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A List, Some Money & a Pair of Boots [Rossa&Star]

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Estel silently fumed at her desk, pushing back the burning desire to bash her forehead off the stack of papers covering its dark-stained surface. ‘Light blast those women!’ she muttered in her head. ‘If they think copying bloody histories does anything for my supposed “lack of decorum and discretion” they can boil their goatkissing mothers! I pity the stupid whores that bore them, this is no better than being given penance!’


In retrospect, it seemed most of her thinking was done after the event and after when it would have done her some good, she should have just made Rossa do it by copying her handwriting- her Sisters in all their lauded intelligence had seen it their duty to recognize her handwriting. Her “Sisters” had also seen fit to give her the monotonous task of deciphering ancient Blue Sisters’ chicken scratch and rewriting in her own neat script. Apparently after her latest disaster with Rossa, whom she shot a murderous glare across the room, her Sisters had seen fit to hammer some “Aes Sedai sensibility” into her mind by forcing her to read legendary, role-model Sisters’ diaries. Stupid as she was, did they think they could treat her like a bloody Novice?


Once again, she found herself desperately wanting to escape this beehive where she was neither quick nor agile enough to avoid getting stung. No doubt the First Selector would be loathe to allow her out of the Tower again but Estel’s limited sanity could take this no longer. She was a bloody Blue! Her motives, actions and justice were her own. This was not the Green or hated Red Ajahs where they were all devoted to the same thing, this was the Blue, she would do everything on her own! She didn’t need them and they obviously didn’t need her.


“Rossa!” the now-Accepted turned from her duties as Estel’s maid. “I want you to go into Tar Valon and fetch me a few items. Finish up the cleaning while I write you a list.”


In a matter of a few minutes, Rossa was leaving a brooding Estel to her rooms, a long list, sack of coins and out-worn pair of boots clutched in olive hands.


- Order two, plain riding dresses in the Domani fashion from Madame Mariel’s Seamstress’ Shoppe. They are to be in shades of darker blue and cut to my usual measurements. Also, have her make a ball gown (make certain she adds no ruffles, lace, a moderate amount of embroidery and for Light’s sake NO RED ACCESSORIES!!!).

- Find a decent cobbler and have him re-make my boots.

- Three bottles of brandy



Estel Sedai

Blue Sister

Tire of the Tower

  • 2 weeks later...



It was all Rossa could do to hold in the sigh as Estel Sedai palmed the items onto her. The pair of boots seemed to reflect the older woman's soul, worn in places and down at heel, but she kept that observation strictly to herself. The coins felt warm, as though they had been in a purse kept close to her person at all times. Caution over monetary matters was laudable these days, but surely it would have been safe enough in the Blue Ajah quarters. In tidying the Blue sister's rooms, Rossa had found several items that interested her almost to the point of getting over the initial dislike of the woman and asking her about them. In time, Rossa suspected she would do so anyway, particularly over the copy of "Mirrors of the Wheel" she had seen on the other woman's bedside table. A look between the well-worn covers dropped tantalising hints that it concerned the area of dreams and the possibilities that existed in them. It fascinated her. To be able to know more about the time spent asleep was an area she very much wanted to further develop, but unless she couldfind out somehow, it would all be supposition.


There were enough items on the list that Rossa would need some help in carrying the items back to the Tower, particularly the bottles of brandy. Three bottles? No, she would keep a tight rein on her curiosity on this matter! Rossa wanted so much to read into that, but tried to keep her mind on the chore at hand. At least she'd get out from the hateful gaze of the Blue sister for a little while, even if she did have to come back. Dropping a curtsy that was just respectful enough for the woman's position, Rossa asked if she could prevail upon a novice to help carry the items from her list back to her quarters. Grudgingly, as though Rossa might be weak for needing help, Estel Sedai nodded, and with another curtsy, Rossa left the woman to her studies of a text she herself had read when she was a novice.


