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Posts posted by michellem

  1. Edena gave the girl a flat look. "Of course I'm going to be an Aes Sedai. Halena Seidai who tested me, said I had more than enough potential to be an Aes Sedai, I might be one of the strongest in decades". Actually, Halena Sedai had said nothing of the sort, but Edena was jealous of this girl, this common, uncouth, filthy, unworthy girl, who was actually traveling with an Aes Sedai, and wanted the upper hand back. "I do hope I can reach Tar Valon early tomorrow, I need to stop by an inn to use their washroom and get my hair done before I can present myself to the Mistress of Novices." She sniffed. "Imagine me walking in there covered in travel-dust, with my hair undone, looking like som common vagabond. Not gonna happen! Now, I am tired, and since it doesn't seem like this Aes Sedai of yours is coming back anytime soon, I will bed down. Wake me at first light." With that, she unrolled the blankets she's brought with her, arranging them as comfortable as she could, and lay down with her hood pulled up to shield her face. She did hate sleeping where someone could see it. Made her feel vunrable, a feeling Edena wasn't used too.

  2. Edena stifled a sigh. She wasn't sure if a gang of bandits might have been preferable to this peasant girl with mud on her skirts. But she'd have to pretend to be polite at least; only now that she felt the heat from the fire did she realize how cold she was, and hunger was beginning to gnaw in her belly. "I am Lady Edena of the house Rhoswan. I am traveling to Tar Valon, and did the mistake of believing an ignorant lout in the last village who said I'd be able to reach it before nightfall. As you see, I didn't." She glanced towards the fire and arched an eyebrow. "Do you have anything to make tea with? I have water and leaves, but no kettle. I could need some warm tea. Preferably some spiced wine, but...", she did sigh this time "no chance for that I guess." She turned away from Valeria, to hitch and unsaddle her mare, muttering under her breath about having to do such work herself. When she turned back, Valeria had gotten out a kettle and started brewing tea. Edena sat down, using her saddle as a stool, and started brushing out her skirts. "I hate traveling. No, that's not true; I love travelling, when it's by ship or coach. But this riding around alone... I don't know what got into me, traveling like that. Only peasants and commoners and soldiers do that", she wrinkled her nose unconsiously,"not nobles or proper people. Oh, the travels I used to have with my aunt..." She blabbered away, never noticing that the girl tried to get a word in edgewise, she'd almost forgotten the girl was there. Only when she was handed a cup of tea did she remember that she was in fact not alone. The girl was still darting glances out into the forest and looking nervous. Edena bit her lip thoughtfully. Maybe she should try to be a bit courteous and talk with the girl, not to her. Not that she really cared, but it was the polite thing to do after all. "So... Why are you here alone, anyway?"

  3. "Blood and ashes!" Edena immediately regretted her outburst; her voice sounded very high in the dark woods. She looked around carefully, then continued mumbling under her breath. "If I ever get ahold of that man, I'll birch him until he has no skin left! The lying bastard!" In the last village she had passed trough, she's asked a local how long it would take her to reach Tar Valon. He said she'd be able to reach it before nightfall. But nightfall had come and gone, and Edena was trapped in these dark woods. This is what I get for traveling alone, she thought.

    And a long and tough journey it had been. After meeting an Aes Sedai and being told she could channel, Edena hasn't waited even an hour to start packing, and she'd been on the road within a day. Her aunt Lady Amarie had been beside herself; a young noblewoman traveling alone, it was unheard of! But as always, Edena had been able to talk her around. It hadn't taken her long to regret her choice. There was a lot of people who thought her an easy prey. She'd been forced to travel with merchants parties for a lot of the way. It had ment taking the long way around, and going slower than she liked. But it was that, or having cutpurses or worse trailing after her whereever she went.

    Her horse, a fine, gray-spotted mare called Silver, was rolling her eyes and stepping reluctantly. The horse was no more used to being in the woods after dark than Edena was. The wind was cold, and cut straight trough her velvet cloak. She probably should have bought a warmer cloak, but she'd been so hurried in her packing that she hadn't considered it. And this cloak of deep green, almost black velvet, was one of her favourites. She remembered when she'd bought it; that was in Arad Doman, and at the same time she'd also bought that lovely pearl-grey silk riding dress...

    She managed to distract herself with thoughts of clothes for a very long time, until she realized that she had to make a plan. She couldn't continue riding here in the forest trough the whole night. Just as she felt the first cold of despair spreading trough her body, she saw a flicker of light further ahead in the forest. It looked like it might be a fire. She cautiously rode closer. It could be bandits hiding in the forest, after all. An opening in the trees allowed her to see the fire and the campsite around without being seen herself. She breathed a sigh of relief. The only person by the campfire was a lone girl, around Edenas age. She had curious hair; mostly brown, with a white stripe. And she looked scared, peering around her into the forest with every little sound. Edena had already forgotten that she'd just been as scared; seeing somebody else being uncomfortable in the forest gave her a feeling of superiority. Especially since the girl was dressed in farmers-clothing, and dirty and ragged at that.

    She got down from Silver and led the mare by the reins. The girl jumped up when they came closer. "I am a fellow traveler, weary and alone, and I would share your campsite with you", Edena declared. It really irked her to have to ask a commoner like this, but she didn't really have a choice. The girl was just staring at her. "Well?! Yes or no, get it out, I don't have all night here!"

  4. ToM, A terrible feeling:


    "Because we were friends", Aliiandre said. "After all we went trough together, it turns out she's Morgase Trakand. Not just a Queen - the Queen. The woman's a legend. And she was here, with us, serving us tea. Poorly!"

    "You have to admit", Faile said thoughtfully, "she did get better with the tea."

  5. Please, guys (that goes for everyone), try to keep this civil. I think this discussion is great and I would hate for it to end up in flaming and bashing. There is no need for anyone to defend Egwene's character to me or anyone; this is a thread to discuss why she is a hated character, in a civil way. I am here to learn and understand, not watch a flamewar. Thank you! :)

  6. Wow guys, this is great! I understand much more now. Fine, I don't get the intensity of the hate, but I can see why people don't like her. Me, I tend to focus on the best sides in everyone, so I usually miss a lot of why people don't like characters, unless they are ment to be hated. The eternal optimist I am!


    I have never really thought of Egwene as Rand's opposite, but d'uh, when you said it, it became screamingly obvious! I feel stupid now :P

  7. BrainFireBob: I def see your point, and I agree with most, but I guess I just don't understand how it has become such a huge thing. Personally I feel like there is other characters with bigger flaws that are worse, but it seems like it is Egwene everyone has decided to hate on a massive scale.


    I am not trying to take a stance on either side, I am just curious about the phenomenom. For me personally Im quite neutral to her; never felt much one way or the other.

  8. I have to say, Im baffled. I was not at all aware of the Eg-hate before I started lurking around in fandoms a couple of months ago. No, I haven't read the "I hate Egwene, she sucks!", because I was hoping maybe someone could explain without all the flaming and hating ('cause that just annoys me).


    Most of the other characters people hate, I can see why, but I cannot fathom Egwene. She's a bit obnoxius when she's with the Aiel, and I don't agree with how she treats Gawyn in the latest books, but elsewise... Explain please?

  9. Im not gonna quote it all, but the whole part when Mat is in the Tower after being Healed from the dagger. I still giggle trough it. I think it might be extra funny because it is the first time we're in Mat's head. But the whole thing with him eating and eating while thinking and not realizing that he's eaten so much until he's done :biggrin:

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