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The capital city of Jehannah was a few days ride away yet, but Dilora was taking her time in getting to the Ghealdanin centre of power. Her cargo was not of great importance, but picking up information was and having had to rush everywhere for the past few months, she was glad to slow the pace down and allow her horse a chance to recover. Poor Altie must have thought there was a battle approaching with all the speedy preparations her mistress had been making. Dilora was now being the thoughtful owner and allowing the mare time to amble along. There was no real need for speed, not until the end of the summer months when autumn threatened to make travel a little more difficult.


Tree-lined roads made the road a very green place to be. Leaves fluttered down to the ground occasionally as a bird took flight with alacrity, startled by some sudden noise and the chittering of squirrels mingled with their song to give a sort of natural background music to the slight squeak of one axle. Dilora sat in the wagon seat, looking out over the reins and idly fanned herself with a sheaf of papers that were records of her transactions - it was the best use of them, in her opinion. Oh, she knew full well the import of having good and detailed business records, but she did hate having to sit down and keep the books balanced. Still, it proved to people that she was actually making a profit and not travelling for no reason. She travelled because she wanted to, but there was always one that queried. This would make them quiet their lips!


A shape started as a distant blur on the horizon, unfathomable to Dilora's eyesight until the mare ambled closer. It turned out to be a man and a woman seated in a wagon similar to her own and they seemed to be taking their own time. Another trading possibility, perhaps? Dilora wondered if these people were coming from the city, perhaps she could get some information on what it was like. They rumbled closer, and Dilora raised her hand to wave to them in greeting. Maybe they'd like a drink or two to relax with...


Mysti sat leaning on her love, her head resting on his shoulder. She was up on the wagon seat, her stallion tied behind the wagon, and the dog was off into the woods, she saw glimpts of him from time to another as he searched through the brush for food.


Sudenly dust could be seen raising on the road upahead and she raised her head, a soft whisper to call on a'vron, he came up and jogged beside the wagon, always good to be carefull. Though she fully trusted Gladius to protect her really, it was just that the stallion made a tempting steal for peoples, though they tried to let him stay dusted down to look less the fine animal he was.


Then the other wagon came closer, a lone woman, mayhaps some trade could be made, who knew. She let Gladius do the greeting and speaking as they drew to a halt, less this was a proper stop with trading she wouldnt involve herself.

  • 2 weeks later...



“Hello!” She called out, one hand in the air and the other on the reins. The two wagons had pulled alongside each other now, close enough for Dilora to see more of the driver and the passenger. What news did these people carry from Ghealdan? Greetings were exchanged between the two, and then her curiosity got the better of her. Relaxing her grip on the reins, Dilora smiled, and some small exchange of chit chat occurred on the usual subjects: the condition of the roads, the attitudes of the people and other little things that as a whole were unimportant, but to someone making their living from the public’s needs, were a vital part of being successful. Finally feeling the wagon seat getting a tad uncomfortable, Dilora climbed down to stretch her legs and arched back to work the kinks out of a spine too used to sitting.


“My name is Dilora Fashelle, and I am a peddler of middling renown trying to make my way to Ghealdan, and hopefully to get a little more of that renown. Alas, times have been sore troubled of late, and people are not willing to part with as much coin as they once used to.” She shook her head sadly at the thought of lost profits. “I need something to make me stand out… Oh, never mind.”


Those thoughts needed thinking carefully, or Dilora could end up with a reputation that she did not intend. Instead, she looked up at the occupants of the other wagon, which most likely had no interest in her troubles and put on a cheerful smile.


“Tell me then, what news is there from Jehannah? What have you found has sold well? And, if you have any services that I can tell people about…?” She left the question hanging so she could see if she could be useful at all. If all else failed, she had gold or silver, but Dilora felt like making up a song, and rather fancied trying something new. It had been a while since she had had something interesting to write in her journal.




I need something to make me stand out… Oh, never mind.”Mysti smiled she had been listening in on the conversation. “Tell me then, what news is there from Jehannah? What have you found has sold well? And, if you have any services that I can tell people about…?” She saw Galad sit back, he would be about ready to go check the horses since they had stoped anyhow soon she knew, chit chat not beeing his favourite.


"Litle enough of interest, we didnt stay there too long, some noble or some had a wedding, with the festiveties followed of that." And otherwise she had seeped up rumors of crimes or anything of any use she could see and sent them off to Tar Valon. The bird cage on top of the wagon where the pigons stayed would issue sound from time to time.


"Galad is a smith, and I am a tatooist. And whats news from the end you come from?" mentaly she was summing up wheter she lacked anything in her head, mayhaps she would be in luck and the woman could sell it.




A tattooist? Could this be the one thing she was looking for to make her stand out? She had some needles in her wagon, but as to whether they would be the kind used by a tattooist, Dilora had no idea. Still, the thought of a permanent reminder of something... What would she have though? She had no coat of arms or any need for identification, but she wanted something that would look pretty while still maintaining an element of mystery. It wouldn't be in a place anyone could see, either. There would be no mystery whatsoever if everyone knew of it's presence.


"A smith? An interesting profession to follow, and one that must be quite popular on the road. You never know when an axle will break, or a trader or traveller will need something fixing." Or an army needing more weaponry... Dilora thought to herself. A wandering blacksmith would be very useful at that point, and a tattooist would find lots of work around soldiers wanting memories of their bravado or brotherhood. Had these two fled from some war? It wasn't her business, so Dilora turned her thoughts to what she would like her tattoo to be.


