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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Nolder is a special little butterfly whom is general hard to gauge since he's a closed-hand player more than an open one and generally sees the game in an entirely different fashion than I do. For the most part this read is conflicted because he's pushed it in several directions, not because of the lack of a read. Just off the top of my head:


As me, BFG and Zander pointed out when it happened, his list of reads were unique and against the general consensus. Even his "one shot" answer was BFG, something that could easily have been seen unfavorably and caused him trouble, so I guess the "he's thinking independently" angle worked to his favor in some degree. With that said, it's not something that pushes him heavily out his wolf range.


On the other hand, something grating on my brain was that I don't remember a time Nolder really said anything about Nikon to the point where he was either impassive or dismissive. Nolder generally is a lot like me in the regard that he's not particularly patient with inactives and proposes lynching them relatively often in lieu of better suspects, something that he thinks is so ingrained in his villager game that he tries to replicate it as a wolf.


Nolder isn't the most villagery wolf, but he is pretty range-y and has no problem speaking his mind in either role and has no problem making unpopular statements. He's sort of wolfy in either role to some regard and I'm having trouble really getting a bead on him. Several times I wanted to throw him in my villager pile but I still am not "there" with him and usually something else he does makes me roll it back anyway.

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Nikon I guess is here because of the vote on Pizza and general timing but at the same time it's starting to rattle me that he did it at all when it probably wasn't even necessary of him to do. I keep thinking about how bad it looks and IDK, it's completely leveling me.


If there's one key slot for me to figure out it's here. There's so very little to comment on, and I hope he's not just settled into the PoE because of general inactivity.

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Going back to basics. There are two people who I know well enough as villagers to have a read on at this point and who have lacked the correct level of substance and mindset their village game allows and it's time I stop being a wuss and commit firmly to these reads because I believe they are correct and I need to stop beating myself up over Pizza and take over this game.


Shad_ is an intensely committed villager who fights hard and even in spurts is thinking and moving and making connections. It's been four real life days and he has some hundred posts that are a ghost of what that village game signifies. He's been around enough where it would have peeked through. He's made appeals but he's never dug into the game like he should and he's had the time and space to do so. The only reason I hesitated on Day 1 is because he made a thinly veiled softclaim but the fact that he has had zero follow through and coasting on a thinly veiled claim is bull anyway and much more likely to be the spot reaction of a wolf in trouble than a villager. He would have followed up if he was a villager.


He might try to ramp up later but do not forget what he did on Day 1: nothing.


I know he might be sick but I am not buying that angle as to why he's been so complacent and disinterested this game. It would have shown at some point, but he continues to be a shadow of himself and permanently behind in a way that gives him an excuse to not stay current.

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Tina is just literally always a wolf. I've talked about her enough already to the point where you don't really need to know any more than you do: I let myself give her too much time on Day 1 and I haven't lost my ability to read her, she just played me like a fiddle to buy a day and by god, it worked.


If I'm dead tonight and Pizza shoots elsewhere you will lynch her tomorrow.


Do not let her escape.


If I'm wrong I'll take 100% of the responsibility. Trust me here.

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One of the most valuable tools is my w/w team spreadsheet and I don't feel like fully explaining it but I am going to leave literally everything I have here for people to pursue in case they need it during day phase. I don't like conditionals but I'm leaving everything I've got out there because I see myself robbed of d2 all too often and I didn't realize that androids can't post during day because lolcory didn't read the rules right.

If Tina is a wolf, never lynch: Lenlo, Sooh, Dice. This obviously a pretty important list of players, but I know Tina extremely well and the way she gauged Lenlo and Sooh is literally never the way she interacts with teammates. Dice should be obvious, and honestly if Tina flips wolf being able to clear Dice (who simply does not push against her the way he did if they are w/w with Pizza = v)


If Tina flips wolf, it looks bad for: Shad, Besie. Besie has been pretty open but she's had several weird disinclination as to reading Tina that never sat right with me. Shad should be obvious considering the d1 wagon treatment and exactly how each responded.


Taking a break for now.

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Screw it, I'm going to reread the whole damn thread.


I've moved from the Denial stage to the Anger stage of grief and I'm going to hold off bargaining for as long as possible.


