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News item Comments posted by JToddTruelove

  1. I think that it's great that Brandon and Harriet are getting fan input for these last three books. That speaks volumes that they want to end it right. Same goes for Tor publishing. I was a staunch critic about the decision to change Memory into three books, mostly because I thought it was based more on money and making an already over-long series even longer. But The Gathering Storm was a good book. It reinstilled my confidence in the series and the decisions that were being made toward its conclusion (But I stand by the series as a whole being far too long. The trend of extending stories over volumes of novels troubles me). Seeking fan input while at the same time not going over-the-top in that pursuit is wise and demonstrates that a lot of this is being done for us.


    I think Jason's troubled with the realization it's going to come to an end. If anything, that's something the penultimate novel should accomplish in every one of us. Knife of Dreams, while a great read, didn't do that. It seems that Towers will. I'm going to take my time reading it and savor it with my tradition of having a glass of red wine when Wheel books are released.

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