Edalia chuckled as he shook her hand. "You're quite the gentleman!"


    She straightened her face and replied to his question with a mock-indignant tone, "It's not like we make a regular habit of this, Sylos. Besides how else are we to establish who and what is villainous without visiting such dens of iniquity?" she grinned and raised an enquiring eyebrow. "And, of course, that also raises the question of what you're doing here!"  She grinned again and sipped at her ale.



  7. Aislyn allowed herself to be ushered out of the room and listened intently to Winifred's explanation, her expression neutral as Winifred spoke.



    "I see." Aislyn said hesitantly. "Although I think that wasn't the best thing to tell him, I think you did well to get him here." she smiled at Winifred to take any sting out of her words. If Winnie said it had been difficult then it would have been almost nigh impossible for anyone else. "Yes, the question is, what to do with him now?" She paused in thought. "I think we'd best take it slowly - if we break the news that the cure does not exist to him now it'll likely send him mad." she nodded as she thought on what to do.  "We'll tell him that the "cure" is a on-going process and not an instant fix. That'll give him, and us, time to adjust and figure things out."


    Once she'd decided on a plan she wasted no time in returning to Zippo.


    "Sorry about that, Zippo, Winifred was just filling me in on your journey." She sat back down opposite him. "I have some news to impart to you that you may not like. The cure isn't an instantaneous thing, I'm sorry to say. It is a long process and will take a considerable time, during which you'll remain in my care. Will that be acceptable to you?" She watched Zippo carefully for his response. How he reacted now would likely dictate how easy it would be to get him to understand his condition. 

  8. Raslyn's eyes almost bulged before she caught herself and regained her composure. Oh Light! Zarinen really did mean to allow the Reds to bond the Asha'man and now allow them to be bonded. And if that weren't enough to make any decent person sick up, it would seem that Mother had agreed! Right then Raslyn would have dearly loved the floor to open up and swallow her. She just knew that she would get a lot of complaints from the Reds for this and although Zarinen was Head of the Ajah, it seemed that she, Raslyn, was the one that would have to dictate the terms - unfortunately these things had a way of getting out.


    Suppressing a sigh and a very real urge to sick up, Raslyn spoke calmly. She'd be damned if she let those youngsters dictate events!


    "Very well. We will allow those who wish to be bonded to your Asha'man. But!..." she held up a warning finger "ONLY those that accept will be bonded. We will not tolerate forced bonds. Understood?"



    Keeper of the Chronicles

    Wishing she were anywhere else but here....

  9. Raslyn stood to one side of the Amyrlin Seat watching all that went on, her analytical mind absorbing and examining all the conversations taking place and storing the information for further study.

    After all the parties had said their pieces, Raslyn looked to Mother for instruction. They shared a long look and Raslyn knew what she had to do. 


    Drawing herself up and adjusting her stole on her shoulders, she faced the Asha'men with a stern countenance, "Gentlemen, I can offer one thing to help seal this arrangement. The Red Ajah can and must change their attitude towards men that can Channel. In short, gentlemen, the Red Ajah will agree to.." she paused and stole a quick glance at Mother before continuing.. "bond your Asha'men."


    She heard a tiny gasp from somewhere to the side of her but kept her eyes on Covai and Arath. "Well, what do you say?" she asked firmly. They would not know how she really felt about the prospect, they would not!


    Raslyn Altearin

    Keeper of the Chronicles

    Nervous as hell!

  10. Well, if I'm lucky I'll get three days off this xmas - xmas eve, xmas day and boxing day. We usually visit my family on xmas eve or boxing day and go to the BF's family on the day itself.


    I've already sent some pressies and cards out, and I've got a good majority of my family's presents already, and any I haven't yet got, I at least know what to get. Too many years I've spent trawling the shops in increasing levels of desperation looking for anything that might be suitable :P


    I'll post pictures of last years decorations when I can find them :) and I'll post pictures of this years decorations too - once they're up :)

  11. Edalia giggled as she went to fetch the pitcher from the bar, this was looking to be a fun night, even if it was just going to be the two of them. She'd thanked the barmaid, grabbed the pitcher and turned back towards their table, before she noticed another Child sat at the table.


