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Leala Sedai

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Posts posted by Leala Sedai

  1. I always forget about those Accepted.


    I'm kidding.  ;)


    Anyways, I'm dropping by to say that I'm going to make a concerted effort to come back a little more actively.  This is what's going on.


    I got a full-time job about a month ago, and that wouldn't have been a problem, but it's in a prison, and I've never worked in a prison before.  It was a lot to get used to, and then they changed my shift a couple of weeks into it.  (I'm a booking clerk, if you were curious. :) )  Anyways, I'm getting used to EVERYTHING finally, and I'll be coming around more often now.


    The problem is, I'll be online at erratic times of day, because of my evening shift schedule.  If I'm not online, and you need me, just PM me.   :)

  2. March Report for the White Ajah



    1. Total: [6] Members, [6] characters



New: [0] Members, [0] characters



Active: [1] Members, [1] characters


    1. Leala Gymorraine – Leala Gymorraine- Last Active OOC: February 2014, IC: December 2013



Inactive: [2] Members, [2] characters


    1. Nyanna al’Meara – Thanelle Kelgwar (NSW). OOC: September 2013 IC: January 2012.

    2. poetstorm - Lissandra Trelaine. OOC: Feb 2013 IC:  September 2012



MiA: [3] Members, [3] characters


    1. Liitha - Sherrhiana Thymus (September 2010)

    2. perine - Carelia Noradien (May 2010)

    3. Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (October 2010)


    2) RP's done by Ajah characters during March




    1. Problems, ideas, etc


    There were no RPs done this month.  It was a stressful one for me.  I am thinking about making Leala a Sitter, though, and kind of refining some raising traditions, reading through the old posts for some ideas.

  3. March Report for Novices and Accepted



    1. Total: [15] Members, [15] characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


    New: [0] Members, [0] characters


    Active: [7] Members, [7] characters


    1. Hallia – Hallia Shessair (Novice) - Last Active March 2014

    2. Panchi - Pankhuri Xena (Novice) - Last Active March 2014

    3. Saphira Silvermoon - Nateera Raychon (Novice) - Last Active March 2014

    4. Sherper - Ellisha Falwein (Accepted) - Last Active February 2014

    5. Silver Neccho – Kastyana Amharadar (Novice) – Last Active February 2014

    6. Theodora - Theodora Thorinden (Novice) - Last Active January 2014

    7. Yahna - Venka Barashti (Novice) - Not yet active



Inactive: [8] Members, [8] characters


    1. Elaevia - Saelia Triana (Novice) - Last Active December 2013

    2. jozan - Liana Alore (Accepted) - Last Active September 2013

    3. Kenny - Venca Konora (Novice) – Last Active November 2013

    4. Maurelle - Erlene Hortencia (Novice) - Last Active July 2013

    5. NeverTame - Aislin Dalanar (Novice) - Last Active December 2013

    6. Taymist - Kiyisalle Chevra (Accepted) - Last Active May 2013

    7. The Bard Babe – Ceridwyn Taereth (Novice) - Last Active May 2013

    8. Tonnalea - Ariani Cairawyn (Novice) - Last Active August 2013



MiA : [3] Members, [3] characters


    1. Kaylynn – Kaylynn Tasil Saeed (Novice) – Last Active April 2012

    2. Nyanna al’Meara – Nyanna al’Dynn (Novice) - Last Active March 2013

    3. Otpelk Cainam – Sora Mantolias (Novice) – Last Active July 2011

    4. Tamerya- Duriya Olandrian (Novice) – Last Active July 2012



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during February


    1. Yellow Ajah Accepted Class


Hallia Shessair (Hallia), Desandra Casban (Kathleen)

    Desandra Sedai teaches Accepted Hallia about the traditions and purpose of the Yellow Ajah.


    1.  Anger management issues


    Ellisha Falwein (Sherper)

    Ellisha goes through situations, trying to find out how to control her temper.


    1.  Introduction to Saidar: Lesson Three


    Nateera Raychon (Saphira Silvermoon), Kastyana Amharadar (Silver Neccho)

    Nateera and Kastyana attend their first lesson on Saidar.


    1.  Why did I leave home?


    Pankhuri Xena (Panchi)

    Pankhuri contemplates the loneliness of life in the Tower.


    1. So much for a free day


    Hallia Shessair (Hallia)

    Hallia goes through the Three Arches and exits to claim her Great Serpent Ring!


