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Posts posted by water_seeker

  1. I'm thinking any saidin channeler can see residue of saidin, and any saidar can see residue of saidar, but only those with the talent can read it.


    Ooo la la, that's an interesting distinction. That could very well be true, bravo. Explains why Moir would often remove the residues back in the early books, just to hide she had done "something" not what it was.


    When did she do that?

  2. UK Edition, page 597


    "She wove Earth, Spirit and Air into a Healing.."


    Aes Sedai healing is Water, Spirit and Air. Given Egwene's lack of Talent for healing, she shouldn't be using Earth.


    Also, how did Tam leave the camp (presumably with Nynaeve) when there was a dreamspike over it??? I was so confused about this.


    She's seen Nyn's healing which uses all of the powers. Since she has an affinity for earth, this could be her own weak style of healing.



    It's called giving them the benifit of the doubt, which I don't do much. With all the different ways of doing different things do we really need to see every last one of them?


    Anyway...would this be the place to say that my first copy went to page 64is then went to 33-64ish and then picked back up @ 96ish? I completely lost chp 3 and half of the chapters that sandwiched it.


    She's not good at Healing, and what you're saying, in effect, is that despite this lack of Talent, she managed to create a novel Healing weave. And that Brandon just decided not to point this out because it was intuitively obvious or something. Nope: it's an error until proven otherwise.

  3. UK Edition, page 597


    "She wove Earth, Spirit and Air into a Healing.."


    Aes Sedai healing is Water, Spirit and Air. Given Egwene's lack of Talent for healing, she shouldn't be using Earth.


    Also, how did Tam leave the camp (presumably with Nynaeve) when there was a dreamspike over it??? I was so confused about this.


    She's seen Nyn's healing which uses all of the powers. Since she has an affinity for earth, this could be her own weak style of healing.



    Yeah I noticed all these typo's myself, makes you wonder what happenned with the Editor and Proof reader.


    I must admit I was confused about the timeline jumping back and forth as well, very confusing, it was all over the place. Probably why some folk are now theorizing that Nakomi is Verin as the timeline is screwed up so bad.

    The plot is still amazing so much work for the Light still to do and apparently by end of book all Hell is going to break loose the next day.

    But all these errors are confusing the clues and the foreshadowing technique is some of them deliberate or was the Editor on her holiday when the draft was aproved for print? RJ wouldn't have made as many mistakes, Iv never noticed any previously tbh.

    As for the timeline confusion it's a shame they couldn't have a sub heading stating "3 days previously" or "present day" etc



    I was just in the middle of my second read through and thought this myself. Who in the light edited this book. tGS was really well done with a few mistakes but nothing as big as whats in ToM. I guess the editor is looking for a new job? At least we can hope


    The timeline jumps weren't hard to follow IF you bore in mind that the characters were all at different points. Personally, I thought it was excellently handled.



    Page 354 - Birgitte wears a sword. Didn't she say in an earlier book that every time she'd picked up a sword in a previous life, she'd ended up dead?


    That really pissed me off. RJ would never have Birgitte wear a sword. Ever. Ever. Ever.


    More likely a dagger or cudgel or possibly even a short sword or hand axe. But never a sword. Never.


    Never ever.


    She wasn't happy about it, but like someone said, she did realize that she might have to fight in tight quarters. Beyond that, there is an Elayne POV where she thinks about how unhappy Birgitte is wearing the sword.

  4. I'm reading The Hero of Ages.  Mistborn was pretty good, The Well of Ascension was kind of a let down.  I'm hoping tHoA finishes well so that I can change my opinion of tWoA.  I enjoy clever plot twists, but too many give me a stomach ache.  It's like the author can't make up his mind...or he's going out of his way to keep you in the dark...either way it's annoying.

  5. I loved the movie version of Count of Monte Cristo, but the book is WAY better.


    Which movie. The one with Jim Caviezel? Because I love that movie...



    And I'm now reading    Dresden Series: Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

    and  Safehold Series: A Mighty Fortress by David Weber.


    Yes, that one.  I love it too, but I really do think the book is better.

  6. I posted earlier what I was reading, but it has changed...Now I'm reading "King of the Murgos" (bk 2 in the Mallorean), but I'm almost done with that one.  I also started reading the Chronicles of Narnia (finished Magician's Nephew and started the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe), The Count of Monte Cristo, AND Elantris.


    My goal is to finish up the Mallorean first, follow that up with Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress, then finish up the Chronicles of Narnia, and finish the other two somewhere in the middle of all that.


    Sometimes I just get bored reading the same story for too long.

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