"I have come from Andor and there is little more of note happening there. The winds of trade blow steadily for the time being, and business is rather good." She smiled, thinking of the trades she had done in the smaller villages, and in Caemlyn proper. "Someone traded me some good Taraboner dyes in red, green and blue, and I have reams of cloth that I was going to see if I could find a market for in either Ghealdan or Ebou Dar." A rose along her back would be nice, she decided. Right at the base of the spine and twining upwards slightly, with the petals deepening in colour as they got to the tips. Not red, perhaps, but maybe a lovely damask pink rose - a secret token to herself that privately admitted femininity and a like for girlish things. No one could see it but her, or anyone she chose to, but knowing it was there would make her feel better.


"Would you be available to do a tattoo for me, perhaps? I am willing to pay if there is nothing in my wagon that you would accept as payment." Wincing at the thought of a little pain, Dilora laid out her ideas.

  • 3 weeks later...

Galad sliped of the seat and a'vron followed him back to the stallion as she continued talking to the woman. She listened as the women asked and then described the tatoo she wanted before nodding, "I think I have the colors needed for that..let me see.." she sliped off the seat and opened a sidehatch in the wagon where she kept her stuff easily accesable and sorted on small shelves with suport racks for her botles so they wouldnt tilt or fall and break. Slowly looking through them, moving around on them she picked one botle here and one there, as well as some small sacks of crushed leaves and a couple mortals, then finaly a couple needles and a small strip of cloth.


"I think that should be it.." she used the hatchdoor as a table now, mixing up leaf mixes then adding in water and crushing it, before grabing another couple botles and pouring the new colors onto them through the strip of cloth, then puting all but the botles and needles back into the shelves.


"Lets go somewhere more private off the road, Galad will keep the wagons safe." She started walking towards some three holt, normaly if it was a shoulder or arm or such she would have done it rigth there, but the work the woman wanted would take an undressing, as such it was more fitting to be somewhere none could look as it would take some time, and more peoples migth well come by by the time she finished.




She nodded. The man looked able to defend both of the wagons, and if he tried to take the wagon, Dilora knew Altie would bite him, giving her all the warning she needed. Besides, if she did end up getting a tattoo on her lower back she’d have to show parts of her body that she was most definitely not comfortable with a man seeing unless on her terms! Climbing down from the wagon seat, and locking the door behind her, Dilora followed the woman a short ways from the road and the privacy of the trees.


The dappled shade made Dilora wonder if the tattoo would end up moving as a trick of the light when the work was finished. It must be difficult to work under such conditions, but the woman didn’t seem fazed. At least she had an idea of what she wanted now - a pair of balance scales, equally weighted, with a rose on one plate, and a dove on the other. She told the other woman what she had in mind.


“And I’d like it here.” Dilora reached around and pulled her shirt up at the back and pointed to the bare skin at the base of her spine. “I don’t want it too big, and no one is going to see it, but I don’t want it to take over. Just something … tastefully small.” She smiled encouragingly, and wondered if she should lean against a tree or something.

  • 3 weeks later...

Mysti nodded and unwraped her needles, she dabed some cloth with water from her waterbottle and washed the area, then dried it with another corner of the cloth. She looked at the skin her fingertips runing slowly over it with traces as she imagined how to map out what had been requested.


Then diped one needle in pale gray ink, using it to just put on the faint outline, not yet prickeling the color into the skin, she washed off an unsteady line before redoing it. Then started with the darker colors that would make out the line, slowly working the color into the skin with an experiant hand. Even small tatoos took times, she had done work at times where the work had had to be done in two processes, but this she would finish today.


Slowly she worked up a pace, happy to see the woman laying still, not all would, but it also depended on where the tatoo was made. And then she had worked her way around, she put the corks back on the botles she had used before opening new ones, it was time to do the ground coloring before moving on to the shading and stripes who would make the details in a way the picture came alive.


Before she got to that point the sun was slowly starting to creap down from its creek, her hand having adapted by now it was ruitine work, her mind had stilled on the picture she was making. She changed color again, going from ligther shade at a place to deepening it, and then siting back up looking down to make sure she had missed no part. A point caugth her eye and she quickly put the needle against the skin a handfull time to cover the spot then sat back, whiping the color of all her needles and carefully puting them back in their map.


"Its done."




She winced as the woman began her work, and however gentle her hands might have been it was nothing compared to how the sharp needles felt as they punctured her skin. It was interminably long! Dilora did not know how long she could lay there without flinching or squirming but oddly, after a time, she began to get used to the pain and found it quite appealing. Relaxing, almost. She could not do much other than count the blades of grass beneath her or daydream. Daydreaming was pleasant. She imagined what it would be like to have a sister or cousin to go adventuring with, even a best friend to share warmth on cold nights and stories in sad moments. And two pairs of hands would sell things far better than one.


Imagining the sorts of escapades she and her sister would have made the hours go quickly. Dilora felt the sun on her back where the pain was barely registering anymore; she had accustomed herself to it that much. She hoped it would look good though, even though no one but her would see it. Well, she thought with a rosy blush, there might be some that would see it, but it would not be on general view! The woman withdrew her hands and the stabbing pains stopped their assault on her lower back, saying it was done.


Tentatively Dilora stood and felt a soaked cloth pressing into her back. A second strip of cloth was fastened around her waist to keep it covered and clean for a few days until it was healed enough to be allowed to breathe the open air. She was cautioned it would hurt and not to get it infected and Dilora then sat back on the sun-warmed grass and looked up at the woman that had crafted her design on her body.


“Thank you,” Dilora said, fishing around for her belt pouch to refasten it gingerly around her waist. She rolled her shirt back down. “How can I repay you?”

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