    1. Learning Self Control


    Kira Tuvunenia (WolfbrotherKronos), Hallia Shessair (Hallia)

    Hallia helps Kira come to terms with her temper.


    1. Problems, ideas, etc

    Hallia has made it to Accepted, and is doing a great job going through her reqs.  Sherper has completed the Accepted quiz, and is waiting for the go-ahead to roleplay the Three Oaths.  This month was a little stressful for me, because I was going through the hiring process for a new job, but I’ll be officially sworn in on Monday, so that should definitely help. 

  4. *tacklesnuggles*


    If all goes according to plan, I'll have a full-time job soon, and will ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO GO TO JCON NEXT YEAR!  I'm so super excited!!


    In the meantime, it will mean being able to save up to have some fun times with you in August!  :D

  5. Laure hadn't bothered to count days since she had left home.  She wasn't even sure where she was going, what she was looking for, or why she had decided to leave at this point.  It was something about her father not being able to help with her problem...wasn't it?  She was reminded of this problem every day in different ways.  She spotted her golden eyes in the reflection of puddles, streams, lakes, whatever she passed.  She was reminded when she had a violent dream that made her feel like a wild dog.  She was reminded when the few people she did pass would act as if she wanted to harm them.  She was reminded when garbled images, feelings, or sensations would spring up in her mind.  She didn't know what would happen if she pursued that, and she wasn't about to try either.  


    About the only good thing that had come from this strange transformation was her senses were heightened.  She could hear someone hunting before they knew she was there, and could therefore avoid them.  She saw albeit slow-moving prey in the woods.  She wasn't a master hunter by any means, but she could at least see small game while it slept.  Even this advantage seemed to have a down side.  She had to stop herself from ripping into the uncooked flesh of the animals she caught.  Sometimes this rage blossomed when she felt threatened by a person, or if she was just frustrated.  The sudden bloodlust would frighten her, and she would sprint away.  


    She spent most of her time avoiding people, but sometimes, she needed supplies, and she'd have to venture out into civilization.  She avoided hunting parties, walked clear around villages sometimes.  If, by some strange coincidence, someone did see her, she could hear them talk to their friends like she was a ghost.  She couldn't talk to people like she could normally, she didn't dare talk to the wolves, or whatever it was in her mind, and she was alone.


    Maybe she was a ghost.


    Her father hadn't followed her when she left, but she sorely wished he had sometimes.  Maybe together they could have figured it out, found a solution.  "Well," she said aloud to herself, "'maybe's aren't going to help."  After long bouts without human contact, Laure's voice was the only one she heard most days.  "Someone else with golden eyes could, though."  Who else had golden eyes and all the strange symptoms she seemed to have?  What on under the Light was she anymore?


    She let out a heavy sigh as she flopped onto the ground behind her.  She closed her eyes and just breathed for a minute.  She heard a rustling and knew what was coming before she felt the tugging on her hair.  Opening her eyes, she saw the female wolf who had been following her lately.  The wolf let go of her hair and sat on her haunches.  "That's not what I meant."  She hadn't named the wolf, and couldn't make head nor tails of her attempted communications that she had tried to start, but Laure had the distinct feeling this wolf had a name.  She just couldn't figure it out yet.


    Even though this wolf was a mystery to her, with her brown and gray coat and eyes that wanted desperately to help somehow, she was glad for her company.  The she-wolf waited for her to sit up, then headed south again, but only for a few steps.  She stopped and turned her head toward Laure, waiting.  "That does sound preferable to sitting around feeling sorry for myself."  Standing up, she grabbed her pack and slung her cloak over her shoulder, following her enigmatic companion.

  6. February Report for the White Ajah



    1. Total: [6] Members, [6] characters



New: [0] Members, [0] characters



Active: [1] Members, [1] characters


    1. Leala Gymorraine – Leala Gymorraine- Last Active OOC: February 2014, IC: December 2013



Inactive: [2] Members, [2] characters


    1. Nyanna al’Meara – Thanelle Kelgwar (NSW). OOC: September 2013 IC: January 2012.

    2. poetstorm - Lissandra Trelaine. OOC: Feb 2013 IC:  September 2012



MiA: [3] Members, [3] characters


    1. Liitha - Sherrhiana Thymus (September 2010)

    2. perine - Carelia Noradien (May 2010)

