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  4. Prove it. You have exactly zero idea whether there is a contract, much less what that contract says. It does not. It makes it. She had no problem calling out something she believed was an affront to her husband's work. Prove it. Once again, you have no idea about any contract that Harriet has or doesn't have. You said that you've never heard of anyone getting 'jumped on' for saying 'positive things' about someone else's work. That remarkably obtuse in today's day and age. People are publicly 'jumped on' on a daily basis for merely agreeing with someone who holds an unpopular or controversial opinion. You have no idea what you're talking about. Literally none. But go right ahead and continue putting words in her mouth and continue to pretend that you know exactly what Robert Jordan would have thought of the show.
  5. I must question this myself. I would expect the last thing Amazon "wants" to do is divide the fan base. A large consolidated fan base has the potential to bring more viewers, just what Amazon wants.
  6. So wrong it's funny. As I've pointed out I doubt Harriet could get herself removed from the project even if she wanted to. The producers love her name attached to the project and would even if she never did a single seconds work on it. Can't fault her for joining in in the first place. It's Amazon, they've done good work in the past.
  7. Hi, are you referring to me? You understand that my requests for how to film inner monologues are rhetorical statements and not a desire to see proposed screenplays. It is intended to get beyond content free statements like "writers and showrunners believe they can tell the story better" into actual discussions about how to film them in an interesting way that makes good TV, generates the necessary character development and stays as faithful to the books as possible. I think this is very hard to do all of them well simultaneously and accept the need to introduce new material, but lots of posters think otherwise. Fine, lets discuss. But just saying "be closer to the books" is not discussion, it's a way to shut down discussion because it's an appeal to emotion without any accompanying arguments which can be debated. What is statement even trying to say? How is Amazon purposely dividing the fans? That some fans like it and others don't? Doesn't that go with the territory? How about LOTR, is Amazon purposely dividing the fans on that show also? How do know it's true, do you have an actual argument backing up this statement?
  8. Wow so naive. I'd day she is contractually bound. What is shown on paper often varies wildly from what a project ultimately winds up being. Dune (1984) can act as an example again here. David Lynch was the director of this movie and left quite a bit of shot footage on the cutting room floor. He was pleased with the released version. Some time later (well after the successful release) the producers re-edited the movie and put a lot of what Lynch had cut back in. The producers had the gall to call it the directors cut. Lynch had told them he removed those scenes to improve the flow, continuity and watch-ability of the movie. He was so incensed he insisted his name not be included in the credits. If you are unfortunate enough to watch the "Directors Cut" of Dune (1984) you will quickly realise Lynch was right to do so. It's a dreadful version with the smooth flow and pace of the original completely lost. Did you watch the interview on you tube. I'm pretty sure you know about the 2015 law suit. The law suit alone negates your argument here. Sorry you've lost me with this. How is this relavent to what I said? Before anyone jumps in. Harriet, if she wanted to, can not get he name removed from the show as a consultant unless the producers agree. Almost any word spoken from her mouth whilst on set could be argued as her consulting, " I like that costume" would be enough. Legally she did consult so there is no legal argument to force removal of her name. It could be argued that there is a legal requirement her name must be included. I apologise for the formatting of the replay, It's clear I've had issues with this post, it would be great if a person could delete and start again. The software does not appear to support that.
  9. It is the reaction you'll get when you suggest that you can speak for Robert Jordan and put words in Harriet's mouth. I have zero problem talking about the 'bait and switch' as you call it. It's valid criticism and a subject that is entirely worth discussing. What I despise is when people resort to saying that RJ 'would be rolling over in his grave' or pretending that they can arbitrate what 'deserves' to be called the Wheel of Time. And that is what I'm referring to as gatekeeping in this context.
  10. This seems overly harsh. Why is gatekeeping a thing these days? I see this term thrown around whenever people complain that they do not enjoy what is happening with a franchise. It happens here and in the Star Wars fandom. I do not see people complaining about the treatment of WoT as gatekeepers. I want to see MORE WoT fans. I want to see more people enjoy the series. Instead, I see predatory companies like Amazon purposely dividing the fans because, hey, hate watching is still views and clicks. It may damage the brand long term but who cares. It is the same as people demanding that someone explain how they would write something as an argument in order to form a gotcha moment where they can pick it apart. I think a lot of people are tired of being burned by writers and showrunners who believe they can tell the story better or the "we have to update it for modern audiences." The modern audiences trope never works because those audiences would prefer 60 second shorts. At most, they will use the show for memes or soundbites yet they will never be fans. Sure, if a show does not toe the party line, they will campaign on social media but they will not actually watch it. I really wanted to like this show; however, the writers pulled the same "I know better" and "it needed to be updated" and there was "no way it could be adapted without changing things." They chose to spend time on stores and characters that never happened while saying that they had to cut to tell the story. The anger is not just about the adaptation. It is about the constant bait and switch.