    Grinning she turned back to the barmaid and requested an extra pitcher before setting off to the table with an extra mug. Placing the pitcher on the table, being very careful not to spill any, Edalia greeted the newcomer.


    "Next round is yours!" She grinned and held out her hand, "don't think we've been introduced, I'm Edalia - bottoms up!"


    She drained her mug and started to refill it, before winking at Zoe. "Don't worry I've ordered an extra pitcher"

  12. Edalia walked in and scanned the room for any familiar faces. Spotting Zoe, she approached the table and grinned as she saw Zoe wink at a gentleman sitting at the next table. Taking a seat opposite her Edalia spoke with amusement "Looks like you're set for drinks tonight then! So who else is coming, do you know?" 


    Edalia waved at the barmaid as she spoke and then ordered a pitcher of Ale. She couldn't drink much wine without it feeling like a Smithy had set up in her skull the next morning so she thought she'd best stick to ale, at least she can drink a fair bit of that before feeling the effects.



    Preparing to let her hair down

  13. Aislyn waited at the door of the infirmary for the newcomer and Winifred. She'd already got the hot water ready and waiting. The sending from the Wolves had been quite strong. Normally they never minded how the "two legs" smelled but they seemed to object to this particular newcomer.


    Aislyn caught a whiff on the breeze and grimaced, they weren't wrong! Soon the familiar figure of Winifred came into view with a young man trudging alongside her. His posture seemed to indicate eagerness and Aislyn heard a laugh as they approached. She relaxed a little. It'd been a long time since someone had arrived eager to embrace the new side to them and Aislyn found she was looking forward not to have to walk another new person through the process.


    "Welcome to the Stedding" She called as they got closer. "Come inside and sit for a while, the food is almost ready"


    She ushered them through to the sitting room and indicated that they should sit, she tried not to wrinkle her nose too much as she sat opposite the new arrival.


    "My name is Aislyn and I'm a Sage here... a Wisdom or a Healer some would call me."she sat back as one of the trainees brought a steaming tray of food with bread fresh from the oven, followed by a steaming pot of tea. "Help yourself, I bet you're hungry, and then we can begin introducing you to the Stedding." She smiled warmly.



    Has no idea...

  14. Aislyn smiled and spoke gently. "Thank you for the compliment. I try and bake whenever I can, i find it relaxing. As to what's being happening to you, I won't go into too much detail now, you need rest and sustenance more than knowledge at the moment unless I mistake it." She paused wondering where to begin. She never found it easy to explain, and she'd seen all kinds of reactions from outright denial to shock and anger, to awe and acceptance. No two had been the same.


    She took a deep breath and began. "You have been experiencing what we call the Howling. You may have found that your eyesight is sharper, that you can smell more than most and certainly hear things others cannot." She paused and studied the girl in front of her. "Some people begin to have dreams, vivid dreams of Wolves and hunting. Has any of these happened to you yet?" She spoke gently, keeping her voice calm and unhurried, "Don't worry if they have, you are safe here and are amongst people who have been through the same as you, you're not alone".



    Explaining things

  15. Another look was shared between Lorelai and Aislyn. At this rate, Aislyn thought wryly, Lorelai and I will be developing our own silent look dictionary!


    Aislyn's eyes followed the new girl as she hovered by the stew pot. "Has Hunter come here with you? Would she like something to eat too?" Aislyn asked, sure that Winifred hadn't mentioned someone else with this new arrival...Her eyes widened as she finally understood, or at least thought she understood.


    "Is Hunter in your head?" She asked gently.



    Understanding finally dawning

  16. Again Aislyn was forced to exchange puzzled looks with Lorelai. This girl was an enigma to be sure. There was something not right about her, yet Aislyn found it hard to put her finger on what exactly it was. Winifred had mentioned "other identities" but Aislyn had yet to see what she meant.


    She watched as the girl went over to the stew and started to fish out the beef. "Who is Hunter?" Aislyn asked curiously. She was beginning to understand the reason why Winifred had suggested that Lorelai be here.



    Curious and confused

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