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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Zander I love you and I say this only because after the Pizza thing I think you need to reconsider the strength of your general reads especially in terms of Besie.


I know Besie is your friend and you two get along and all that stuff but I thought yesterday it was coloring your read of her severely and I didn't say anything because I wanted a land of happiness and compliance and a village that walked hand in hand. It's part of the reason why I pushed and added fire to the Pizza lynch when I think I really wanted to lynch Tina more.


You can white knight her if you please, but I think there's a decent enough chance you are wrong, especially if Nolder/Nikon are villagers. One of the things I realized separating my "line" is how much more comfortable I am with my village leans both A) straightforward and B) conditionally upon further flips.


Please consider this.


I think she is town but I do agree i think Znaders view is rose tinted


Kinda feels like Dice is lurking creepily in that pic tho.......


I cant even see the picture!!!!!!


note come back to 115 when i get home!

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Lenlo what can I do to restore your WIM?


Girlfriend says I give good back massages. Could be a start.

Another old days mafia story would be good.


Really though ive been spending the past few days resting. Its the middle of my winter break between semesters so im bored out of my skull and barely get up in the morning. Add some random sickness my roomie gave me and its down the drain. I like having things to do during the day, so im really looking forward to this next semester starting. 2 more after this next one and im done!

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Kinda feels like Dice is lurking creepily in that pic tho.......


Lock Dice, imo



Why?  Not saying he's not Town but I'm not ready to Lock him by any stretch of the imagination brother.



The fact that dice's binoculars are aimed in straight line for Besie and Tina's residences is probably a coincidence.




























Right now believe in the me that believes in me, imo <3


I'm just not going through Ragnarok again where I'm wrong and I live a small little legacy in the sand and people go "rest well Cory we barely knew ye".


I will atone, and goddammit we're going to save this village and we're going to save this good.



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Just got home and saw it was night, found the post and really sorry to hear that my read on Pizza was wrong.  Should have just gone no vote until I finished catching up but then would have missed the deadline and know that I made that mistake my first or second game and it isn't a good thing so went with my gut up to that point.  Will try to finish catching up and then do a quick ranking of each post the way I saw Pizza had done somewhere in the 30-50 page range last night (+1 | 0 | -1 for each post's scumminess to come up with a ranking of each player).


Again, sorry for the lack of activity, playing catchup and the wrong choice in D1 vote, will try to make it up to you guys.



imo if youre Town you need to put in #THEWORK and now.  You are a candidate to be shot tonight so now's your chance to give a reason not to be.


FWIW- It's gonna take quite a lot to shake my read of you off.

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Kinda feels like Dice is lurking creepily in that pic tho.......


Lock Dice, imo



Why?  Not saying he's not Town but I'm not ready to Lock him by any stretch of the imagination brother.


Was literally just saying creepy lurking was lock Dice behavior.


C'mon brother, we practiced phonics in CCSOHW!!!!!





But seriously if Tina is a wolf (and I'm 99% sure she is), you can safely clear Dice.


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Zander I love you and I say this only because after the Pizza thing I think you need to reconsider the strength of your general reads especially in terms of Besie.


I know Besie is your friend and you two get along and all that stuff but I thought yesterday it was coloring your read of her severely and I didn't say anything because I wanted a land of happiness and compliance and a village that walked hand in hand. It's part of the reason why I pushed and added fire to the Pizza lynch when I think I really wanted to lynch Tina more.


You can white knight her if you please, but I think there's a decent enough chance you are wrong, especially if Nolder/Nikon are villagers. One of the things I realized separating my "line" is how much more comfortable I am with my village leans both A) straightforward and B) conditionally upon further flips.


Please consider this.


I think she is town but I do agree i think Znaders view is rose tinted


Kinda feels like Dice is lurking creepily in that pic tho.......


I cant even see the picture!!!!!!


note come back to 115 when i get home!



