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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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I didn't like her play all game. Tbh the only reason she was high up in my first list was that she was sussing me, which is something she generally does as town and not as mafia. Her play from there on has been rather formulaic, nothing really surprising about her posts. She said one day that she would spend a lot of time in the thread (or at least I seem to recall that she did), but no real time interaction occurred from what I remember. 


In addition to that there's POE, where too many others seem more towny to me than she does. Also the reads from people I trust to be town plays into my read of her. I'm actually surprised that Cory hasn't pinned her firmly down as town or scum yet. 


All of these factor into my vote and subsequent comment that she's trending down for me.




So youre saying that you're vote on Tina wasn't OMGUS but based on Meta reasons that she tends to suss you as Town and not Mafia and that makes her scummy?  Am I missing something because that makes no sense to me at all?


Your vote seemed to stem from her push at Pizza as all you replied with was "trending down": atp.....


Regarding the bolded part:


She would have been further down on my initial list had she not suspected me. That particular piece of information had nothing directly to do with my vote.

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Ok I have one more question in regards to Lenlo.

Why do you think that behavior supersedes his awful plan near the start of the game?


Because townies suggest plans which are awful a lot.


Hey everyone let's mass claim, in a game where the host Askthepizzaguy is notorious for providing cover roles.


We got a guilty result on someone, everyone hop aboard! 27 votes on one person for the entire round, and a townie got lynched. Next day, the person with the faulty result got lynched. No discussion was had for two days and 4 townies died in between.


Townies suggest things which are bad. Hey, what if we lynch a townie today, guys? I felt was a thought process leading to "do we have a volunteer", you know? Such a bad plan. But, I don't think it ever got that far. Having two lynch tallies isn't terrible, but it isn't as pro-town as Lenlo believed for the reasons I indicated, and I felt his melodrama about it was wolfy.


The odds of certain behavior being scum were good in that case, but when combined with his later behavior, I had to retreat despite what it made me look like, even if it got me lynched.


Because dead town Lenlo and dead town Pizza are zero dead scums.




FWIW- I thinks there very very little chance you are both town imo.

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I dislike that you say I go with the flow.



ISO's Besie and doesn't like how she's going with the flow

I can even pinpoint to the post that  probably formed this idea in the back of your mind.





She seems to be going with the flow* a lot and a lot of her posts are not game related. She asks questions but don´t do anything with the answers. I have not played with her before so I can´t judge her from previous games so I don´t know why Zander is saying she is town. 


* many have had the same oppinion so it´s hard to say that this is purely negative. I have expressed some of the same thoughts.




I'm not going with the flow. I'm making my own deductions from my own ways of reasoning. The only way I'm going with the flow is in reading, understanding and agreeing with several people's arguments. Including you. Do you WANT me to make a very random list? My list differs conciderably from Pizza's. Many people are at different alignments when compared to Cory and Zander's, with the main being Shad, I believe. And you just went and moved Shad to null-town, so I don't see how that's a problem. The only other thing I did was to move Len quite a bit, and you could possibly have seen that as going with the flow. It was not. It was my thoughts about things he said early game. And once again, no. I'm not referring to the "secret info" that Cory saw and Zander apparently sees too. It's my own, and I actually added even more to Len's villa after his argument with Pizza, and Pizza's reasoning.


If you want to say that I'm sheeping (cause that's what go with the flow is!) then at least give proper examples. I'm NOT sheeping my top scum read. I'm not even sheeping my top town reads, except on Tina. Want me to stop going with the flow? Then I refuse to vote someone who I have no experience with and can see no reason for their negative alignment.


Another example is Dice.  I don't feel good on him. And he's towny for most people. Is that going with the flow too?






Are you deepwolfing with Tina?




Even though Im pretty sure BFG was referring to Tina's comment here.  Besie very towny right here!!!!!

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This game is becoming frustrating to me. Frustrating because people make one assumption about people in early game and refuse to change their reads.

I've changed my mind on many reads. See Lenlo for example.


At this moment I'm waiting for a reason to change my mind on Pizza. Waiting...

Sooh, what is your updated list?


Interested in both your thoughts, and to see if you changed your mind (as you are saying the rest of us aren't).

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This game is becoming frustrating to me. Frustrating because people make one assumption about people in early game and refuse to change their reads.

I've changed my mind on many reads. See Lenlo for example.


At this moment I'm waiting for a reason to change my mind on Pizza. Waiting...

Sooh, what is your updated list?


Interested in both your thoughts, and to see if you changed your mind (as you are saying the rest of us aren't).


It'll only be short as I'm not planning on staying in the thread much longer. I need a break.









Null to town:



Null-null to town:





Nolder Can't make up my mind. Goes from scummy to towny and right back down atp.


Null to scum:

Shad POE

Nikon POE




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And them my last catchup post.




id vote shad  not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe"   not a fan

Fair enough

But I don't play safe I PLAY TO WIN THE GAME!!!


And in order to do that I have to find 3 wolves.  I think theres more reasons to vote Pizza then what your referring to. But I'm happy to roll Shad or less happily roll Tina cause flips will make solving this much easier for us.







Noooooo! WRONG GIF! Zander!


I'm not.
I want to vote Pizza.
For reasons already given. He's been my top scum for a while, and I feel more confident voting him as scum than any else atm. Call it POE, if you must.



no one can actually EXPLAIN zander...

Im pretty easy to figure out....like on my gravestone it will say these 6 things:

He Loved God
He Loved his Children
He Loved Bacon
He Loved Beer
He Loved To Town
And by God He Lunched a Hell of A lot of Wolves.



Now Zander while he is going to sleep, tell meeeee!

Curiosity killed the cat.





id vote shad  not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe"   not a fan
Dice so towny!

Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.

Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?

I'm voting Pizza. I have no problem switching that to Sooh or Dice. Sooh more so than Dice. Can't shake my distrust of them.

I don't like that lynching Pizza is a definite lynch on Shad. I still have not done the iso, though. I'll do that now that I've caught up. I'm trusting my top town reads again, that have said that shad is scummy. And I don't like that. I want my own opinions.

And I just edited this post so that I didn't vote Pizza because 1) it'll put him at -1 and 2) because I want to hear what BFG says first.





Like after the last 2 Besie post's I've quoted doesn't have everyone move her into at least light green town reads give your heads a shake imo.

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Add a point to Nolder's village equity.


The reads list he posted around this point looks a little like someone who read halfway through the game and decided those leans based on stuff up to that point but no further.


Curiosity question- @Nolder, is this about right? Or was this based on 100 percent of the thread read up to the point of the leans list?


My read on Lenlo migrated. Did you see my reasons for not pushing him more? I know not everyone absorbed it on the first flyby.



I did some rereading to remind myself of a few things (such as why i had a good feeling about Shad early on) but I wouldn't say I've read 100% of the thread.

I wouldn't say I stopped halfway or anything either though. 


Fwiw your posts are the ones I skim the most.



@ Cory, Zander


This exchange proves Nolder is a townie in my mind. I feel Nolder-scum would have a different list.



i wouldnt say i disagree with your assessment here.

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Is there anybody besides myself willing to vote Lenlo?

I want to lynch him but I hate wasting my vote so if it's not going to happen I'm willing to consolidate on a lesser read.

Especially since I have people I'm townreading townreading my first pick. