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Posts posted by Kivam

  1. I mean, the site has every right to limit certain content, if if people violate that content then the site has every right to punish as it sees fit, so the fact that this is "wrong" I disagree with.


    But I would agree that is pretty harsh.




    how did those guys from JN even get here?








    No, actually. They were brought over by me, personally, because they are friends of mine who I play mafia with over at a NY Jets fan site, and damn good players, and I wanted to run a game with my friends from here - the ones who actually play mafia, rather than sitting around until the deadline then random lynching every game day - along with my JN buddies, 'cause I thought it would turn out well.


    Lo and behold, it did . . . great game to mod, and the players had fun. And some folks learned a bit, too.


    But hey, conspiracy theories are more fun, may as well go with those :rolleyes:

  2. Introduction

    This Code of Conduct ("CoC") is meant to supplement, not replace, general Dragonmount rules, and if situations arise that are not covered by the CoC but require moderator attention, the Admins will act as they believe necessary in the best interests of the site after consulting with the relevant staff and other Admins.


    The Dragonmount Staff

    1. The Dragonmount Staff consists of Admins, Club Leaders, and Moderators. We also enlist the assistance of other contributors and developers who are not necessarily considered Staff when it comes to making community decisions. 


    2. A full list of the DM staff can be found here


    Warning Point System

    1. Dragonmount employs a "3-strikes" warning system throughout the website. All registered members are subject to receiving  1 or more Warning Points if violations occur. Violation types include, or may be similar to:


    • Hate speech (flagrant) (3 points earned—automatic site ban)
    • Inappropriate Language (1 point earned)
    • Trolling (1 point earned)
    • Abusive Behavior (1 point earned)
    • Topic Bumping (aggressive) (1 point earned)
    • Inappropriate advertising (1 point)
    • Signature Violation (0 points earned—but email warning sent)


    2. You will receive an automated email if you are cited with a Warning Point.


    3. Warning Point Consequences - Most Warnings will result in the user receiving 1 Warning Point, which generally remain on your record for 180 days. 


    • 1 warning point:  the user has their content moderated for 2 days. Posts and comments during this timeframe requires moderator/admin approval to be seen by the community. 
    • 2 warning points:  the user has their content moderated for 30 days. Posts and comments during this timeframe requires moderator/admin approval to be seen by the community. 
    • 3 warning points: user is permanently banned from DM. 


    4. Banned - A user who is banned, either by receiving 3 or more Warning Points or other method determined by a Dragonmount Admin will not be able to post to the forums, clubs, news comments, or anywhere else on the website. Banned users will be removed from all clubs and not allowed to sign-in to the website any longer. 


    I. Violations of Conduct


    0. All Violations are determined by the Dragonmount Staff. We are open to fair discussion, but reserve the right to make all final decisions on the nature of a violation. 


    1. Hate SpeechDragonmount takes a strong stand against bigotry and discrimination in any form. Anyone found posting sexist, racist, homophobic or religious hate messages will be dealt with quickly and severely. Typically, violations of this nature will result in permanent ban from the website, as outlined above. 


    2. Inappropriate Language - Please refrain from using inappropriate language, especially in anger. As a guideline, only language found in the Wheel of Time books should be used. The DM Staff have the authority to use their judgement for concerns that arise in this area.


    3. Abusive Behavior - Dragonmount strives to provide a safe and friendly community for members to enjoy our shared love of The Wheel of Time and related works. A member may not harass, threaten, or otherwise bother another member, including moderators, Club Leaders, and Admins. 


    4. Trolling - Is the act of intentionally posting provocative or offensive messages on in order to get attention, cause trouble or upset someone. The DM Staff have the authority to use their judgement for concerns that arise in this area.


    5. Topic Bumping - It's OK to respectfully "bump" an older message thread if a reasonable amount of time has gone by and the thread has become static. Frequent bumping, or bumping a larger volume of topics will result in a Warning. 


    6. Inappropriate Advertising - There's a fine line between this and outright spamming.  If a well-meaning member posts more than one topic to advertise a website or pet project, a Warning will be issued.  The DM Staff will use its best judgement on what is spam and what is simply a well-meaning, but over-aggressive way of telling people about something outside of DM. If you have a website or project you want people to be aware of, please post a single thread in the Off-Topic forum. In some cases, posting a single thread on a Club forum may also be appropriate. When in doubt, please ask the relevant Club Leader or Moderator. 


    7. Signature Violation - Dragonmount has specific rules for creating signatures. If there's a violation, you will be asked to change it, but generally speaking, you will not receive a Warning Point. 




    II. Member Conduct


    1. Privacy. No member of Dragonmount should ever publish private correspondence, without the approval of ALL Parties involved in the exchange. This includes PMs, E-mails, and Instant Messages.


