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Posts posted by thom_merrilin

  1. When I started reading the series, 20 years ago I liked Egwene for the first few books. Then I go the feeling she thought she knew what was best for everyone. She certainly after she became Amyrilin thinks she knows what is best for the entire world. She is not even prepared to listen to Rand. No, she knows best. While she has has good teachers in Suian and the WO's, does she really think she knows better? After all Rand knows what LTT did wrong, and is now going to fix that. But, no Egwene has to stick her nose in and possibly mess it up.

    She has developed well, but has got slightly arrogant, however most of the characters show that, some in spades - Cadsuane, and early Nynaeve.

  2. To a large extent Perrin is selfish. All he cares about is Faile. He has basically said the world could die to free Faile. That makes him selfish, and dangerous. Would he sell out the side of Light to save Faile? Almost certainly. He doesn't want to lead even though people rely on him. It too him way too long, in terms of books to get where he is.

    The over use of him stating about blacksmith puzzles is aggravating. I think he does this because he can't/won't want to think about something, or uses it as an excuse for his actions.

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