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Zoe was sitting. She's been sitting for a very long time. She arrived at the Amador two days ago but didn't have the courage to take the first step and actually go inside. She waited for this day for what seemed like a life time. All the preparation. All the emotions. All the doubts. Everything lead to this day.


Looking up at the fortress, the soft breeze rattled her braids and a soft sound of bells was sound. The sun was up in the sky, shinning in all its glory. The way the sun lit the fortress, made it seem as though the fortress was indeed made of light. It was so white. So pure. The reach of the darkness might be wide but it did not reach here.


Why was she afraid to go in? All she wanted lay in those walls. But deep inside, she knew what was amiss. She was afraid to fail. Afraid to go astray of her path. The only path. The right one. Grasping the necklace around her neck, she smiled. Her mother was always with her. Even at death she never left her side.


Looking to her side, she saw another youth sitting right next to her. She didn't notice him at all and wondered how long he was sitting there. He wasn't looking at her, though. His gaze was fixed on the fortress ahead. "Excuse me but...Are you going to join the Children of the Light as well?".





Guest TheDemigod

"Excuse me but...Are you going to join the Children of the Light as well?".

Bert slowly turned his head and laid eyes on the woman next him, and his eyes quickly summed up her looks. "Bosom," he said. "What!?" the young woman exclaimed angrily. "Yes! I said yes!" Bert quickly corrected. "I thought you said," "I didn't! Hey! I'm bert, who are you!?". Bert sighed mentally, nice work! The girl frowned for half a second then said, "I'm Zoe". As she did she curled a lock of her dark hair around her index finger. Bert's gaze was being pulled downwards again before he managed to correct himself. "Hello Zoe!" Bert exclaimed. He looked her up and down again. She did look awfully well, better than many of the other women around at least, or so Bert thought. Though Bert fancied alot of women. Too many maybe, but ah well, that's a worry for another night. Then he came to think of his family again, and a smirk crossed his lips. He realised it might be the wrong reaction to a dead family, so he quickly evened out his mouth again.


"So..." bert said, noticing Zoe was giving him a queer look. "What brings you to this here bastion of light and righteousness?"


"So...What brings you to this here bastion of light and righteousness?". Zoe couldn't help but smile. This Bert seemed like an odd bird. And that name! It was so obscure and uncommon. She had a feeling she was going to see a lot of him in the Fortress. When she actually managed to get in, that is.


"I want to join the Children of the Light ranks and help people see what I see. Help them to stay away from those shadows that seem to creep at you at night." Zoe's smile grew deeper. Just by stating to Bert what was the reason for her making this journey was enough to spark up her courage. She was almost ready to take that step. Almost.


"What made you decide you belong here, Bert?".






Guest TheDemigod

Zoe answered Bert's question, but Bert was too caught up in her figure to really pay attention, a polite nod and smile would have to do for now. Her tone of voice indicated she was a nice gal, he'd most definately like to see more of her. His inner child smiled and danced at the idea, and Bert once more looked into her eyes. Lovely eyes they were too.


Then she spoke to him again: "What made you decide you belong here, Bert?". Bert flinched. What was he to answer? He came because he hated trollocs for killing his family? Even though it wasn't exactly the truth, it was a truth. "Um, well you know... Trollocs sort of killed my family off and.. well.. You know how it is..." He saddened his face slightly and grinned innardly at his own cunning.


Her eyes saddened a bit, as if she knew the pain of losing a loved one, a pain Bert knew all to well. That cow had been his best friend, maybe even more. He felt a tear form in the corner of his eye, but quickly wiped it up and rose to look around. The yard was filled with bustling activiy, children of the light and their associates running around all over on their errands. He'd thought of this day for weeks, and finally it was upon him. He could barely believe it, finally he'd get everything he'd ever wanted, revenge at furry creatures and something the ladies would like. Did life get better? Bert once more turned to zoe and reached out his hand to her to help her up and smiled at her: "Shall we?".


Zoe took Bert's hand and got on her feet. Looking back for the last time, she turned her head back and smiled at Bert. "Lets go in and face our destiny." They both nodded at each other and started to climb up the stairs. It was odd, but in a way she felt more confident of herself now that she met Bert. At least she wasn't alone anymore.