I was swindled yesterday and I am not going to stand for it. 


I will not go gentle into that goodnight.

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Screw it, I'm going to reread the whole damn thread.


I've moved from the Denial stage to the Anger stage of grief and I'm going to hold off bargaining for as long as possible.


I was swindled yesterday and I am not going to stand for it. 


I will not go gentle into that goodnight.

Well. I was not expecting to come back to this. I loved reading all those individual player posts though.

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Nolder is a special little butterfly whom is general hard to gauge since he's a closed-hand player more than an open one and generally sees the game in an entirely different fashion than I do. For the most part this read is conflicted because he's pushed it in several directions, not because of the lack of a read. Just off the top of my head:


As me, BFG and Zander pointed out when it happened, his list of reads were unique and against the general consensus. Even his "one shot" answer was BFG, something that could easily have been seen unfavorably and caused him trouble, so I guess the "he's thinking independently" angle worked to his favor in some degree. With that said, it's not something that pushes him heavily out his wolf range.


On the other hand, something grating on my brain was that I don't remember a time Nolder really said anything about Nikon to the point where he was either impassive or dismissive. Nolder generally is a lot like me in the regard that he's not particularly patient with inactives and proposes lynching them relatively often in lieu of better suspects, something that he thinks is so ingrained in his villager game that he tries to replicate it as a wolf.


Nolder isn't the most villagery wolf, but he is pretty range-y and has no problem speaking his mind in either role and has no problem making unpopular statements. He's sort of wolfy in either role to some regard and I'm having trouble really getting a bead on him. Several times I wanted to throw him in my villager pile but I still am not "there" with him and usually something else he does makes me roll it back anyway.

I addressed Nikon.

That is, I said he needs to contribute more.


I wish you'd played here idk like 2 years ago? 2 1/2? 3? When I was literally arguing every single game and going on these epic long rants about inactives that got me lynched several times both as scum and town. I've been so demoralized on this subject that I just don't really care anymore. Towns that let inactives skate will reap what they sew. If you're up for lynching Nikon so am I but I am tired of being literally Hitler in every game I play for trying to get rid of inactive players. I mean don't take my word for it. After this game is over ask around. I think there are several people who didn't even want to play with me anymore because they thought I was being such a jerk to repeat offenders. I don't want to put anyone on the spot so I wont name names but seriously ask around I'm sure if you find the right people they've got plenty to say. Even the games you THINK I pushed inactives hard...really wasn't all that hard.


I don't expect that to change your opinion of me this game but just an FYI for the future you know?

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My beautiful girlfriend is being ever so gracious enough to let me be only sort of grounded while I go through the thread again. It's not really a sharing thing, though, I still go home with her at the end of the night. But for now we can dance together.  :wink:

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Nolder is a special little butterfly whom is general hard to gauge since he's a closed-hand player more than an open one and generally sees the game in an entirely different fashion than I do. For the most part this read is conflicted because he's pushed it in several directions, not because of the lack of a read. Just off the top of my head:


As me, BFG and Zander pointed out when it happened, his list of reads were unique and against the general consensus. Even his "one shot" answer was BFG, something that could easily have been seen unfavorably and caused him trouble, so I guess the "he's thinking independently" angle worked to his favor in some degree. With that said, it's not something that pushes him heavily out his wolf range.


On the other hand, something grating on my brain was that I don't remember a time Nolder really said anything about Nikon to the point where he was either impassive or dismissive. Nolder generally is a lot like me in the regard that he's not particularly patient with inactives and proposes lynching them relatively often in lieu of better suspects, something that he thinks is so ingrained in his villager game that he tries to replicate it as a wolf.


Nolder isn't the most villagery wolf, but he is pretty range-y and has no problem speaking his mind in either role and has no problem making unpopular statements. He's sort of wolfy in either role to some regard and I'm having trouble really getting a bead on him. Several times I wanted to throw him in my villager pile but I still am not "there" with him and usually something else he does makes me roll it back anyway.

I addressed Nikon.

That is, I said he needs to contribute more.


