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Eladari Menaka

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Posts posted by Eladari Menaka

  1. Thank you!  I exactly needed some one to step up and order me around. *g*  I laughed out loud when I read your idea of being reprimanded.  Yikes!


    I could also be interested in an Ashaman bonding... let me know if more develops around this one.






  2. Eladari grimaced slightly with Nenen's reaction to her rooms.  She knew she could have had a regular cleaning arranged for them, but she felt it better to leave them alone for her absence, not sure of who would be coming and going within them.


    She followed Nenen back into her quarters.  "As you can see, I did cover the furniture to keep some of the dust off of it.  It will need uncovering, and the sheets washed and put away," she sniffed lightly, waving her hand to take in the room, "Of course there is lots of other dusting to be done as well."  She walked through the sitting room, stirring dust up in her riding skirts and paused in one of the doorways leading off from it.  Turning back to look at Nenen, she continued, "As I said though, it would be best if you could concentrate on getting my bed room cleaned first, and some new linens laid out in time for evening.  You should find fresh sheets in the chest at the foot of the bed.  Please give them an airing out.  Also, please unpack my clothing bags before you move on to cleaning other rooms in my quarters." 


    She smiled lightly, her brown eyes meeting Nenen's directly.  "I do not expect you to be done today, child, and would much prefer to see a good job done slowly than a poor one too quickly.  As long as I have a clean bed to sleep in and some fresh clothes for the morrow, I will be content with your work of today."


    Eladari walked back across the rooms to the door and the Accepted.  "Now, is that clear to you?  I will not be staying here to supervise," she added drily, "I am sure you are competent without me.  However, if you do have any questions you should find me somewhere within these Green Halls." 

  3. OOC: Thanks for volunteering Arani!  sorry I wasn't more on top of the reply.


    Eladari nodded as Larindha made her excuses and turned to go.  Her first impressions of the woman were certainly positive ones.  She seemed very efficient in her position and could certainly be seen to make novices scurry.  Eladari thought quickly back on her days as a novice, thinking of the little troubles she would get into with her room-mate Tanya.  Those days were a lot of work, and she would never forget the relief at finally having the Oaths settle into her. 


    Eladari's gaze cleared and her eyes shifted to the woman standing before her, wide-eyed and young.  Most woman appeared young in their plain white novice dresses, and seemed so easily intimidated in their infinite need to please.  She really wasn't at all sure how to put the other woman at ease, or if she should even bother trying.  She certainly didn't need any information from her, just a simple task. Oh dear, thought Eladari, I seem rather out of practice around here.


    "Well child," she finally addressed the woman, brushing her skirts down with her hands, "As Larindha Sedai said, I am Eladari Menaka, Sister of the Green Ajah. I have returned to the Tower after a significant absence and I would very much like to get resettled as easily as possible.  However I find that my rooms need setting to rights, a little bit of dusting and reorganizing, and of course my bags unpacked."  She paused, looking the other woman up and down thoroughly, then turned and started walking.  She knew she needn't glance back to know that Nenen was following, just a step behind.  "From what I gather of these novice halls," she continued, "organization and cleanliness are key, so I expect you have some practice in that.  When we arrive in my quarters you will find there are sheets on all my furniture.  I would appreciate if they be gone by the end of the day, and your priority today should be the linens.  I would certainly prefer to sleep in my own bed this evening, and not in a guest room of the Tower."  She glanced at the other woman to be sure she was understanding.  "Do you have any questions about your task?"



  4. As Eladari stepped into the Novice Quarters she at once noticed how wonderfully quiet it was in this part of the Tower.  She knew that by this hour of mid-morning most of the Novices should be deep in their studies, classes or chores.  She certainly hoped she could waylay one to help her!  She moved forward through the corridor and noticed another Sister approaching her.  The woman smiled, "Good day, sister. I’m Larindhra Reyne, Mistress of Novices. Is there any way I can help you?”


    Ah, thought Eladari, So this was the good mistress of these corridors.  Well Red she may be but Eladari could tell already that this woman had every Novice properly under her thumb.  There was not even a speck of dirt on the hallway tiles. 


    Eladari returned the smile, nodding her head slightly.  "Hello Sister Larindhra, my name is Eladari Menaka, of the Green Ajah.  I have of this morning returned to the Tower after a long absence and I find my rooms in a slight state of disarray.  I was hoping I might be able to waylay a Novice to clean them for me, and help me to unpack my things.  I expect I will need a girl available for a few days, at the least." 