Getting inside, Zoe was lost in a wash of white cloaks everywhere. Everyone seemed to be in movement. No one paused long enough for her to be able to ask for directions. What to do? Where to go? She looked at Bert for guidance but he shook his head. He was as lost as she was. But he didn't seem too worried or nervous about it. Rather, he was just openly staring at her and Zoe doubted he was admiring her intelligence. Men!


Spotting a long still figure, she quickened her step to reach it. It was a tall gray haired man. At first he seemed lost in thought until he finally realized that she was standing in front of him. "Yes?", he asked indifferently. "I am sorry to disturb you, sir. But we are new recruits and we were wondering where we should go to sign up?". The man's face suddenly brightened up at Zoe's mention of enrolling.


"It is a pleasure to meet you, young lady." He looked at Bert sideways and hastily added. "And your little friend. Please, follow me." He started to lead the way with Zoe and Bert right on his heels. "You are on the right path, my children. The only path. The creator will reward you with everlasting glory. Be blessed in his name!". Zoe looked back at Bert. He shrugged and she shrugged back. Some of the Children were a bit eccentric.


After a long walk and climbing a few stair cases, they were pushed into an office where a plump bearded man with puffed cheeks sat. He signaled them both to sit down and they both did so obediently. "I am Roudel, the Head Clerks. All the new initiates go through me and I keep the official records up to date. If you wish to enroll with the Children of the Light I will need your age, full name and place of origin. You girl, go first."


Zoe nodded. "I am Zoe Gilmore. I was born and raised in Arafel. I just turned 18 in the fall." Writing it all down, the Head Clerk nodded and diverted his eyes to Bert.





Guest TheDemigod

Bert sat silently as the grumpy clerk noted down the information about Zoe then turning his grizzly gaze upon him. "And you lad, age name and place of origin!?" he barked at him. "Err..." bert started. "Turned 18 a few months ago, name's Bert and I'm from Shienar! Or so I think..." Bert scratched his cheek in thought. The clerk cast him an odd look. "Bert... And that's all?" Bert thought for another moment, then nodded. "Yeah!" "Whaddayamean yeah! You can't just be called Bert, now give me your full name recruit, or you'll be out of here faster than you can say... you can say Bert!" Berts eyes widened. How was he to explain he never did have any last name!? His parents, silly as they were dying and all, never did tell him his last name. Or pherhaps they did, but by the Creator he couldn't remember. There was but one option left to him: he had to invent a name!


Bert quickly looked around in panic, trying to come up with a name. He looked at the objects and thought to himself; "Table... Er... Lamp! Bert Tablelamp? No! No-no-no-no-no-no! Gah!" The clerk was looking very grumpy indeed by now, and Bert glanced at Zoe, who looked just as clueless as him. "So?" the clerk requested. "Err.. Bert er... Draal my lord. Bert Draal!" "Draal aye? How come I've never heard that name before? Doesn't sound very Shienarian to me!" the clerk leaned forward on his chubby forearms. "Well, y'see, the name is ancient... And.. Er... Point is, it's not very Shienar I agree, but hey! What's a man to do!?" Bert chuckled uneasily.


The clerk watched Bert, causing more and more unease, but finally put his eyes down and started scribbling down on his parchment. "Ok then recruit... Draal..." Bert let out a mental sigh. The clerk finished his writing and looked up at Bert and Zoe. "Still here? Dismissed!" "Sir!" Bert and Zoe exlaimed in unison, and rose from their chairs. "See you boss!" Bert said and went outside with Zoe, who looked somewhat happier than she did when he first laid eyes on her.


Bert forwarded and strolled through some corridors at random, getting to know his surroundings, Zoe following and sucking in all the impressions. Then after a while she nudged him and asked if they not find the quartermaster so that they might get some rooms. Bert wholeheartedly agreed, and they went off to find the quartermaster.


Zoe couldn't help but giggle when they finally left the Head Clerk's office. She had a feeling that Bert was going to be someone who's fun to have around. She had every intention to serve the light properly and stay true to its cause. But that did not mean that she couldn't enjoy herself in the process. All throughout her life she never had a problem spending time with boys. She could talk to them as freely as she did with girls.