    2. Bullying. Bullying takes many forms and can be far more destructive than many people will realize. Some people will laugh off the most vicious comments; others may be driven nearly to suicide. The Staff reserve the right to remove any posts, avatars or sig pics that are deemed to fall into this category. As a general guideline – if you wouldn’t say what you’re about to post in real life, in a dark alley, to someone twice your size and better trained in fighting than you, don’t post it at all. See above for more information on this topic. 


    3. Personal Attacks (including on Private Boards). Personal attacks on other members are not tolerated, period. Club Leaders and their assistants are expected and obligated to deter any personal attacks made by one of their members. Failure to do so will result in 1 or more Warning Points being issued. See above for more information on this topic. 


    4. Account Information. The individual who registered for an account will be held responsible for all actions taken by the account. To avoid being accused of something you did not do, never give your account information to anyone.


    5. Off-site boards.


    (i) No Dragonmount member(s) may create an "off-site" which exists solely for the purpose of themselves and other Dragonmount members participating in Dragonmount related social interaction and/or private communication within a forum setting (either in an attempt to avoid information being viewed by Admins, or because they are dissatisfied with any aspect of Dragonmount's rules or members).
    Using Dragonmount as a place to recruit members to such forums is also prohibited. Any Group or subcategory that is found to have created a social off-site board expressly for Dragonmount-related communication will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
    (ii) The only authorized off site web spaces that are acceptable are: Club wiki's, and web pages
    detailing Club information or documentation.
    (iii) Advertising of independent (non-Dragonmount affiliated) sites is allowed on Dragonmount by placing ONE link and invitation on the General board. Members are also welcome to place a link in their personal signatures subject to signature size rules. Please contact webmaster@dragonmount.com for permission for any other advertising.


    6. Instructions by staff.


    (a) Ignoring instructions given by staff, or these rules is grounds for discipline, which will, for first offenses, typically take the form of a 30-day temp ban. However, if the nature of the conduct requires it, the discipline imposed may vary at the discretion of the Admins, up to and including a permanent ban even for a first offense. Should the conduct continue after the expiration of any temp ban or imposition of other discipline, or should the member require further discipline for other misconduct, the member will typically be permanently banned from the site. Again, however, the Admins have discretion to impose a lesser punishment should the situation warrant it.
    (b) If you believe Staff is wrong in an instruction they gave you, open a discussion with them about it via PM (
    not on-thread). If, after making an attempt to discuss the issue with the Staff member, you believe you are not being adequately heard, feel free to include the relevant supervisor (see below for information on the Staff hierarchy).
    In the interim, follow the Staffer's instructions even if you disagree with them.


    7. Account/Name changes. Members should only have 1 account on Dragonmount, unless given specific permission by the Admins. If a member decides to make another account, they must gain permission from the Admins, who will then either merge the accounts or delete the one the member no longer wishes to use.


    (a) Members who wish to change their display name, can do so in their Account Settings once every 120 days.

    They should notify their Club Leader about the name change for record keeping purposes.


    (b) If the member has an issue with changing their display name, please email help@dragonmount.com or PM @SinisterDeath/@Elder_Haman/ @Arie / @CaddySedai

    (c) It is considered good forum etiquette to display "Formerly [Prior Name]" in their personal text or prominently in their signature for 90 days following the change. If you are changing your display name for safety or privacy reasons, you can ignore this etiquette.


    (d) If you Have any Safety or Privacy concerns, please Email help@dragonmount.com or PM @SinisterDeath/@Elder_Haman/@Arie / @CaddySedai


    8. When a decision is made and it is not the decision a member wanted, they will accept it with good grace and move on. Continually badgering and haranguing about the decision will result in a warning. If the warning is ignored, the member may be subject to discipline, up to and including banning. 


    III. Conflict Resolution

    As Dragonmount is on the Internet, it is inevitable that drama will ensue. If internet drama happens to you, please follow the following procedures.


    1. Notify Staff of any Issues.


    (a) If a member has an issue with another member (and this includes issues with Dragonmount Staff members- if the dispute is based on anything other than the Staff member’s actions as Dragonmount Staff), please bring it to the attention of the relevant staff (Moderator/Club Leader/Admin) by PM. 
    (b) If a member has an issue with a Dragonmount Staff member’s actions as Dragonmount Staff (i.e. a problem with how a particular issue or situation was handled by the Staff member in their official capacity) please PM both the Staff member and the Staff member’s supervisor.


    2. Keep Disputes Private. Dragonmount strongly believes that issues between members, or between members and Staff, are best resolved in private, via PM and e-mail. Keeping issues private allows the parties involved to consider the problems and possible solutions without grandstanding or worrying about “losing face”, and avoiding public disputes is thus more conducive to reaching a resolution that works for all parties involved. DO NOT call out other members or Staff on-thread; doing so is in and of itself grounds for discipline.