  5. Hiya,


    I've just come back to the Tower and am building my return RP.  I would love to have a novice help clean up my rooms in the Green Quarters, which have been left unattended for a decade or so.  They need some dusting, perhaps a bit of reorganizing and redecorating. 


    Anyone willing????  The RP is here, (http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,41032.0.html)  and I have left it open for a Novice to respond....




  6. OOC: Thanks for the reply!


    Eladari closed the door softly behind the other woman, allowing herself a slight smirk and shake of her head.  So a Red was Mistress of Novices.  She had nearly forgotten the amount of intrigues this Tower could hold, the least of which might have been the forever intense dislike between the Green and Red sisters.  No love was ever lost between the two Ajahs.  She wondered what this might mean to the state of the novices introduced into the Tower under this Mistress.  Perhaps fewer of them were turning to the Greens.  Something to investigate at some point, if another Sister had not done so already. 


    Oh, it comes so easily thought Eladari to herself.  So few interactions with her sisters and already she was feeling herself being pulled back into the swirling current that was the intrigue in the Tower.  There was so much catching up, least of which was her rooms!  She supposed that she would have to find herself a Novice, seeing as there seemed to be no Accepted close to the Green Ajah.  She was certainly glad that it was yet early in the day, and that she had rested well the night before. 


    With one last look around her rooms, she headed out the door, skirts swirling around her ankles.  She saw no one as she marched down the corridor, though she wondered how many of the rooms behind the doors were filled with Green sisters.  She made her way down the stairs and towards the Novice Quarters.  The way was a clear memory, even though many people claimed to get lost in the maze of the Tower.  After decades of walking the same corridors you do not forget....




  7. OOC: sorry this took so long... it's been a busy couple weeks! 



    Eladari heard a knock and looked up from her contemplation.  An unfamiliar woman was standing in the doorway.


    "I am Rasheta, You must be one of the sisters who is returning from outside the Tower. I am sure that you will be welcomed back by all.  I am sorry for my cool tone sister, I have been unable to feel much in the way of emotion since the loss of my warder several years back.  Was I interupting anything?"


    Eladari stood up gracefully from her spot and nodded her head in appreciation, a light smile playing across her face.  "Hello Rasheta and well met.  My name is Eladari and I have just now returned to the Tower.  Thank you for the kind welcome.  I will admit I am feeling a little lost in all this.  It has been many years that I have been away and there are so many unfamiliar faces."  She paused for a spell, glancing quickly around the room.  "You will have to excuse me though.  I would love to invite you in for tea however as you can see...." she let that trail off, gesturing with her hand.  "I do believe though that you and I have some things to discuss as I was much like you once.  When I have my business more in order I will call on you so that we may talk." 


    She moved further forward, resting her hand lightly on the door.  "Oh, and Rasheta, do you happen to know if there are any Accepted who might be able to assist me in organizing my gear?  Or perhaps you could tell me who the current Mistress of Novices is?" 

  8. OOC: Thanks for dropping by Veria!  It was great to meet you.  I'm open for other visitors now too!



    "I would enjoy that Sister. I hope you find everything satisfactory. I will speak to you a few days. That way you are settled in and then we can have tea together."  The woman nodded her head and left Eladari. 


    It was a moment before Eladari realised the Sister hadn't shared her name.  She smiled wryly, wondering how new the Sister was and remembering back to her first days in the Green Ajah.... there had been much training, and much to think about!  She probably would have forgotten to introduce herself as well!


    She continued onward in the corridor finally arriving at the familiar door that led to her personal quarters.  She removed the Ward she had put on her door and stepped into her rooms.


    Everything looked about as she remembered.  She had packed up well before leaving, placing white sheets over her furniture and tidying away any knick-knacks, but there was a thick layer of dust on everything.  She would certainly need a hand getting her rooms somewhat more livable. 


    As she thought this, there was a light knock on the door.  A White Tower servant had arrived with her bags.  She had him leave her bags right inside the door, thanked him and sent him on his way. 


    Eladari pulled a sheet off of her favourite sitting chair.  It was patterned brocade in a rich green.  It was the perfect chair for reading in and she had also spent many long hours in contemplation in that chair.  She sat down for a moment, thinking that a brief contemplation was just what she needed before getting to work……. 



  9. Eladari hurried at a stately pace through the Entrance Hall, her riding dress swishing around her ankles.  She didn't make any effort to meet eyes, looking upwards and straight ahead.  She would be much happier to just get to the Green Quarters and settle in before making any official return amongst the other Aes Sedai.  As it was, she didn't recognize too many of the Sisters she passed, and certainly none of the Accepted in their white banded dresses.  She had certainly been gone a long while. 