  11. Kai didn't move. He pulled in his lips in an effort to not smile. He was taught to respect everyone. He was born in a shit pile, his fathers loved him. He knew what it meant to be both noble and crapped on. His fathers were a dichotomy of two lives, and Kai was the product of both of their experiences, having started out in a shit one of his own. You shouldn't be given respect because you think you deserve it. It's earned like everything else. He knew Eb, and it made him smile inside, knowing she didn't think he was in the wrong. But he wasn't going to make this about him. She was doing that enough. She was making it all about her. All about how bad her day was. How she hurt someone. Were the tears even real or just a thing to cause a scene? Did it matter? Kai didn't move. He looked to Eb, he'd follow her lead on this. But he wasn't presenting a threat, only to protect Uno from any further ire.
  12. Kaylee glared at the blonde man with pure loathing. As if there do be nothing between being polite or a bully! The Light burn him to ashes! She now regretted not hitting him earlier, it would have been worth another handful of broken knuckles. But her anger was fading, the energy that had fueled her throughout the day was dwindling. Kaylee was tired, bone tired, empty within from the disappointment. The short-haired woman snagged her eyes, and twirled her daggers unnecessarily theatrically. "The boy didn't yelp twice at your hands for nothing." Kaylee held up her hands as if beseeching. "I did no be hurting the lad." She turned to Uno. "I did no hurt you?" She repeated it as a question. The boy looked away and rubbed his arm, shifting uneasily. "So, that do be that, then. I grabbed the arm of the most beloved and fragile boy in all the Westlands. But I did no mean to be hurting ye, and be sorry if I did." Kaylee offered her wrists to the group at large. "Will ye be binding me fast while you call for the Watch? No?" With a disgusted snort, Kaylee snatched up her spear and strode to the door. Or tried to. No one moved out of her way. They were all looking at her, as if they were all judging her, looking down at her. She wanted to barge her way through them, but her explosive anger was spent. Kaylee felt tired and alone, and very far from home. She looked at the floor and waited.
  13. With one eyebrow half-raised, Eb shook her head at Uno and held back a scowl at Kai's apology. She turned to the deep-breathing Illianer woman, took in the twisted old scar on her face, the clear muscle tone of her hands and the fresh bruising around the broken knuckle. She didn't doubt the man who'd been at the receiving end of the woman's fist might've deserved whatever damage had come his way. But any marks on Uno's arm, however faint, were a different story. She caught and held the younger woman's eyes with her own. She flicked her unsheathed daggers once around her thumbs and slid them back into place under her sleeves. "The boy," she pointed out, voice low, "didn't yelp twice at your hands for nothing."
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  15. Kai turned around and glared at the now crying woman. He had no sympathy for her. Tears could flow and sobs could rend the air, but he didn't care. "You aren't a bully? You grabbed Uno by his arm and you glared at him when he didn't move fast enough. What do you bloody call that? Being polite? If that's polite I hate to see what being a bully looks like to you. Just because you are having a bad day does not mean you can take it out on other people." Uno tugged on Kai's sleeve. "It's okay. Really." Kai looked down to the boy. "No it's not." He returned his attention to the table he'd vacated. "I am sorry for my behavior."
