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News item Comments posted by BNICK1026

  1. What if the Nim's barrow soul is someone who have to give themselves up to create the Nims. Like Aes Sedai who were nearing the end of their lives and wanting to do the greater good. Give themselves over to the process of becoming a Nim. This could also lead to how they have some simplified use of the One Power.

  2. Perrin could have 'known death' due to, if I remember right, most of his family being killed. He's lost a great portion of his family back before the return to Two Rivers.


    I also thought Fain was the one to have the prophecy written on the wall in Fal Dara. Since thats when he stole the Horn/dagger, and had the most motive at the time to draw Rand out. Didn't it say something about Waiting for you in Falme or Almoth Plains but he scrubbed that part off?

  3. Thanks Jason,


    That was a great read, and I thought the letter to RJ an incredible idea. I have written to a friend that has passed before, and this felt right. I know my wife would never understand if I tried to explain how anxious I am to read this last book, or how sad it will make me to know it is all coming to an end. I've been reading this series longer than I have had most of my friends.

    I know more about Perrin, Rand and Mat, than I do most of them (sad to say, lol). Sharing my love for the WoT with as many of these friends as possible. 3 of us would read through the series together and go sit at our local diner and discuss all the "if this happens.." moments, and try to guess at what we though was going to happen.


    I've read the books so many times that my covers are worn and some books even bear some tap holding them together. At some point I am sure they'll need replacing, but it will be a hard parting to let those old tomes go.

    I now have a 6yo daughter and 2yo son, and I look forward to a time that I can let them read TEotW for the first time. I'll be the dad with bedtime stories about Trollocs and Fades and Forsaken and the Two Rivers kids finding their way.


    I've gone on much longer than I intend, sorry. The idea of the final book being so near has me in a odd emotional/excited state.


    I'm new to Dragonmount, but I am glad I have a place where most, if not all, of you understand.




  4. With Fain being a 'Unique' to this age. Perhaps he will allow for the perfect seal to the prison. Perhaps, even just Fain's pressence in Shayol Ghul is enough to counter act a lot of the DOs influence. He clearly has no fear of the creatures in the Blight. ( Killing the Worms because it had to be done right). Whatever kind of evil he got into, he could very well just be the difference maker by being. Aridhol consumed itself back in the day, couldn't he have the same sort of result in the blight? Thus weakening everything for Rand to put on a show. Fain could always decide to assist with the DO getting killed/reimprisoned, and realize he can kill Rand later, at his will.

  5. What if the 13x13 method effect is a temporary thing? they only mention the hollow stare/smile with the 2 newest people we are aware of, so maybe there is like a 'reboot' period where the person really is just a husk of a person as they learn to be evil and become their new selves.


    IF that were the case then Taim could have been turned by the AS that freed him, and his time missing before Rands declaration would have given him time to descover his new self.

  6. I have never donated to anything for REE. I've read a lot about them, and I truly believe REE to just be a scam artirst that found a niche to milk. We ALL want so much more from out beloved WoT that we get blinded by the things we see. We know it could be a great movie(s). The games COULD be phenomenal, but the game will not be an app AND be what WE want. If REE needs 450k donated to help on Kickstarter then they clearly are just sitting back and playing Modern Warfare 3 on us.


    How has NOTHING been completed? How can you love WoT and not be able to 'Sell' it to someone else to develope. Put tEotW in their hands. Heck, I'd be more willing to buy copies of the books to give out to companies to read and inspire a movie or REAL game than I would be to shell out any money to REE for an app...

  7. I don't know. I have thought Rand's hardness was due to him believing he had to be steel so that he had no weaknesses for his enemies to attack. Which is a very real reaction people have when in situations where you are paranoid your enemies will only try to attack you at your weakest points (loved ones). Like when Semirhage was forcing him to strangle Min. He states he thought he was steeled enough but he had to become Cuellendar (spelling) at that point. Which in turn was pushing him closer to a point he would be more vulnerable to turning evil.


    I do really like the idea that his insanity created LTT to protect his mind. Creating LTT in his head to grant him the information he was going to learn.

  8. You could also explain the Damane not being able to sense the Sul'dam because they don't have access to the power themselves. My example would be Nynave prior to her block getting removed. When she wasn't angry and had no access to the OP she couldn't see someone holding the power nor the flows. So, perhaps when the Damane aren't linked they dont have that ability either.



    As far as the Seachan using technology instead of traveling... Perhaps something that comes from all of this is that there are no more damane and the Seachan are quick to adapt to their losses (TGS there are references about them being incredibly fast at adaptation in warfare). SO this could explain why....


    On another side. Mat is their Prince and dislikes the OP and its users, and is already shown to be finding alternate methods to maintain destruction in combat with out use of the OP (Cannons/Grenades), so it would make sense that Mat would eventually govern a nation that did not include enslaved Damane because they are basically irrelevant to his tactics.

  9. I get where you are coming from. I know there are quite a few references for this. I also took the Aelfinn to possibly mean he would have to submit to Lews and let him take over in a sense so he would have the knowledge of the Age of Legends. To kind of cease being just Rand and in turn be Lews/Rand.


    Although I will say that since the link with Moridin, I have been of the belief that Moridin dying could fill that role of having to die since they have some, yet to be understood link.

  10. This is off subject a little but I saw the mention of Gaidal by another commenter and I just wanted to throw my thoughts in on that. Because Brigett was tossed into the world, ahead of Gaidal. Opposit of their normal story line. I always kind of thought Olver would be his reincarnate this time since they make reference to him being a homely kid and Bridget always saying Gaidal was never considered handsome by traditional standards. It really doesn't do anything for the main story but I always thought it would lead to her being his senior in this cycle.

  11. I had assumed Rand gained the use of TP through the linkage he has with Moridin. As Moridin is granted use of the true power, and if he and Rand are "One" then that would in turn allow Rand to have access as well. Or so I had rationed. Thus Rand would actually had not been granted use from the DO but had gained the ability only due to his odd connection with Moridin.

  12. I don't know. I kind of always had a feeling Nynave would turn to the Dark One. The anger and almost dislike for Aes Sedai in general, and I think if something were to happen to one of the "kids" from her village or Lan that she would turn and try to avenge them against the White Tower for not taking better care with them.


    Like say Rand or Perrin gets killed or if the Tower failed/failes to help assist Lan in the LB. So, I have had this ongoing belief that she would eventually turn.

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