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News item Comments posted by MichaelOfTheWhite

  1. Thanks for describing how your theory about how saidin and saidar wouldn't be kept separate by Jordan ultimately failed.

    It reminds the reader about one of the main themes of the series, which is: division doesn't help, and unity includes everyone to create a tapestry, a complete whole. 


    He alludes to this in the forces of light and dark as well as male and female. 

    As a person who knows both my own light and darkness I could argue that the dual states don't really exist because I experience both day to day. And life is a mix of the two. Jordan intended the point to be made clear: that humans need both dark and light to be whole. He also argues that people need both male and female energy to be whole; to accomplish the biggest feats of power. 


    His vision was one of transmutation and togetherness, of bringing the whole to fruition instead of picking it apart in division. The forsaken represent the latter. They want to keep people's minds divided, focused on differences not similarities. 


    Readers are free to interpret the series as they wish but it'd be a shame if they overlook the existing themes of togetherness to focus on the divisiveness of exclusion. 


    I set my counter argument to you, writer: which is that the show should not try to shoehorn concessions to modern fashion in this theme, but rather doubles down on carrying the message of inclusivity no matter the current circumstances of our world. The wheel weaves as it wills, not as I will it to


    Nynaeve isn't an aberration because she's strong, nor is she not feminine, nor is she stereotypically male. She's just an individual with enough power and self awareness to be herself, and her motive is to help others. That motive makes her a productive member of society and of use to the wheel, regardless of her sexuality, gender etc. 


    The wheel weaves a universe and populates it with diversity to tell a story. I can't agree that the show should tackle stereotyoes using its own voice because RJ had already done so, and I'd prefer the show to authentically convey his ideas of unity instead of trying to concede to fashion. 

  2. Moridin is obviously a double agent, he knows that in order to win the game and capture/kill the Fisher he has to play both sides or risk a war of attrition that reduces his chances of success. That's why he's ruling the black tower, masquerading as Taim, and yet still helps or hinders Rand as he sees fit.

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