  16. Only Darkfriends use the monitor 'Great Lord of the Dark' I guess, 'Great Lord' by itself is no issue ?
  17. Last week
  18. Kaylee looked at the newcomer with interest. Would she look similar when she was older? The short woman wore her scars well. She moved with a lean grace that drew the eye. Her appraisal was cut short as the mercenary started talking to her. Berating her actually, Kaylee's eyebrows rose as he went on. Piss on everyone around her? By ordering a drink from the wrong person in an inn? Idiot Northerners. For not talking like some Lady who has spent her life with servants waiting on her every wish? Kaylee was so indignant she could do little more than splutter helplessly as the Taraboner continued. He spoke to the young man as well - commending his principles! - and then started talking to the scarred woman again. "I don't work with bullies." The young man with the braided hair picked up her coin and walked away. She had told him what would happen if he called her that again, very clearly. The Taraboner worried she would get a blade stuck in him. The newcomer with her old scars...well, Kaylee could not rightly think of what she had done to annoy her but even then. It. was. unbearable. Kaylee slammed both fists onto the table with all her might, instantly regretting it as the pain from her damaged hand shot up her arm. Opening her mouth, Kaylee let out a wordless scream of pure frustration, that tore through the inn making several people jump in alarm. "STOP! You be no just walking away after insulting me again!" Kaylee yelled at the retreating figure. "So I no be some fine lady in silks and be no simpering and giggling. I've worked me whole life since I was a mere babe, and I have never looked down on someone doing an honest day's labour. I have never bullied a single flaming person, as my aged grandmother stands witness." Kaylee glared at everyone. "If the boy no be taking drink orders, he could be saying that to me, no? Northerners! The water smells of chicken and you be having to clean your own tables and you get called a bully if you be ordering a drink in an inn!" Kaylee's chest heaved with emotion. A tear leaked out of her eye, and ran down her scar. I will no cry in front of them. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself. In a much quieter voice ended with "It looked like it was going to be such a good day." So Plan B was no great success. Sadly, she did not have a Plan C and she had just given away her last silver crown. More tears ran down her cheeks but she refused to cover her face in front of these people.
  19. Just a reminder that anyone can post anything that has been a moving quote or poem! 🤍 I found this lovely one today... ❄️ We need to teach the children the old words, words like brabble and grubble, twitter-light and clinkerbell; words which dance and trip and slip and drip like honey off the tongue Teach them that a hazy halo of cloud around the moon is called a moonbroch and that swiftly moving clouds are named cairies; how a vixen’s wedding is a sunny shower of rain, and that a single sunbeam breaking through thick cloud is known as a messenger Teach them to know the seasons and scents of queen of the meadow and bride of the sun, how to tell Jupiter’s staff from fairy fingers and which roses bloom with the strawberry moon Teach them to spot pricklebacks in the tottlegrass, how to recognise a smeuse or a bishop-barnaby, when to watch the sky for flittermice and yaffles, and to pay attention to the dumbeldore and mousearnickle as she graces the lazy leahs of summer Teach them a few of the old Sussex words for mud, like gubber and slub and stodge and pug, so they know that the precious soil beneath their toes is anything but worthless dirt Teach them to be users and keepers and makers of the words which bring the land alive: a storybook, where everything has its rightful place, including us; where the wilds are fearful and filled with magic and people do noble things, and nothing is impossible In this world of harsh new words — words like planetary dysmorphia and solastalgia, extinction debt and grief mitigation, megadrought and megafire, anthropogenic, pyrocene, words which alarm and get stuck in our throats describing a world which our hearts cannot grasp — we need to teach the children the old words, so that if they should feel lost, the old words might colour for them a warm and breathing, living map, a light to guide them safely home. - Caroline Mellor
  20. Kai looked over at the newly arrived, with a jolt of recognition and a frown. He liked Eb. But she'd tell his fathers and that could go just as badly. The woman pushed the coin to him. Her words tightened his resolve, and his ire grew even larger. Their potential employer spoke his truth, and Kai listened. His first instinct was to say she started it and he even opened his mouth to say just that, but one look at Eb and he clamped his mouth shut and rethought his words. Yeah, he could have done a lot of damage. He could have done way more than offer to take it outside. Most people backed down when they were given the option of a fight, and that had been the case here. But if he saw his offer for violence as his response, then he wasn't thinking either. And Kai knew that if he got off on the wrong foot with anyone in the party, he'd have issues for a lot longer. Better to cut and run now. Maybe his fathers were right. Maybe not, but right now, Kai was done with all of it. "I don't work with bullies." He said, picking up the coin on the table and pushing past Eb with a murmured apology. "Sorry." Kai pulled Uno aside with a smile and handed him the coin. "For your troubles." So much for that adventure... [[ ooc: So apparently Kai is also a hot head and he couldn't drop it. I didn't want to force him to back down, so walking away is his best solution. Feel free to stop him. ]]
