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Owial was riding outside Amadicia, it was early afternoon and they wouldnt leave in yet another couple days, with the lovely weather he had descided to take a ride just for some plesant time. He loved it, and more so beeing out of the city, they where fun at times towns and cities, but the road where his home. The road and whereever his father went and there could be found Children.


His gneldring was called Sunny, a simple name, yet symbolic in some way, one he had given it when it was younger. And it just stuck even if he thougth it partly childish now. He looked around at the farmfolk working, then spurred off from the road into the forest. He enjoyed the quietness and birdsinging. Not for a moment did he feel unsafe, not this close to the Childrens headquarter, nothing and no one would touch him here.





M'bela read the letter again, finaly her years long searches had paid out. She knew her son had left the farm alive, yet his fate had been unknown to her till now. Slowly through the years she had used difrent part of her network to follow the leads found, thus making sure few at all knew what they indeed was searching for, probably asuming it was someone who had crossed her at some time.


Which made for the perfect coverstory to want inteligence on the mans son, children beeing the perfect blackmail subjects. A play toyed over her lips, then she tossed the letter once and for all into the fireplace of her innroom. This was not the best of place to be, needing to be carefull so her abilities wherent discovered. Now it was but a mather of waiting for her handyman, a skilled litle thief and spy. Well one had to be to survive in that occupation in this city.


It knocked on her door and she opened it, it was a young boy, a messenger in the service of her man. She looked at the sealed note and sliped the boy a coin. She scanned it quickly then went down to the stables, her room was paid in advance and she traveled light. She wouldnt be returning if all went well. Riding out she soon found the small trail her man had left, unless one knew what to look for one wouldnt spot it.


She rode fast, pushing her horse as fast as could without missing the trail, sudenly she saw the back of her man. There was no one around and he was about to enter the forest, she poked him with air, saw him look back and signal ahead. His days here would be over now, if anyone had seen him follow her son then he would be sure to be questioned and hanged, a replacement had been brougth in and he was beeing replaced to tear, used as he was to soroundings with hate of channeling.


Slowly they closed on the boy, her man slid back to circle around and she waited till he was out of reach. "Help...you up there...help.." she waited as the boy turned, he had for sure inherited traits from his father.





Owial turned at the voice calling for help, he rode back to the woman, "yes m'lady?"


M'bela put up a mask of inocent for a moment, "I'm afraid I've goten lost, could you please point me back to Amadicia." She waited till he turned his eyes then sliped the air weaves around him, he hardly managed to gasp before she sliped a gag into his mouth as well. Her man came up from behind and togheter they tied the boy up before she let go of the weaves.


"I am so sorry for this but time is runing short, I'll explain it all later Semir."


Owial fougth the invisible bonds, then felt regular bonds go around him. A witch here, but what did she want with him, and the name she called him by.


He was unsure of how long time had passed when he was lifted of the horse and his hood was pulled back. He was in a tick forest but it smelled all wrong, and the temperatur, and as he looked around also the plant variety. Somehow he just knew he was no longer in Amador.


"I know you must be horible confused at the moment, but the man who raised you have done nothing but lie to you, he kidnapped you from your home as a toddler and killed your fosterparents. I knew you had survived to get out of there and been searching for what happened to you ever since. " She looked him deep into those angry eyes, so familiar, just like his father had once looked at her. "I am your mother."


He looked at the woman as if she was insane, "Look the only one who did any kidnaping is you, my father is back in amadicia, and he is my sole family, as soon as I turn 18 I will do the rigth thing and join the ranks of the Children, to help stop insane peoples like you."



*3 weeks later*


M'bela looked at her prisoner, her son. The stuborn boy was far to spirited and willfull. Try as she migth she hadnt goten him to move an inch, he scowled at the food she gave him as if expecting it to contain poision, though he ate it.


She didnt have time to watch him, nor would she entrust it to someone who if he broke loose or insulted them would come to hurt him. Cause another thing she couldnt do was tell anyone, it would make him a target again.


It was then the crazy thougth hit her, mayhaps it was crazy enough to work. Oh but her pet wouldnt kill an inocent child, nor would she ever let him go and let go of that trump card, even if it was given to her. No she was to predictable, even so she would be sure she could turn it to her advantage. Oh yes to perfect, she had bether things to do then babysit, she had duties, let him drive that woman insane, mayhaps she could get some of his traits off him, after all they did a good job with their own intiates.


When he was a litle meeker and she had more time she could get him back and learn him the rigth way of things.

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