Her shoes made scarcely no sound on the tiled floors on the way to the Novice Quarters. It seemed strange to come back here now that she had been moved into a room in the Accepted's Quarters, and she stopped in the middle of the corridor with a flood of memories that nearly overwhelmed her. Oh, Light, they were still so fresh in her mind. The events in the Arches ... no, she wouldn't think of them. She couldn't think of them or she would cry, and that was hardly the right thing to display to a novice. Finding the young woman's door was easy enough, as it wasn't too far away from her old room. She stopped outside and knocked as best she cou




The whole morning had gone without even a summons for a chore, she didn't have any classes either that day, so she decided to get some studying done for a particular class she was to go to the next day.


Kaiari had been sitting on her bed, all morning, studying for that class...not having anyone to study with...she had to do it alone. The studying had been a bit tedious, and she started thinking that she could do with a small break.


She rose from her bed, and poured herself a glass of water from the water pitcher on the table. Taking a few drinks from it, she then headed back over to her bed and continued her studing.


It hadn't been longer after when her studying had been interrupted.


She lifted her head as she heard a knock on the door, 'Oh light who could that be?' she thought to herself, as she put down the book, and rose from the bed, going to the door and openng it.


On first sight of seeing an Accepted standing there, she instantly gave a curtsy. When she rose again, she gave a smile to the woman. She had a feeling the Accepted was there, needing some help with some chore or something. But nonetheless, Kaiari was always willing to help anyone.


"Can I help you?" she asked softly, as she spotted her arms loaded down with a pair of boots, a list of some kind and a purse.




“Novice Kaiari? My name is Rossa Venye and I am here to enlist your help with a chore. Estel Sedai of the Blue Ajah has given me a list of items to fetch from Tar Valon, and we are to be as quick as we possibly can without making any errors.” Rossa took in the almost eager demeanour of the girl and wanted to smile to herself. Had she ever been like that? Thinking about it, she had answered her own question already – yes, she had. She’d had an ulterior motive in trying to find out as much as she possibly could to improve the prestige attached to her family name and trying to discern who was responsible for the deaths of her family, but she had been just as eager to please as a novice. You made far more friends by being nice and being observant, and the spider with the honey-coated web caught more flies than one without. Except for when she had been caught out by Sirayn Sedai, when a fit of pique at Estel Sedai had resulted in Rossa placing comedic drawings of the Blue Sister around the Blue Ajah quarters. Not her finest hour…


She pulled herself back to the present. Estel Sedai would tolerate dilly-dallying no more than Rossa herself would tolerate being away from the object of the surreptitious study of the woman. Her mentor had set her this task, and Rossa was determined to see it through, even though the Accepted test had punctuated the week. She shifted the bundle in her arms, not wanting to drop the boots or the coin on the floor.


“We will go into town. Estel Sedai has asked for two plain riding dresses to be ordered for her in the following specifications: they are to be from Madame Mariel’s Seamstress Shoppe, cut in the Domani fashion, in her usual size and in shades of darker blue. She would also like a ball gown made for her with no frills, ruffles or lace, and only a moderate amount of embroidery with no red accessories whatsoever. She has been most emphatic about this, so ensure she gets exactly what she requests, please.” Rossa herself would take the boots to be mended and get the brandy and other items on the list. She knew her rank well enough, and Estel Sedai’s, but she did not want to accidentally leave off one of the instructions, say, regarding lace or frills. Prudence would mean she could end this chore quicker as well.


“Fetch your cloak if you need it – we are leaving now. Ask me when we get into Tar Valon itself, and I will give you enough coin to cover a deposit for the dresses.”




As Kaiari stood in her door, waiting for the woman to respond, she thought for a moment that she would not. But when she finally did, Kaiari listened intently.


"Yes I am Kaiari...I'd be glad to help!" she replied, then watched as the woman seemed to lose herself in her thoughts for a few moments.


When she finally continued, Kaiari listened intently to the instructions, "No frills, laces or ruffles, a moderae amount of embroidery with no red accessories. I got it!" she replied, then quickly grabbed her cloak and returned to the hall.