    She headed up towards the Green Quarters, marveling, as she had often done, at the grandeur and size of the White Tower.  It could easily take 10 minutes to cross from one area of the Tower to another, through the many passages, stairwells, corridors and atriums.  Her favourite places had always been the gardens, and there were many private and secluded spots to be found in them.


    As she made her way onwards, Eladari wondered about the Warders Yards.  I bet there are some wonderful new Warders looking for an Aes Sedai she mused.  It's probably about time I bonded again, even if I am now back in the safety of the Tower...  She would certainly have to find her way to the Yards before too long.


    Finally Eladari was onto the last stairwell and into the entranceway of the Green Ajah corridors.  This was no doubt the most familiar place in the whole Tower to her and she could expect to see some wonderfully friendly faces here.  She almost smiled at the thought of re-acquainting with some of her Sisters. 


    As she thought this, she noticed an unknown Sister approaching her.  The woman's manner, and certainly the sword on her back, indicated that she was a full Sister of the Green Ajah. 


    "Greetings Sister. Are you in need of any assistance...I am not acquainted with you so assume you are newly returned?"  the woman asked, smiling. 


    “Hello Sister,” replied Eladari, “My name is Eladari Menaka and I am just now newly returned to the Tower.  I am on my way to my rooms, though I’m unsure of what state I will find them in.”  She smiled warmly.  “Perhaps you would like to join me after your training,” her eyes flicked to the sword on the other woman’s back, “I would very much like to make the acquaintance of new Sisters and I’m sure you could tell me a thing or two about the goings-on I may have missed.” 


    Kill two birds with one stone… thought Eladari, knowing that she would have to do this with many of the other Sisters, including the ones she knew.  There was lots of information to gather. 



  10. Eladari had been making rather slow progress for the past few days.  As she made her slow way North from Cairhien she had been quite introspective, and had kept mostly to herself, avoiding villages and houses along her route.  Eventually the great spire of Dragonmount rose before her, a familiar and yet somewhat unfamiliar sight. 


    She had not seen that great mountain for many long years.  She had ventured near, heading North to the Blight.  And of course she had seen other mountains, having gone right into the Spine of the World.  But Dragonmount had always made her catch her breath.  Its majesty as it rose out of the plains around Tar Valon could never be surpassed by anything she had seen in the World.


    Eladari had decided it was finally time to come home.  When she had left, so many years before, it was to go out and explore the World.  At least, that’s what she had told herself through the first years of her travelling.  But eventually she realized that she had been running away from the Tower and from the memories that it held.  And perhaps she was also searching; searching for a piece of her that had gone missing now so long ago… 


    It was nearing sunset as she crested a slight rise and saw a white glimmer below the peak of Dragonmount.  The White Tower.  It was so tall, almost challenging the peak that it fell under.  For a moment Eladari couldn’t help herself and her breath caught.  It was quite a sight as the evening sun shone its last rays onto the white stone.  Most of Tar Valon would be in shadow from Dragonmount, but the sun always stayed on the White Tower. 


    Eladari nudged her horse forward.  She would stay in Osenrein for the night, the southernmost town on the East bank of the Erinin.  No one would remark on an Aes Sedai face there, nor would it be too likely that she would run into any of her Sisters.  She wanted to be fresh for her morning ride into the city and her return to the Tower.




    The morning sun was rising as Eladari straightened the saddlebags, rechecked the saddle and swung onto her horse.  It was still relatively quiet on the Cairhien Road, but soon it would be bustling.  She crossed the bridge and passed into the city, riding past the Ogier grove and up one of the main arcs of Tar Valon, towards the center of the Island, dominated by the Tower. 


    She really wasn’t too sure what she’d find, once inside.  Of course she had heard about the changes of the Amyrlin Seat over the years, and she had also heard rumours of various adventures had by the Aes Sedai some about Ter’Angreal and others about the Black Ajah.  But all had been only rumours gleaned from her personal network spread across the land. 


    Eladari arrived into the courtyard and was immediately assisted by a stable-hand.


    “My name is Eladari Menaka, boy.  Please make sure that my things arrive in my room in the Green Ajah Quarters promptly.” 


    That is, as long as they still kept my room, she thought drily. 


    She took a deep mental breath, and ventured up the main stairs of the Tower. 



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