    3. Taei - Tayva ni Ayvery t'Reyon (October 2010)


    2) RP's done by Ajah characters during February




    1. Problems, ideas, etc


    There were no RPs done this month, but I did get the outline for the White Ajah Class done!  :D

  7. February Report for Novices and Accepted



    1. Total: [16] Members, [16] characters (that would be Active + Inactive]


    New: [0] Members, [0] characters


    Active: [7] Members, [7] characters

    1. Elaevia - Saelia Triana (Novice) - Last Active December 2013

    2. NeverTame - Aislin Dalanar (Novice) - Last Active December 2013

    3. Saphira Silvermoon - Nateera Raychon (Novice) - Last Active February 2014

    4. Sherper - Ellisha Falwein (Accepted) - Last Active February 2014

    5. Silver Neccho – Kastyana Amharadar (Novice) – Last Active February 2014

    6. Theodora - Theodora Thorinden (Novice) - Last Active January 2014

    7. Yahna - Venka Barashti (Novice) - Not yet active



Inactive: [9] Members, [9] characters


    1. Hallia – Hallia Shessair (Novice) - Last Active August 2013

    2. jozan - Liana Alore (Accepted) - Last Active September 2013

    3. Kenny - Venca Konora (Novice) – Last Active November 2013

    4. Maurelle - Erlene Hortencia (Novice) - Last Active July 2013

    5. Nyanna al’Meara – Nyanna al’Dynn (Novice) - Last Active March 2013

    6. Panchi - Pankhuri Xena (Novice) - Last Active October 2013

    7. Taymist - Kiyisalle Chevra (Accepted) - Last Active May 2013

    8. The Bard Babe – Ceridwyn Taereth (Novice) - Last Active May 2013

    9. Tonnalea - Ariani Cairawyn (Novice) - Last Active August 2013



MiA : [3] Members, [3] characters


    1. Kaylynn – Kaylynn Tasil Saeed (Novice) – Last Active April 2012

    2. Otpelk Cainam – Sora Mantolias (Novice) – Last Active July 2011

    3. Tamerya- Duriya Olandrian (Novice) – Last Active July 2012



2) RP's done by Ajah characters during February


    1. Goodbye my old friend


Ellisha Falwein (Sherper), Alia Mariadoon (Kathleen), Valeri Sedai (Leala Gymorraine) 

    Ellisha struggles as she tries to save her friend Aril from the Black Ajah.


    1. Anger management issues


    Ellisha Falwein (Sherper)

    Ellisha goes through situations, trying to find out how to control her temper.


    1. Introduction to Saidar: Lesson One


    Nateera Raychon (Saphira Silvermoon), Kastyana Amharadar (Silver Neccho)

    Nateera and Kastyana attend their first lesson on Saidar.


    1. Introduction to Saidar: Lesson Two


    Nateera Raychon (Saphira Silvermoon)

    Nateera takes her second lesson in Saidar.


    1. Problems, ideas, etc

    Well, February was a slow but productive month.  Silver Neccho came back, and Sherper’s character Ellisha has finished the IC reqs for Accepted.  She’s ready to take the Accepted quiz!

  8. Here is the outline for the White Ajah class.  :)


    Post 1:  Introduction


    • Start the lesson off by asking everyone why they think the White Ajah is in the White Tower.  Make sure that they understand that you are not asking what the mission is.  In this assignment, there will be a challenge:  do not use the word "logic."
    • Once ideas are presented, explain why the White Ajah is there.  They are there for the progression of ideas, they keep their heads in crisis situations, they search for answers others would not.
    • Clear up some misconceptions.  The White Ajah does not strive to be cold and off-putting.  That is just the way they must be in order to find the truth they seek.  The Whites, much like every other Aes Sedai, are human and do have feelings.  Their Ajah color is not a reflection of the novice dresses or the White Tower.  It is symbolic for the pure truth and logic that they value so much.  The White Ajah values not only education, but intelligence, in order to make the world a brighter place.

    Homework:  Write a short essay (no minimum word count) on why they themselves, as Accepted, are in the White Tower.  As a challenge, they cannot say in any way that they are there to become Aes Sedai.