"I am ready..." she said with a curtsy that was respectful enough for a woman of her position. As she straightened her body again, she gave a small smile, "Do you need me to carry anything now?" she asked her.




Rossa smiled at the novice, remembering how eager she had been herself. "No, there is no need, thank you. Actually..." She handed the boots over to the girl for a moment while she put the bag of coin into her belt pouch along with the note. The majority of the details she would remember, and would only need to refer to it really to double check she was getting the items Estel Sedai had requested. As if Rossa Venye, Accepted of the White Tower, was going to give the Blue Sister a reason to complain about her behaviour. The only thing she regretted was not being in the woman's presence so she could report any erratic behaviour to Sirayn Sedai. Actually, maybe it was a good thing - if Rossa made note of every erratic and noteworthy action, she'd be in Sirayn Sedai's office for all of the day.


The door to the novice's room closed behind them, and the corridors opened up before them. Leading the way to Tar Valon's busy centre, Rossa noted that everyone was as occupied as she was. Every Aes Sedai she saw appeared to be on an errand of some description, every novice was a blur of white dashing from class to chore, or vice versa. Her own chore was of no less importance, so she quickened her steps.


"We'll walk into town, Kaiari. It isn't far and I feel like a little bit of a leg stretch."


She catalogued the items she would need to report to Sirayn Sedai as she walked. The titles of the books on the woman's bedside table, the general state of the woman's temper and appearance and a few other telltale signs that she had stored at the back of her mind were ready, but Rossa felt something strange. Seeing the woman every day and the things she had to endure was kindling a sort of sympathy ... well, not sympathy. Empathy, rather. She was beginning to develop an empathy for the woman - an understanding of the way she did things and very much wanted to help if she could. It could be useful, particularly if Rossa ended up choosing the Blue as her Ajah as she believed she would.


It wouldn't stop her being wary though.


"Tell me a little about yourself while we walk, Novice Kaiari. Then, when we get to our destination, ask me and I'll give you some coin to pay the deposit for the seamstress." With idle thoughts about how her own dress would look for the Grand Ball Sirayn Sedai was going to throw soon as a culmination to their Basic Etiquette lesson, Rossa listened to the novice as they made their way onto the streets of Tar Valon.


OOC - hope you didn't mind my reposting this :)


((OOC: I don't mind at all...in fact I was worried about where all the posts had gone...glad you had it!))


As Kaiari closed the door behind her and took the boots from the Accepted, she started walking down the corridors with her.


Kaiari looked at her once, but remained quiet as the woman had seemed to be lost deeply into her thoughts. Kaiari didn't want to be rude and interrupt her.


As they walked, the woman started to speak again, which was apparent to Kaiari that she had come out of her reverie and back to the present.


When the woman asked her to tell her about herself, Kaiari shifted the boots to her right arm, the pushed back the black curls that was hanging, nearly in her face.


"Well...I was born and raised on a small farm in Two Rivers. When I wasn't busy doing the chores that needed done on the farm, I'd take my horse, Patches out riding until it dark." she said as she paused, thinking about how Patches was doing out in the stables. It had been a few days since she had been able to see her last.


"I grew up listening to Gleeman Jinlar's stories of this place...and dreamed of coming here...just never knew I'd be coming to stay." she said as she paused again.


"Ellamina, she was a friend of mine from when I was younger...she traveled with me...even became a Novice with me...but sadly...she's been Stilled and put out of the Tower. I don't know the details of the reason why, only that her name was on the list of those who had been either Stilled or burn themselves out." she said, pausing again as she began thinking.


"And then I was here, standing before the Mistress of Novices...and having my name put down in the book of Novices and such. Just been doing my best and working hard to achieve my goals of becoming a full Sister one day." she finished. "What about you?" she asked, hoping she wasn't being too forward with the Accepted...of course the woman didn't have to tell her anything that she didn't want to tell.




