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Laica Sedai

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News item Comments posted by Laica Sedai

  1. I thought it was mentioned somewhere in the books that every AS can sense shadowspawn though I can't remember where. I'm halfway through my re-read now so maybe I'll find out soon :) But maybe you're right and it's a Talent! But in that case it would be weird that Moiraine (or another AS) never said or thought that. 


    @Vicious Circle I believe it was stated somewhere that only the warders get the "sense" of shadowspawn from the bond, as well as their increased strenght and such. 

  2. Doesn't the sensitivity for shadowspawn grow on you in time when you work more and more with the OP? I'm not 100% sure but when Egwene and co travel with Moiraine they don't feel any shadowspawn when Moiraine does (or seems to feel) while Egwene already touched the OP and Nynaeve did for sure (but maybe she can't feel shadowspawn because of her block). 


    I still believe that Rand was taveren after being born. He was born in the middle of a snow storm. How could Tam have found him before he froze to death? The on conclusion is that Rand was taveren at the time.


    This is what I meant with my question about being dragon but not ta'veren yet. However, it's not the only conclusion IMO, but it is (at least for me) the most logical conclusion. If he weren't ta'veren but the Pattern made Tam go to Dragonmount to find Rand, wouldn't that make Rand ta'veren (because the Pattern bends around him, so to speak. Maybe im saying this wrong but I'm not an English speaker)?



    As for myrddraal and chaneling, one must have an active connection to the OP in order to access th TP. The DO can not grant it to someone who can not already channel.


    That's a good point, Suttree.  But what about the Nym?  They don't channel, yet they control the weaves when Seed Singing.  Perhaps Myrddraal are the same?  They don't actually reach for and embrace the True Power, but they can use existing weaves to manipulate themselves and the area around them.



    Maybe I'm not understanding what you are actually saying, but are you saying that Myrddraal maybe use True Power standing flows?

    Wouldn't that make that Nym use standing flows when Seed singing? Or make the singing Ogier and Aiel make/direct standing flows with their growing song? 

  4. But how is it possible that if Rand weren't a ta'veren from birth, the Aes Sedai from New Spring (Gitara?) had the fortelling of the Dragon been born? Or isn't the Dragon ta'veren from nature and only becomes ta'veren when he doesn't do what the Pattern needs him to do? Or can you be born ta'veren but only "become" ta'veren when you're of appropriate age?


    I don't know if these questions can be answered, but this weeks' WoT if? defenitly raises more questions than answers :) Good job Masiara! :)


    And I really like your theory about the raven been controlled by a Myrddraal with the TP! That would defenitly answer why the Trolloks were so badly organised :)

  5. I really like the idea of Tam being a Hero of the Horn (He certainly deserves it), but this theory is almost alone based on Egwene at age 9 thinking he was telling the story like he was there. But how reliable are the thoughts of a 9 year old child? Even though it is written by the Master of foreshadowing, RJ?


    One thing occured to me though, while reading Ravens; why does the DO send a lot of ravens to Two Rivers and waits then 6 years or something before he sends a DF there to check? That is something I would like to know :) 

  6. I loved it! It's a shame that the cape of the Myrddraal moved in the wind, ( ;-) ) but I love the way he looks. Like a human, but at the same time not human-like.

    Something I liked: I never thought they would be able to do the channeling believable (at least for the readers) but I really like how they did it and it is close to what I thought it would be!  


    Please complete the series! :)

  7. Another great WoT if... Mashiara! I like how you can make such a theory from like 3 lines in the books :)


    I like your theory that the Aes Sedai made them, through pools of the Power, but it doesn't seem logical to me. Why would all those streams come loose from the pools and just "fly around" to find an angreal? And to make one pool to last a longer time must take so much power that the channelers are 'useless' afterwards. It just doesn't seem logical to me.


    I like shift's idea of the Avendesora-trees, it would explain a lot! Like why Aiel clan-chiefs and the (non-)channeling Wise Ones can use the ter'angreal and why the AoL Aes Sedai did so much effort to save the Avendesora. If it were only for the soothing effect, I think they had other priorities. I think I'll go with that theory :)

  8. Wow! I really like this one :) I think you are right about Nakomi being the Patterns avatar, but still... If the Pattern fixes those two things to save itself, why didn't it do something to undo or reduce the effects of balefire? The balefire in the Last Battle almost destroyed the Pattern. Just because of this I'm not so sure about Nakomi being the avatar of the Pattern, but it is  still the best theory I've seen so far :) 


    I hope Nakomi will be explained in the Encyclopedia but I don't think they will include her. :(

  9. What if the Broken Wolf is Slayer? He dies at the Black Tower battle and somehow Lan and Rand discover he was composed of their relatives, which brings them fear and sorrow.


    I like that suggestion, but how can Slayer be the Broken Wolf? He's never been a wolf. It is far more likely that Perrin or Hopper is the Broken Wolf. I don't think Perrin is the Broken Wolf, because he has to be the Fallen Blacksmith. That makes Hopper the Broken Wolf. But how can his destruction bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men? I hope it will be explained in the last book...

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