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Posts posted by Yamahako

  1. I seem to recall seeing a quote (might have been a post) that suggested that the Dragon Soul could not be born a woman, since the gender was inherent, and that a Heroine more suitable would be chosen for the role instead, such as Amaresu.


    I believe the quotes I posted above indicate the Dragon can't be born a woman because the gender is always going to be male (RJ said souls maintain their gender). How then would Ameresu (I've read this theory I think) be chosen, as a female, regardless of the fact she is a hero?


    I suppose I just don't understand under what circumstances the Dragon could be a female, unless there are actually two Dragon souls, one male and one female, and only the male one is ever spun out unless the female is needed instead. In this case I could see how Rand is the male Dragon, and his soul will always be the male Dragon in every turning of the wheel in which a male Dragon is required, but there is a female soul (I'll use Ameresu as an example) which is the female Dragon as well. So there would actually be two different Dragons, not just one, but only one is spun out at any one time, and the female Dragon is only called upon if something happens to the male Dragon. Does that make sense? I don't believe it's supported by anything in the books, just something random I am using to explain my confusion.


    On the other hand, under what circumstances would the WoT world need a female Dragon? If the real Dragon died, could he even be replaced, or would the Shadow "win"? (I put this in quotes because as I understand it even when Rand has been defeated/turned, the Shadow has not yet won).


    I think the term "Dragon" is more of a modifier. LTT is an individual soul (made up of different rebirths - like Rand), like Birgitte, or Gaidal Cain. The Dragon is a role the pattern call on to effect change. So many different people could be the Dragon, but they are still themselves. Perhaps the Dragon can only be someone who can channel (this was confirmed by RJ to be tied to a soul), so Birgitte, as an example, would never be the Dragon - but another famous female channeler could end up being the Dragon on a particular turning.

  2. I read the first post before Cadsuane was introduced in my most recent reread. Cadsuane made a huge flaw, and its only made more glaringly obvious because of how the youngest AS in history explained very carefully how to avoid it.


    For someone so experienced, she comes off half-cocked when she meets Rand. She "knows" Rand needs her, but Rand doesn't know that. And the theory Luckers put in the OP does make an excellent case that he does, and she did good. But she very nearly failed horribly - because of a lack of preparation. She didn't research Rand, she didn't learn about how he was - she (like many other Aes Sedai in the books) expected him to be awed by her mere presence. When he wasn't, she got snippy. Rand acted like a complete child, true - but if you are intending to help someone who you are afraid might be insane, perhaps you should start out with reading the chart, talking with some friends and family, and starting off armed with some information and context to start helping in. She doesn't do this, and at 300 years old - with the entire world at stake, she has no excuse.


    I think she's no better than any other Aes Sedai, I don't think she's strictly a Bully anymore than any other Aes Sedai - she just has more pull than most. But she's unbearably stupid (or at least unquestioningly arrogant) - and could have made this a lot better if she hadn't been too hasty. I hate her, personally, but that's because of that glaringly huge mistake of a lack of research before she went about her good work.


    Egwene, in TGS, explains in a very excellent way how to deal with The Dragon Reborn as someone who doesn't know him. I have to think its just Aes Sedai arrogance that didn't let any of the rest of them see the obvious steps one should take when dealing with something so delicate. It doesn't mean that Cadsuane had to act significantly different, but she would have been listened to far better had she started off on a better foot.


    You can argue Cadsuane is exonerated by Rand turning into Rand Sedai - though I think there's a case that Rand curing his own madness (which is basically what happened), could have been done by Nyneave after the taint was cleansed (like she did for someone else), and that Rand was ALWAYS Rand Sedai who just hadn't accepted it yet and was going insane.


    That being said, she's written brilliantly. Her characterization is amazing, and any character that can make you feel this strongly has to be done right.

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