My view isnt tinted by anything Dice.  Ive the most experience with her in Mafia and she's done nothing yet to give me cause for concern.  You know me If I think she's a Wolf Ill drive that train myself.  I'm not saying I can't be wrong but there's nothing atp that makes me feel otherwise.


And the pic is pretty GOAT imo



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I think she is town but I do agree i think Znaders view is rose tinted


I've been more unsettled than I've let on mostly for Zander's sake on d1. Handshake is a handshake.


Honestly I'm getting the HoC Cass feeling about the situation but I'm not at the level of confidence where I want to put my foot down about it since I know I can at least complain during night phases later even if I die :D


Can you give me like a mental snippet of why you think she's town?

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Kinda feels like Dice is lurking creepily in that pic tho.......


Lock Dice, imo



Why?  Not saying he's not Town but I'm not ready to Lock him by any stretch of the imagination brother.


Was literally just saying creepy lurking was lock Dice behavior.


C'mon brother, we practiced phonics in CCSOHW!!!!!




But seriously if Tina is a wolf (and I'm 99% sure she is), you can safely clear Dice.





The proof will be in the pudding then won't it?

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the lack of a strong read made me start here last night






TLDR: Dice has had a pretty strong End of Day and even during the beginning of day when he wasn't having the same impact I was looking for he was still using the mechanics discussion to inform reads. Tonal shift during the game, feels more relaxed and less grumpy now.


I haven't mentioned the one thing that bugs me, as its game speculation more than anything else and frankly his end of day is starting to rule out that possibility anyway.





In ISO; He got into a lot of circular arguments and I'm not sure why, he got into an early argument with Zander because Zander interpreted his use of the word 'happy' to mean alignment and then went on to say that he didn't say it, but he hasn't seen it when Cory's been mafia (Cory used poems and stuff in US, which Dice technically played, but barely posted in so may have forgotten). Votes Zander for it, there's no build up to the vote which is something I associate more with Town! Dice, the annoyance feels real, but isn't always alignment indicative for Dice.


It's tricky, i know that as town I've used happy to indicate a alignment independent emotion and an alignment indicative emotion in the same post and been surprised when people didn't realise the difference, so I can understand Dice's opinion here.


He then got into the night time mechanics discussion with Lenlo. At the risk of bringing it up again :dry: I still don't know where Dice is getting his numbers from, but it doesn't really matter (even though it's killing my mathematical soul). When asked why keeping track of who people would night lynch he says it's a bad idea because it probably means more townies dying, which ignores the question of why the second VC is a bad idea, regardless of the outcome, and also that the second lynch is going to happen regardless and also that town controlled deaths are almost always town beneficial, even if they hit town ( :dry: TG), votes Lenlo for not reading Dice's posts, yet at this stage they're either talking at cross purposes or Dice's numbers are off. Says Lenlo's tone is off.


Agrees with Lenlo that Pizzas posts are shorter but says Lenlo should make up his mind as he was complaining about it last time


Says I'm town, not sure why or if serious (pretty sure at this point I haven't done the things he associates with Town!BFG


Thinks Cory is town, but concerned he's not taking charge despite saying he would. Says Cory reads him very well, yet doesn't address Cory's null-mafia wish-washy read on him, likes Cory's town-building with me


Unvotes Lenlo as he thinks he's being too 'thick' to be mafia


Would shoot Nolder (assuming this is a joke) or Tina, only mention of her so far is that he wants to see more. Hasn't seen Town! Tina, but she hasn't been here much.


Is waiting on Pizza saying back and forth with Lenlo is a test or not?


Votes Zander (joke), unvotes


Likes Nikon - probably my favourite post from him all game. It's against consensus and has good reasoning, a log of Nikon's thoughts, questions are things that somebody not in the last few games wouldn't know about. The only thing I'd add is that its concerning that Nikon basically posted thoughts basically up to the point at which he first entered the thread and is still 50-60 pages behind with no indication of when he's going to catch up.


