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Posts posted by RyanDuranGeiger

  1. Just finished reading the entire Paksenarrion series (Including the new newly released ones) by Elizabeth Moon, and it was.. Well, I think my favorite series might have shifted towards it and away from The Wheel of Time :ohmy:


    Going to be reading either Old Kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix or Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson next.

  2. Last book I read was Deception Point by Dan Brown, current book I'm reading is SEAL! by Lt. Cmdr. Michael J. Walsh (26 year Navy SEAL vet) and my next book will likely be The Lions of Lucerne by Brad Thor or A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.


    Though, I've been on and off reading The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind.. Definitely not my favorite.

  3. Always curious to hear how other people pronounce names and objects in the world of Randland.


    A few of my favorites that I refuse to pronounce like the glossary says, first is mine, second glossary:


    Amys (AIMS), (a-MEES)

    Birgitte (Burr-GEET), (Burr-GEET-ey)

    Cairhien (Care-in), (KEYE-ree-EHN)

    Ogier (Oh-gear) <-- Also how it was in glossary in tEotW (Oh-gerr)

    Morgase (More-gahs), (More-GAYZ)

    ta'veren (Tah-veh-ren), (Ta-veer-en

    Rhuidean (Rue-eh-din), (RHUY-dee-ann)

    Taim (Tame), (Tah-EEM)

    Logain (Logan) (Lo-gain)

    Elaida (Ee-lay-dah), (Eh-lie-dah)

    Demandred (Deh-man-dread) (DEE-mahn-dread)

    Saidar, Saidin (Say-dahr)/(Say-din), (sah-ih-DAHR)/(sah-ih-DEEN)


    And finally, my biggest pet peeve, (I really hate the way this one is pronounced properly)


    Aiel (ALE), (Eye-EEL)




    I have a lot of pronunciations that I'm trying to correct as well. I began this series 10 years ago, and reeaaaalll early (4th grade) so I read too fast and couldn't pronounce things properly... After years of saying it that way it's hard to change. In the process of changing...


    Aes Sedai (Ey-Sed-ay)

    Amyrlin (Am-rill-in)

    Myrddraal (My-droll)

    Trollocs (Trow-locks)


    Yeah, I would just skip letters and work it around to however I felt like it. Damn kids. Also used to pronounce Aviendha as (Ah-vehn-dah)


    So, that's me, how about you?



    Amys (AIMS), (a-MEES) I always said Aim-E's

    Birgitte (Burr-GEET), (Burr-GEET-ey) Bridgette

    Cairhien (Care-in), (KEYE-ree-EHN) Care-hein

    Ogier (Oh-gear) <-- Also how it was in glossary in tEotW (Oh-gerr) Ogier

    Morgase (More-gahs), (More-GAYZ) Second one for me.

    ta'veren (Tah-veh-ren), (Ta-veer-en) Second one for me.

    Rhuidean (Rue-eh-din), (RHUY-dee-ann) Second one, for me.

    Taim (Tame), (Tah-EEM) Tame, and gonna stay Tame.

    Logain (Logan) (Lo-gain) Started as Logan, now it's Lo-gain.

    Elaida (Ee-lay-dah), (Eh-lie-dah) Ee-lay-dah here, too.

    Demandred (Deh-man-dread) (DEE-mahn-dread) Same here, and will continue.

    Saidar, Saidin (Say-dahr)/(Say-din), (sah-ih-DAHR)/(sah-ih-DEEN) When I started, it was Saidin-ar and Saidin.. I dislike Saidar, but I like Saidin, so I just added an "ar" to the end of it..

    Aiel (ALE), (Eye-EEL) Always did it eye-eel

    Aes Sedai (Ey-Sed-ay) Definitely one of my worse ones.. When I started it was like.. Es sed-E (Been learning Spanish.. the i's sound like an E)

    Amyrlin (Am-rill-in) Exactly the same.

    Myrddraal (My-droll) My-a-draal

    Trollocs (Trow-locks) Troll-oc



    Now, the ones that were bad..

    Thom - I refuse to call him Tom.. Been THom for the last 6, gonna stay Thom.

    Artur Hawkwing - Used to think it was Arthur.

    Thought Gareth Bryne's last name was Bryan for a while.

    Thought Juilin Sandar's name was Julian..

    Thought Olver was Oliver..

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