She listened with empathy as the girl told her story. It was something else she stored in her mind, as there were not many novices who were stilled. Ellamina. One to possibly look into quietly, Rossa thought, so she would know what constituted a stilling offence. Most likely she had burnt herself out… Her mentor would flat out refuse to tell her, and possibly set her more chores to keep her mind on what she should be doing, rather than wool-gathering over things that didn’t concern her. She could listen out for the usual sort of novice tales that went around their quarters, never partaken in when she wore white but Rossa had kept her eyes and ears open for glimmers of information about her homeland of Altara. Well, if I can’t find out by myself, I don’t deserve to know. This novice has seen more than I of the workings of the White Tower. And I can relate to wanting to do my best to become Aes Sedai…


Her footsteps sounded unnaturally loud as they walked through the corridors and out into the busy streets. Rossa would have to raise her voice in order to make her voice heard. Still, she began her story as they made their way to the busy high street, Rossa looking about all over the place trying to find the best place to start the search for the items on her list.


“Before I came to the White Tower I lived with my family in Ebou Dar. Something happened that they did not count on happened, and they all died except for me. I managed to escape the fire that claimed their lives … my parents, brother … sisters … all gone now.” Rossa was proud of how steady her voice sounded, even if it did sound hollow to her ears. “The White Tower is my family now, the Amyrlin my mother.” It isn’t the vibrant woman that brought me up though…


“If you hand those boots over to me, I’ll give you the coin to order the dresses. The note says that Estel Sedai would like two plain riding dresses cut in the Domani fashion to measurements the seamstress already has. They are to be in darker shades of blue. She would also like a ball gown.” Rossa trailed off as thoughts of the grand ball that Sirayn Sedai would imminently host came to mind unbidden, and how she wanted to look pretty for Nerome as well as outshine everyone there with her manners and grace. She shook her head to clear it and brought herself back to the present, mentally chiding herself for being so wool-headed. Delicately clearing her throat, Rossa continued.


“The dress is not to contain any ruffles or lace, and only to display a moderate amount of embroidery. She states plainly and clearly she would like no red accessories, so make sure the seamstress is aware of that fact.” After the way the woman … Aes Sedai … had looked at her as Rossa had closed the door on her way to fulfill the chore, Rossa would have been tempted by adding a lace panel somewhere to the dress, preferably in a visible area. She didn’t mention it, and disregarded the thought as a way to get herself more firmly out of the private eye and into the public one, most likely with a humiliating trip to the Mistress of Novices thrown in to boot.


The sign for Madam Mariel’s Seamstress Shoppe loomed a short way down the street they were in, so Rossa asked for the boots back and in their place gave her enough coin to cover the cost of the fabric, with the rest to be paid on completion and satisfaction of the work. Rossa had undertaken this kind of chore before and had watched her mother dealing with seamstresses and clothiers before, and so knew how the system worked. “Be respectful and courteous, Novice Kaiari. Seamstresses are like cooks. You need to keep on their good sides or you will either look less than perfect in public or eat less than perfectly.” Her advice and coin imparted to the dark, curly-haired girl, Rossa advised her of the name of the shop and the direction it lay in and shifted the boots in her grip. “Now, let’s get these chores finished, shall we?”


As Kaiari had previously spoke about Ellamina, she had glanced at the woman, who seemed to be lost in thought for a moment, but Kaiari had continued on...then it had been her own turn to listen.


As Kaiari and Rossa walked through the corridors and out into the streets...Kaiari listened as intently and politely as the woman had done to her, when she told her own tale.


The woman's tale about the fire that had killed her parents and siblings had been a bit disturbing...but Kaiari sustained a calm face as she listened to the woman's steady voice.


As Rossa asked for the boots, and again explained about exactly how the dresses were to be made, Kaiari noticed how the woman's voice trailed off, and turned to look at her for a moment...seeing her shake her head, as if trying to clear some thoughts that she didn't want to think on at that moment, then delicately clearing her throat, she continued.