Bunch of fluff, feels better tempered now


Love the confidence he has that I can ISO him and come up town XD


Votes Tina


Good posts on Pizza (maybe hindsight bias here, but the approach with people reads well




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I don't really know how the night mechanics work yet since I don't care about mechanics, but I have to assume wolf have some sort of killing power since it's totally unfair if they don't and it's a basic tenet of the game.


I've been thinking about the implications of if I die and then can post about the game in latter night phases as a confirmed villager and came up with exactly this:



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I dislike that you say I go with the flow.




ISO's Besie and doesn't like how she's going with the flow

I can even pinpoint to the post that  probably formed this idea in the back of your mind.





She seems to be going with the flow* a lot and a lot of her posts are not game related. She asks questions but don´t do anything with the answers. I have not played with her before so I can´t judge her from previous games so I don´t know why Zander is saying she is town. 


* many have had the same oppinion so it´s hard to say that this is purely negative. I have expressed some of the same thoughts.



I'm not going with the flow. I'm making my own deductions from my own ways of reasoning. The only way I'm going with the flow is in reading, understanding and agreeing with several people's arguments. Including you. Do you WANT me to make a very random list? My list differs conciderably from Pizza's. Many people are at different alignments when compared to Cory and Zander's, with the main being Shad, I believe. And you just went and moved Shad to null-town, so I don't see how that's a problem. The only other thing I did was to move Len quite a bit, and you could possibly have seen that as going with the flow. It was not. It was my thoughts about things he said early game. And once again, no. I'm not referring to the "secret info" that Cory saw and Zander apparently sees too. It's my own, and I actually added even more to Len's villa after his argument with Pizza, and Pizza's reasoning.


If you want to say that I'm sheeping (cause that's what go with the flow is!) then at least give proper examples. I'm NOT sheeping my top scum read. I'm not even sheeping my top town reads, except on Tina. Want me to stop going with the flow? Then I refuse to vote someone who I have no experience with and can see no reason for their negative alignment.


Another example is Dice.  I don't feel good on him. And he's towny for most people. Is that going with the flow too?






Are you deepwolfing with Tina?


Cory, I liked Besie's reaction here earlier today. Particularly the reaction in spoilers, felt townie defensive more than anything else.


I think I need to track her thoughts on Tina though just from reading this post.

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I think she is town but I do agree i think Znaders view is rose tinted


I've been more unsettled than I've let on mostly for Zander's sake on d1. Handshake is a handshake.


Honestly I'm getting the HoC Cass feeling about the situation but I'm not at the level of confidence where I want to put my foot down about it since I know I can at least complain during night phases later even if I die :D


Can you give me like a mental snippet of why you think she's town?



for me its the attitude. Shes saying what she thinks, isnt backing down. see her little go with pizza. Theres been a couple of things where shes been uncertain but on the whole I think she is town. And when she speaks i hear BESIE. she sounds pretty normal.


Granted Ive played one game but I am basing that tone read off skype convos and the Band forum

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A wolf who earns the "second VC" bullet isn't terribly deep though.


And I don't see where it's any less obvious who so-and-so would shoot as a vig based on their reads lists than base on their mechanically meaningless "second VC" vote.


So what information would Lenlo's plan provide scum with here that they wouldn't have anyway?


And I recognize that I lie about my reads to an extent--I sometimes benefit from treating someone who I think is scum as town for a while, if I think they're more easily outed that way--but I doubt many people do this, and I wouldn't toss my "second" vote on them if I thought it didn't have a chance at succeeding for the same reason I wouldn't call them scum to their face without playing cat and mouse for a while first.



Can you give some examples of this please?  I'm not sure how I feel about this at all.

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Anyone else starting to think Nikon's lack of posting stems from randing wolf???


Not really.  Maybe it's just a consequence of having recently compiled a DM mafia library.  I'm pretty sure last time Nikon played, an average game in its entirety rarely reached 36 pages.  I saw a pretty consistent trend of old players returning for a game and being completely overwhelmed by quantity regardless of alignment.


I'm completely null on him.




How do you feel about him now Shad?

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