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Posts posted by PrncRny

  1. If this has a topic somewhere, sorry. I didn't see it.


    But wow. Seriously. For you Mistborn fans out there (and I know you're there!) Pick it up. Read it. Love it. :D


    If this is what Brandon produces when he's TAKING A BREAK FROM WRITING, then it's easy to see why I love what he does when he's really going at it. :D

  2. Forgive me for not scrolling through 211 pages of posts for this answer...i'm short on time. anyway, in my current ReRead, i've just started FoH. In the prologue, we have Elaida's meeting with some Aes Sedai discussing Tower business and whatnot. At that meeting is Danelle. Forgive me if I'm wrong, cause it's been a short while, but she's the one that was eventually discovered as being Mesaana, right? I assume we don't know EXACTLY when that change took place, from being her to being Mesaana in disguise, but do we have a rough before/after point where the change is sure to have happened? I only ask because I read that section today and couldn't help but wonder if she was already there...

  3. I, like many of you, discovered Brandon Sanderson after reading tGS and am now in the Mistborn series, book 3: Hero of Ages. I read Elantris before that, just to get a feel for his writing style outside of TWOT. After Hero of Ages...I'm not sure. Warbreaker is next on my list, but i'm on a waiting list for that at the library. I like to read before I buy..mistborn was an exception. lol.

    I flew through the first two Hunger Games books very quickly at my wife's request...didn't find them that bad. Juvenile, but entertaining. I would love to read the newest Landover novel. I read those in HS and found them very entertaining. :D

    But what WILL i read next? Most likely Warbreaker. That, or begin an note-taking reread of TWOT to satiate my own curiousity on where everyone has come and gone to. :)

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