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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Pizza you still feel like you and Len were t vs t?


Haven't read everything but that's where I was last time I checked the game.




He was much more active in Diablo Town, Matrix Scum. and Nightmare 3rd Party.  Not really sure what to make of it but I know he's dislikes randing Scum but not sure if that is a tell or not.

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Pizza please don't take this the wrong way but I'm sort of glad you are dead.


I mean this in the highest regard and it's very specific to this set-up but I need somebody to bounce things off of and talk to and just run the gamut with and I haven't really found anyone to do that with this game that I feel comfortable with. 


I hope you don't take the lynch as a reason to be mad at the village or as a WIM killer, because I'd really like you to stick around and help sort through things with at least me (and certainly everyone else). I was wrong and I'm an idiot, but you can salvage this and my reads get far better d2+ on and you can still be a giant asset.

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Pizza please don't take this the wrong way but I'm sort of glad you are dead.


I mean this in the highest regard and it's very specific to this set-up but I need somebody to bounce things off of and talk to and just run the gamut with and I haven't really found anyone to do that with this game that I feel comfortable with. 


I hope you don't take the lynch as a reason to be mad at the village or as a WIM killer, because I'd really like you to stick around and help sort through things with at least me (and certainly everyone else). I was wrong and I'm an idiot, but you can salvage this and my reads get far better d2+ on and you can still be a giant asset.



Whats changed in regards to me and BFG who were your top 2 town reads?

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You know why I, a player who posts a billion times every game, always has a hydra partner in like 80% of games?


Because I need a sounding board. Somebody to tell me when I'm being crazy when I am, when I'm beating myself up more than I should, when I really am right about something.

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Honestly I need time away from Zander. I appreciate his dedication and WIM but I feel like I'm letting him color my reads and that's just me being lazy.


I may be incorrect in remembering this but you did this exact same thing in Matrix didnt you?

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And literally the worst thing you can do as a villager is, after a flip that you didn't expect, is turn the world upside-down. I don't know how many times I've been right on 95% of my reads but pursued the wrong one on Day 1 and watched the game crumble in a state of complete anarchy and paranoia because something didn't match an expectation. That was one of the biggest problems with old DM villages and created multiple games where wolves got PoE'd early but wiggled out of it because town destroyed itself.


We are better than that.


We made the initial reads we did for a reason, and a lot of them are probably correct.


We can proclaim the sky is falling because something didn't work out, or we can follow through and keep working.

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My reads haven't changed much and I'm still quite confident in you and BFG, but I don't know if an open discussion between us is productive.


You sort of do your own thing and BFG doesn't really trust me, lol.

Will you accept a better late than never?

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I don't know, I don't really pay attention to what I do as a wolf. Not even sure what you are asking.


I'm looking for possible tells.


We've played in 3 games where you were scum


My 2nd game- 9-5 or April Fool's- You pocketed me and after I listed the Scum team in like my bottom 4 and you lunched me so I stopped following the game.

US- I don't count and stopped following after I died but you pocketed me again,  Well I guess we pocketed each other...lol

Matrix- Scum mates, pocketed each other.  and you more or less kinda followed my reads and voted with me if im remembering correctly..


Im really prolly just tinfoiling bad brother but like you I HATE BEING WRONG....and also like you I take a lot of responsibility and pride in my game especially as Town.


Im gonna go through everything but I just can't rule anything out atp.  Obv not somewhere im going to go D2 but I'm just really thinking out loud more or less.

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Sorry, some friends surprised me by coming by yesterday and kept me busy most of the day but I hope to catch up now.  I had two people whose posts seemed to rub me the wrong way so I want to look deeper at them while catching up and seeing if I still feel those two or if anything new comes to mind.


Pages 10 to 20, feeling like Pizza is more town-like than the earlier first day posts but not completely out of my radar... Lenlo hasn't shown much that to change my thoughts but still trying to catch up on my first catchup read through.


Sorry for the lack of posts, RL keeps me busy which is why I usually try to avoid mafia but that's still a bad excuse...


After reading pages 20-30 Lenlo is looking a little better and I'm stuck feeling one of my leads is wrong... but which one? Leno and Pizza both seem to vie for the other so doubt both are mafia team together but from my reads so far can't tell which one I trust more.


Up to page 30 so making some progress but still a long way to go to catch up to the end...


Made it to page 40 then quick skimmed to 50 but really getting tired after 14.5 hours of work-commute home-Mafia Catchup...


I believe I saw an email that there was a deadline and think it's tomorrow so at least want to get something in and for now I'll hope my reads so far are correct [v]PIZZA[/v]


Will try to continue and catch up tomorrow but will be at work until 5:00ish PST and think the deadline is somewhere around then.


I should not need to explain why these posts are not good, why the conclusion is not good, and why the vote itself seems alarmingly conveniently timed.


BFG, you said Nikon was pretty wolfy when you were teamed with him some time back. What do you think?

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