After taking the tour in the fortress, Zoe poked Bert to move along. It was way past the time to look for the Quartermaster to get their rooms assigned to them. Zoe wondered how it was going to be like. She didn't expect any luxury. She didn't know the meaning of it. She was just not used to sharing a room with other girls. But that came with time.


Asking for some directions, they finally managed to find the Quartermaster's office. They knocked on the door and entered at a polite invitation to come in. In the office sat a hard faced woman. She was not pretty but had a motherly look to her. She nodded at them and gestured them to take a sit. "Roudal has already sent me your names. I have placed you two already in your new accommodation." Emanuela handed each of them a note. "It has the number of your room and simple directions on how to get there. I am Emanuela. Any problem you have with your room, you may come and see me. In the closet in each of your rooms you will find 6 sets of uniforms. Take care of them. You will not be given more."


Emanuela noticed that both Zoe and Bert weren't moving as if to leave when she was done talking. She smiled. "Do not be nervous. You will start your classes soon. And in a few days your oath taking will take place. You will be notified of it all in due time. Now, go settle in. Get acquainted with the Fortress."


Zoe nodded and pulled Bert up from his chair. Was he staring at Emanuela's breasts too? He was terrible! "Oh, by the way", said Emanuela. "We do not encourage inner-relationships with fellow Children. It never ends well, really." Zoe was confused for a moment but then when realization took over she let go of Bert's hand and blushed. "We're not together like that." Bert smiled like a fool and put his arm around her waist. "Come dear, don't be ashamed of me." Zoe slapped Bert's hand away and looked apologetically at Emanuela. "I am sorry, Emanuela. Please, excuse us." Practically pushing Bert outside, they both departed the Quartermaster's office laughing.





Guest TheDemigod

Bert smiled from ear to ear. That Emanuela had some bosom, obviously nothing compared to that of Zoe right next to him, but it wasn't as if he was going to tell her that. He still had some decency left in him, believe it or not. The quartermasters door slammed shut behind them, and Bert laughed even louder than before. “Ah, lovely, is it not?” he smiled at her. She nodded and smiled, and he laughed some more. Bert glanced at the note with his room number on. “Hmpf... Says 237 on mine, how about yours?” She held her note up and carefully unfolded it, “108..” she said, frowning a little. “Cheer up!” Bert said smiling, “It's not as if we'll never do penance together!”


He broadened his grin just a little as Zoe giggled at his little joke. “I thought you were a good boy, Bert!” “Oh, you might have thought so, but I'll make sure to prove you wrong!” She laughed and toy-punched him in the ribs. “I never knew you could be so violent! Solve your problems with words not with fists!” he playfully mocked her, but all it conjured was a kick to the shin. “Ah well, seems you're incorrigible. Shall we scout after our rooms or do you want to explore this bastion further?” She yawned and said she'd like to rest in her private chamber for a while, and so it were that Bert followed the young lass to her rooms.


“Well, I'll see you around!” Bert said, winking at Zoe as she slid her door closed with a smile. As the door closed he let out a little sigh. She was quite something that Zoe. Bert once more looked at his note. 237. What an odd number. Bert didn't feel particularly tired or in need of peace and quiet, so he took up strolling through the many corridors of the fortress of light, sucking up impressions, making mental notes on the fastest ways to get out in case of... well.. accidents. The fortress was indeed something quite remarkable, never before had he seen a building of such beauty and never before had he seen one so white! It was as if every corner of the tall palace had a little star embedded deep inside it that made it shine with the righteousness of the creator, as a a true prodigy would say it.


Walking quickly got tiresome, and the fortress was far too big for Bert to explore on one day, so he decided it was for everyones best if he went to his chambers and took a quick nap. His room was on the second floor of the barracks, was incredibly small and odorous, and last but not least, it had the biggest bed Bert had ever seen. It wasn't very big, but it was still the biggest he'd seen. He stood and cherished the looks of it for a few minutes, imagining how he'd go about sleeping on it. He'd not slept in a bed since he was 11 summers old, since his parents were killed, since then he'd only slept on hay or grass or whatever the wilds would offer. He'd once slept on a dead cow, but thinking about it, he remembered it as being quite uncomfortable. He smiled once more, thinking of what Zoe might be doing just now and let himself lie down on the bed. Humming a merry tune, he finally fell asleep...




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