    Post 2:  Traditions


    • Bring to class a small sheet of white silk, and a small leather notebook.  Have the students pass around both items and decipher what it is that makes them special.  Mention somewhere in the narrative that the piece of white silk has the Flame of Tar Valon sewn into it, but it's not immediately visible, because the Flame isn't embroidered or painted on: the thread of the silk is facing a different way from the rest of the thread, and can only be seen at the right angle in the light.  The notebook has cryptic writing in it that seems mundane: it seems to be a dream journal, but it's actually code.
    • When someone figures out what's different about the silk, confirm that they are correct, but their answer is not complete.  There may be some guesses about the notebook, but keep guesses open for a moment.  If no one guesses correctly, or someone does guess, explain their purposes.  
    • Aes Sedai of the White Ajah are given the white silk upon entering the Ajah.  This is used to communicate with contacts and other sisters.  It can announce your presence to anyone from the White Tower if they care to look at it in the right light.  The notebook is another tradition.  Each notebook has a white Flame of Tar Valon on the inside of the back cover.  It is used to create and maintain a sister's code.  However, each sister has three of these, and two of them are not her code.  

    Homework:  None today.


    Post 3:  Philosophy


    • Explain what philosophy is in your own words.  Guidelines:  Philosophies are mental constructs that help guide us to the truth.
    • Give some of your own philosophies and how they have helped you out of different dilemmas.
    • Explain that there are all kinds of different philosophies for all kinds of different things.  Choose one subject (the Wheel, Saidar, something you can latch on to easily) and give your philosophy on that, and expand on it with examples.  Use symbollism, make it your own.  Philosophy is a broad subject, so the best way to handle it is to be as specific as possible.

    Homework:  Write out your philosophy on Saidar and its use.  As Accepted, they have worked with Saidar well enough that they should have formed their own opinions and philosophies.


    Post 4:  Truth


    • Truth is the end result of one's philosophy.  Explain this in a logical way:  Set up two clearly different (or opposing) philosophies, give a scenario, apply both philosophies, and see how the truth differs.
    • Apply this to the Ajahs.  (Ex:  Political leaders sometimes hire Aes Sedai as advisors.  Those who are concerned about their political standing normally hire Grays.  Those who are more concerned about the happiness of their citizens hire Blues.)  You can use any example you want.
    • To expand on this, talk in general terms about Portal Stone Worlds.  Each world, according to records, has a different outcome because of different circumstances.  The truth in each place is different from the truth that we know.

    Homework:  Write a scenario in which a decision that you made changed the outcome of events.  What would have happened if you had chosen differently?  Challenge:  Do not write about deciding to come to the White Tower.


    Post 5:  Logic and Strategy


    • Meet in the library in a room sectioned off from the actual library.
    • Start with something along these lines:  Why are we meeting in the library?  Information and logic often go hand in hand.  The more information we have about a particular situation, the more effective our actions brought about by logic will be.  Give a situation that applies to this line of thinking. Ex: evacuating a village because of an attack or a natural disaster.  Who do you lead out first?  It can't be healthy and capable adults, because it's likely that they can help locate and move elderlies or infants, they can help you organize their neighbors who would likely trust them over you as an Aes Sedai.  You use strategy to get people out in the most effective way possible.
    • Pass out history books where failures of strong leaders are marked.  Their assignment before they leave is to find holes in the logic of the leaders.  OOC:  Leaders may be made up for the sake of creativity, just as long as they didn't do anything significant.

    Homework:  Explain your findings, and explain how things would have ended up differently if the leaders had had more information about the situation.


    Post 6:  Human Element


    • Meet in the library again.
    • Ask your students what every single book out there has in common.  Try not to give it away in the narrative.  After sufficient guesses have been made, tell them that the common denominator is people.  Humans.  Authors.  Every piece of information that enters books, that enters minds, that enters trains of logic has passed through a person.
    • It's a common misconception that the White Ajah lacks feeling and empathy, that all they care about is logic.  Give examples of your own life (trying to avoid instances in the tests to become Accepted and Aes Sedai) that evoked emotions.  Try to give examples after you have attained the shawl.  The White Ajah is still made up of Servants of All.  Logic and philosophy must take into account feelings and individuality of human beings in order to serve all.
    • As an assignment: have students take every piece of homework they have written, hand it to another student, and have them write about their classmate.  What kind of person are they?  What will they contribute to the Tower?  Anything they can glean from their assignment adds to their view of their classmate.



  9. Probably.  The Barnes & Noble where I work actually tried to get them to come do an event there, but they said they have to go through the tv network or something.  Sometimes people on my Facebook post pictures of themselves in front of the Duck Commander building.  xD

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