Kaiari handed the boots back to the woman as she handed her the coin for the fabric. She nodded as the woman gave her a bit of advice...which Kaiari knew herself that she had no worries of...she had never had any problem with being kind and courteous to others, so long as they are the same to them.


Kaiari looked at the sign to Madam Mariel's Seamstress Shoppe and gave another nod as Rossa told her the name of the shoppe as well as the direction it lay in. The sign wasn't difficult to miss, as it seemed to loom over the streets.


She looked back at the Accepted,giving a smile as she spoke, "Yes...we shall!" and she headed off in the direction of the Seamstress Shoppe.


As she entered the shoppe, Madam Mariel greeted her just as she gave a very small curtsy and smiled. Then greeted the woman kindly.


"Estel Sedai needs two plain riding dresses cut in the Domani fashion to be in the darker shades of blue, and cut in her usual measurements. She would also like a Ball gown, not to contain any ruffles or lace, and only to display a moderate amount of embroidery. She was very clear that she did not want any red accessories." Kaiari stated politely to the woman, then handed her the coin for the fabric.


Madam Mariel smiled and gave a nod to the instructions, then took the coin...telling her that she would start on them right away, and have them ready as soon as possible. Kaiari then thanked her, and gave her a smile as the woman disappeared into the back room, presumably to start on the dresses.


((OOC: Ok...am I to wait for the dresses? Will Rossa be meeting Kaiari there as the dresses are finished, to pay for the completed dresses and to be sure the dresses had been done right?))




With the novice sent off towards Madame Mariel’s Seamstress Shoppe, Rossa could concentrate on the repair of Estel Sedai’s footwear and the buying of the brandy. It could look suspicious if a novice went to buy such a large quantity of strong drink, and if Rossa had to buy it from a tavern, she knew how to behave with the interests of the White Tower firmly fixed in her head, whereas it was uncertain as to whether a novice would know fully. She felt it was better to not take the chance in the first place, and headed off towards a likely shop; a sign with an ornate boot hanging above the front door. She went in.


“Good sir,” Rossa asked the cobbler “how quickly might you have these boots repaired? They are for a sister of the White Tower, Estel Sedai of the Blue Ajah and they are needed with some haste.”


The cobbler announced that he had a backlog of shoes and boots to repair from the White Tower, and that Rossa should try a few doors down if she needed something repairing immediately.


“He is a good man, Accepted, and I would recommend him.” Coming from the most reputable shoemaker in Tar Valon, Rossa took this as a good sign and gladly followed his direction.


“I shall recommend you most definitely in future, good sir.” Rossa replied, and curtsying took the boots out of the door and to the shop the balding little man had indicated. The man recognised her banded hem and realised she must be on an errand from the White Tower, for he put down his tools and came to the front of the shop immediately, wiping his hands on his apron.


“Good day to you, Accepted. How may I help you today?”


“I need to get these boots repaired as soon as possible. How quickly can you have them ready for me?”


He replied that he would start on it now and to come back in a very short while, and they would be ready. Rossa curtsied and passed the worn boots over to him. Now she had time to get the rest of the items from the list while the cobbler was repairing the Blue sister’s worn out soul … sole! Her mind automatically picked up the play on words and she had to correct herself. Dropping a curtsey to the shoemaker, Rossa turned and left the shop, perusing the list of items she still had to get. Three bottles of brandy … a tavern would be the best place. She idly wondered why Estel Sedai had not just sent down to the kitchens, but she obviously did not want her reputation besmirched. While Sirayn Sedai wanted her to wait on the woman, she’d wait on the woman, but it would not stop her wondering.


OOC - If you wait until the seamstress has chosen the first bolt of cloth and started cutting it to make sure it is according to Estel Sedai's instructions, when she starts to hem it - it'll be okay to leave. Make sure you have your novice see the shades of fabric chosen so they are in accordance with Estel Sedai's wishes and then have Kaiari leave the shoppe :) Rossa should be done fetching the brandy and will meet her outside after your next post.

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