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Posts posted by Alexander

  1. Haha, I do honestly think the Human race is that bad not inherintly, just by evolution, but then you get the people swallowed whole by society to a degree, they foolishly think they on the "right" side to a degree, I mean people dont evan know what evolution means, one day the world will go to s*** and these lambs will be lost.


    That sounded so theological the last part especially I am not however.


    *Dresses my pallet of chips with Reyler's balsamic paper chain*

  2. Over-consumption, it just serves to prove the natural curve our social evolution has taken, and that ultimately we will destroy ourselves, we truly are a overgrown virus'.


    So yeah a want society is suicidal in the long run, but who cares about the short term eh?. By human nature we cant change that sooo.

  3. Our society is based around the premise of wants not needs, easy to see why a majority of past times are a waste of time. The person who actually modernised this way of thinking, and home propaganda to a degree is sadly all but forgotten now.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcYBSXgtmKQ I reccomend watching if you want to waste time and learn something interesting in the process, this is in regards to how our society transformed to a degree, from a need to want institution.

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