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Nelal Hurcran

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Status Updates posted by Nelal Hurcran

  1. I liked a @YouTube video from @Totalbiscuit http://t.co/94x2jq8T Modding it - Part 1 - An Introduction to Trollo

  2. BTW, that last was refering to the "Live Angry Birds" sketch.

  3. Watcing the sweet little one while Mom, Dad and Tara go shopping. Also: using a borrowed iPod Touch. Is interesting...

  4. Watching the newer Grinch movie. It's different than the movie. More than commercial breaks have been added.

  5. It's all over but the shouting. And the ripping. And squeeling. And whailing, and nashing of teeth. Will go to bed eventually. Now, though: Bones. What? It's Christmasy. Isn't it?

  6. Just got the third power supply to go along with my MacBook. First time, their fault. This time, not so much.

  7. I liked a @YouTube video from @Totalbiscuit http://t.co/XHTQZKIz TotalBiscuit sings "Let it Snow" with a twist

  8. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/mXYbdFOx Chuck Woolery On Democracy

  9. I liked a @YouTube video from @davidwardfilm http://t.co/VP06YLk6 Doritos - Second is the Best -- Crash the Supe

  10. It has been precipitating here since yesterday morning. I am okay with this.

  11. Okay, that was actually entertaining. #sunnyinphillidelphia #VGAs

  12. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/LWGUpdc1 Phone Calls | David Mitchell's Soapbox

  13. I liked a @YouTube video from @deadworkers http://t.co/OoIBbovP Blockheads #1: A Minecraft Trivia Gameshow [Pilo

  14. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/9TSiaLaF The hypocrisy of animal rights activists

  15. I liked a @YouTube video from @deadworkers http://t.co/xlNwQAJq Minecraft - Nova Bombs in Slow Motion

  16. Just had an existential moment: a blue Jeep wrangler with a hard top and a winch just drove past. It it'd had Idaho plates, I would've had a heart attack.

  17. Want to know who my favorite musician is? @Nailhead. Want to know why? This: http://t.co/hrJ8TSUf

  18. Where were you when @BebopVox blew up the @MCMServerUpdate's spawn? I was right here: http://t.co/mhDembex

  19. I liked a @YouTube video from @squidlord http://t.co/Gb1F7NC1 Laugh Out Loud Improv Troupe @ KamiCon

  20. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/csFF2HCi the best dry humor kid comedian

  21. Hey @squidlord and @vasshon, @JesseCox is stealing your "See To It Fancy Lad" schtick on stream now: http://t.co/Z1wXxBVV

  22. .@glindsey212 That's actually not what I'm doing, although it is getting worked on. I'm getting them on the forums.

  23. RT @tordotcom: Hurray to @BrandonSandrson! The Way of Kings hits #7 on the NYTimes bestseller list!

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