I wish you'd played here idk like 2 years ago? 2 1/2? 3? When I was literally arguing every single game and going on these epic long rants about inactives that got me lynched several times both as scum and town. I've been so demoralized on this subject that I just don't really care anymore. Towns that let inactives skate will reap what they sew. If you're up for lynching Nikon so am I but I am tired of being literally Hitler in every game I play for trying to get rid of inactive players. I mean don't take my word for it. After this game is over ask around. I think there are several people who didn't even want to play with me anymore because they thought I was being such a jerk to repeat offenders. I don't want to put anyone on the spot so I wont name names but seriously ask around I'm sure if you find the right people they've got plenty to say. Even the games you THINK I pushed inactives hard...really wasn't all that hard.


I don't expect that to change your opinion of me this game but just an FYI for the future you know?



I don't think this really applies to this game as is, so it's a fine FYI and I'm sure you're telling the truth overall.


That doesn't make you a villager this game however  :baalzamon:

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My beautiful girlfriend is being ever so gracious enough to let me be only sort of grounded while I go through the thread again. It's not really a sharing thing, though, I still go home with her at the end of the night. But for now we can dance together.  :wink:


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Zander I love you and I say this only because after the Pizza thing I think you need to reconsider the strength of your general reads especially in terms of Besie.


I know Besie is your friend and you two get along and all that stuff but I thought yesterday it was coloring your read of her severely and I didn't say anything because I wanted a land of happiness and compliance and a village that walked hand in hand. It's part of the reason why I pushed and added fire to the Pizza lynch when I think I really wanted to lynch Tina more.


You can white knight her if you please, but I think there's a decent enough chance you are wrong, especially if Nolder/Nikon are villagers. One of the things I realized separating my "line" is how much more comfortable I am with my village leans both A) straightforward and B) conditionally upon further flips.


Please consider this.

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@Pizza I know I said I didn't want to dictate your shot but I'd heavily look at my five and particularly my greys, where I think we get the most "resolution" specifically if I am wrong about Shad.


I think in this particular set-up there is value to leaving an ~outed wolf alive to lynch during day so that dead villagers can give input during the night.

Specifically I don't think Tina is worth the shot today. I can probably figure this game out fully contingent on her flip, and I know full well I'll be around during Night 2 and be able to post regardless of anything that happens tonight.

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Zander I love you and I say this only because after the Pizza thing I think you need to reconsider the strength of your general reads especially in terms of Besie.


I know Besie is your friend and you two get along and all that stuff but I thought yesterday it was coloring your read of her severely and I didn't say anything because I wanted a land of happiness and compliance and a village that walked hand in hand. It's part of the reason why I pushed and added fire to the Pizza lynch when I think I really wanted to lynch Tina more.


You can white knight her if you please, but I think there's a decent enough chance you are wrong, especially if Nolder/Nikon are villagers. One of the things I realized separating my "line" is how much more comfortable I am with my village leans both A) straightforward and B) conditionally upon further flips.


Please consider this.



I most certainly will consider this.  But not until we resolve a couple other slots first.  There at least 3 players that have much higher wolf equity imo.




Ive already went into why Tina with my ISO.


I havent ISO'd Shad yet but I feel like I've seen enough to feel like this is not Town!Shad I'm seeing.  Will still like to try and ISO.


Nikon- He is reminding me of Tab in Nightmare, A deer caught in the headlights,  I understand the speed and size of the game would prolly effect a player who hasnt played in a while but I don't feel its that different from Tab.  Long periods of absence.  Only focusing on like really 2 people Len and Pizza, and his "convenient" pop in vote on Pizza while stating he was still WAY behind in the game.  He didnt even respond to my call out of it or my questions. 


Sooh-  Oh God I wanna read her town....i really really do.  But I can't bring myself to atp.  I found her reasoning weak and suspect and certain of her reads.  I will agree with Tina on the OMGUS feel of her vote and her only reason listed was "trending down"  I have liked her sass but again that's easy to fake.  Shes more involved then I feel she would be in her Wolf game though I only have a little of one game to go off of. The last of the list I feel like exploring atp pending flips.

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Len why arent you as involved this game?  I mean maybe its just me that feels this way but you seemed more invested into the last few games we've played?  I mean after the go with Pizza you kind of fell of the map so to speak.

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