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Posts posted by Songstress

  1. For shame, for shame!  It's been almost 3 days and nobody has initiated Adastreia into our official BT welcoming tradition...  the half-mad (but tainted and joyous) welcome thread!


    YOU FOUND US (and here we thought we were well hidden on The Farm :unsure: )  AND NOW WE WELCOME YOU!  


    And of course, we welcome you with brownies first and foremost...




    (Don't mind the chunks.  It's pure, concentrated tainted saidin of course... They're just there to get you used to the crazy.)


     Now please, tell us about you.   *pulls out the stalker notepad*


    When did you find the Wheel of Time?  How did you hear about Dragonmount?  Which Asha'man is your favorite?  Exactly how insane are you?


    And what exactly WOULD you do for a Klondike bar?

  2. 1 hour ago, Illian Tear said:

    Lol. Where I like if I drive for 5 hours any direction I'm still in Texas.


    Texas is stupid big.


    Most of the Western United States is stupid big compared to Europe - New England, that's another story. (Never been there, mind you, but I've stared at maps for a very long time.)

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