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Moon Sedai

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Status Updates posted by Moon Sedai

  1. I am wondering if I am the only person on the planet not "In Love" with the Tron Legacy soundtrack.

  2. This Christmas was an enjoyable holiday experience.

  3. Watching an old 1992 video Nana sent me for christmas.Was I really that small?

  4. It's been a good Christmas. Morgan loved his Kitchen stuff (Wok, recipe book, various implements of cutting and slicing) and I got awesome good-smells. I love my husband!

  5. It's Christmas Eve. The presents are wrapped. The tree is well-trimmed. Christmas dinner is ready (Except for Ham, which cooks tomorrow). We have the gingerbread cookies, the egg nogg, and the house is clean.Bring on Santa Claus!

  6. Merry Christmas everyone.

  7. Dear VA: Thank you for sending my meds finally. A little late for yesterday's migraine, though.

  8. Shh... Don't tell Morgan, but i'm working on a Christmas present for him that he will love.

  9. spending the evening watching Christmas movies with the kids and Morgan. Cleaning the house. Cause Santa Claus don't come to messy homes.

  10. Dear VA: It's been 3 weeks.... where is my headache medicine?

  11. Still looking for a job.

  12. Wanted: A Job. Preferably one that will work with my school schedule.

  13. Dear Santa Claus: Still waiting on that job. Thanks.

  14. the Eclipse last night was amazing.

  15. Dear VA Pharmacy: The medicine was prescribed for a reason. I kinda need it. I think it is bullsnot that because I went to the outlying clinic i have to wait to get my meds. I saw the doc on the 9th, it's the 20th, where are my headache pills?

  16. It is Game Night. Which means I get subway. Oh Yeah, I am awesome.

  17. Have decided that the perfect use for my sentra is to keep it in neutral, light it on fire, push it down hill and aim it at a 4 headed hydra.

  18. Be Vewwy Vewwy Qwiet. . . I'm huntin' Ninjas.

  19. Remembering the worst Christmases I ever had. Christmas, 2005. I worked a 13 hour shift at IHOP and only made $95. (seriously, who eats out on christmas and leaves a crappy tip? Either someone was jacking my tips or I was seriously stiffed. 4 tables in a row left nothing.)That no where near covered the migraine and bodily illness I had the next day.

  20. I have realized that while I was totally in love with the Narnia books as a kid, I don't really dig the movies. And I still love the books.

  21. I am tired. Ad i have no idea why

  22. Dexter finale- not as intense as last season, but, still, wow. . .

  23. Given the choice between the two of you, I'd take the SeaSick Crocodiiiiiiiiiiilllllle!

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