  21. Some would have leapt to control the situation as quickly as possible, they needed to feel like they were in control at all times and anything that violated that sense of control prompted quick action. Not so much in Ashar's case, he found moments like these instructive. Kaylee seemed to want to push and challenge, the young man was also biting. Whatever was at the root of it, he wasn't sure but it no doubt had to do with the one punch of the day. It seemed when violence loomed that Kaylee was willing to back off at least, but it did leave him with the question of how to pro- Looking toward the new arrival, Ashar was mildly approving in his appraisal. She was short and had the look of a Domani, but what impressed him was her eyes. She was alert, whether that was natural or learned he wasn't sure but he stood and inclined his head to her in respect as he answered her question. "Fortune is in the eye of the beholder, yes? But in this case, money spends well for most people and their fortunes. As to Malkier, we'll tour several settlements and then visit the Seven Towers before returning south." "Which brings me to our current drama, and my views on it." Ashar turned his attention to the other two. "You come to me interested in work, yet within moments the pair of you were ready to go outside and throw down. I don't need that on a job." "You." Ashar looked to Kaylee, "I don't know what happened to you earlier that required you to punch someone, but that is not my fault, yes? You want a job, leave your past at the door. I want to work and get paid, if you're going to piss on everyone around you because someone we don't even know got under your skin, this won't be a good fit. Do that to the wrong person and start a fight, then I need to wonder whether some idiot you've enraged is going to stick me with steel as a result. Not a good investment for my safety let alone the caravan's. Up to you whether you can do that, but you need to decide." "As for you," Ashar now turned to the younger man, "your principles are commendable, but you've let someone you don't know provoke you to action in less than a minute. We both know that if you were to use every tool available to you, no one in this room could reasonably stand against you. It also means you have other options before it comes to throwing down outside, not to mention it is the proprietor's responsibility to decide what behaviour they wish to tolerate. I doubt the proprietor would appreciate violence, even if it was taken outside of this booth. Not everything requires a fight to resolve and that is how I approach my work. If you are on board with that, then we will be right, otherwise you need to think about what you want from this." Turning his attention back to the new visitor, Ashar gestured for her to take a seat as he sat and poured a cup of water for her as he spoke. "My apologies, my hope is that this is just the nature of a beginning. A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct, yes? My hope is that with the right people this may be achieved." Passing the water over to her, Ashar spoke simply. "Our run is for simple goods, but needed in reconstruction and Malkier has not really stopped in its rebuilding efforts ever since the land was reclaimed from the Blight. The employers see little reason to rush so taking the overland route seems to be their preference. We will provide additional security though the land itself is patrolled by both the Shienaran and Malkieri soldiers. The pay is reasonable and the trip will take some time so it is steady employment for the round trip there and back. If such a thing works out well, then perhaps there will be other opportunities. What skills would you bring to such a venture, I must ask?"
  22. Getting back to the topic, I think the characterisation of Lanfear as evil is somewhat lacking because she doesn't twirl her moustache ... Seriously, I thought RJ made Byar a monomaniac,which fitted his purpose in the series reasonably well. However, where he slipped up was failing to bring out the reason, unlike Muadh, whose one-line characterisation gives an excellent reason why he should hate Darkfriends. I suspect Byar's just one in a long line of fanatics, but it would've been better to have had some more detail.
  23. I don't know if anyone's remarked on this before, but re-reading tDR, I realized that Padan Fain had used "Great Lord" in front of Pedron Niall, and Pedron Niall hadn't noticed. Admittedly he was using it as a term of address for Pedron Niall himself, but it leaped out at me that Padan Fain had betrayed himself, and the person he was speaking to, hadn't noticed. What do people think of this?
  24. Has anyone claimed that? Harriet has publicly endorsed the series, has signed on as a consultant to it. She has given interviews and been on set with the cast and crew. The question is not whether she has been effusive with her praise. No one is arguing that the show is without flaw or that it hasn't made major changes to book canon. Literally no one is arguing that. On the other hand, a bunch of self-appointed gatekeepers and white knights - who have absolutely no connection to the author - ride in to tell everyone else that the show is absolute trash and doesn't deserve to be called the Wheel of Time. When we point to Harriet, we are telling you that if your overheated, holier than thou, pronouncements about what deserves to be called the Wheel of Time and what does not were true, Harriet would not have associated herself with the project at all. Or maybe she's just a private person who isn't interested in causing controversy. There are people who simply do not want to garner the kind of attention that impolitic comments draw in fandoms like these. You've got to be kidding me. I don't know what world you live in, but it certainly isn't the real one. Guilt by association is all the rage on both sides of the political aisle these days.
  25. My point is I find nothing to support claims that Harriet likes what the series has done to the books! Find me one Harriet quote made after the shows release in 2021 that supports this claim. You will almost certainly not find one in either direction as it's clear she is being "legally" careful. Possibly due to the 2015 debacle during which she was sued directly. If she had only good things to say she would be saying them. I've never heard of anyone getting jumped on or sued for saying positive things about someone else's work.
  26. Hmmm. Simple I thought. They are platitudes. A tactical response. Meaningless words to sidetrack an awkward question. Non specific, diversionary and placating.
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