    3. Speak Your Mind. Dragonmount will never discipline any member for telling Staff something Staff does not want to hear. That doesn’t mean that members have license to be ruder to Staff than they would be to other members. But it does mean that if you see a problem, you need to tell us about it, no matter what it is.


    4. Remember that Reasonable People Can Disagree. There are certain things that are black and white, of course: bigotry won’t be tolerated, favouritism is wrong, American football is better than soccer. But most disputes don’t fall within these realms of incontrovertible truth; more often, there are shades of grey, and reasonable people acting in good faith can and will take different positions even when looking at the same set of facts. As a general rule, people who come into a discussion of issues with this in mind tend to be able to find a mutually agreeable resolution much more often than people who don’t.



    TERMS OF SERVICE (A reminder of what you agreed to when you registered)


    Please review the Terms of Service available here.


    Copyright Policy:


    Digital Millennium Copyright Act


    It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. Our DMCA page describes the information that should be present in these notices, how to submit them, and how Dragonmount will respond to such notices.


    Regardless of whether we may be liable for such infringement under local country law or United States law, our response to these notices may include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity and/or terminating subscribers. If we remove or disable access in response to such a notice, we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the poster of the affected content so that they may make a counter notification.


    Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003), as such Fanfiction is not allowed on DM.

  3. I've decided this thread doesn't have enough of me in it, which is a crime in most states, and a shame.  (Though really, who cares about the other 49 when you live in beautiful sunny SoCal.)  Moving right along..


    Here's me about to go on a hike looking faux-pensive.




    My god, it's Mark Sanchez!



  4. Wishing I still had the biography of my old Fade on this forum or somewhere, I think it was on the old PSW forum.  He named Myyrth same as my forum name.  Gaston Waldgrave my DF pirate is on that wiki at least.


    Mainly i'm curious about why Trollocs can achieve a higher weapon skill than a Myrddraal (even if it is only by 1).  Is it simply a balance reason that has little to do with "actual randland" to counter a Myrddraal's supernatural abilities?


    A Myrddraal is naturally stronger and faster than a human.  Is it simply to preserve the 15-20 range of skill for more heroic individuals which would naturally preclude a stock bad guy like a Myrddraal from playing?


    Mostly just curious about why things are the way they are.  Since I totally want a badass thakan'dar blade wielding blademaster myrddraal.  Not that 15 is "inadequate" per say just wondering why the limitation?


    Does this help?  http://digitalglitch.org/drpsw/index.php?title=CotS_SS_Scores#Myrddraal  Seems to have Myyrth as a 6


    Haha Elgee, yeah... time for me to mother someone else - me!  And then the sprog, of course.


    You guys will hopefully be as pleased as us to know that the due date is 01/01/10.  Cookies to the person that gets <b>why</b> that date is awesome.


    Just name the kid "Tron" and be done with it  ;D

  6. Yeah

    But I do respect the differences in the separate cultures.


    Hmmm.  You suddenly philosophical spammers do know that D&D is that way, don't you?


    *hammers directional sign into lawn*


    *notices sign is hammered through DSage's foot*


    * Walks off towards D&D, whistling nonchalantly*

  7. All,


    Based on some recent feedback we've gotten, we are looking to expand our technology staff.  Basically, we'd like to create a pool of volunteers willing to help keep this place running smooth, and to help improve it.


    So, if you have experience and skill coding in or for HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, Wordpress, myBB (particularly how to develop plugins for either of those last two), Coppermine or myPHPFAQ and would like to donate some of your time to help out the 'mount, please e-mail matalina@gmail.com and let us know.  Obviously, if you have experience in all of these that's great, but even if you only have skills in one or two, let us know who you are and what you're good at.  And if you don't know some of these, but feel like you could learn one or two, let us know that as well.



  8. Hmm... You know I tried that but I dont seem to be able to post in the Illuminators ORG forum, even after signing up for it. It says something about "Only Moderators can create new posts".




    That's weird - if you can see the Artist's Chapter House, you can post there.  Even if not, non-Illuminators can (and do) post on the main org board.  I'd suggest trying again - and if its still an issue, email Cloglord

  9. The Illuminators' have been busy creating a new fantasy setting called Suras for the past few years, and we're currently in the process of refining it and focusing it with an eye to opening Suras up to RP (among other things) in the near future.  So I'm wondering if any of you writers and idea people would have an interest in helping us build our world - particularly since you guys will be the ones best able to tell us what RPers would need.  If so, swing by the Illuminators, check out the Suras Wiki, where we're starting to organize the information we already have, and join in.

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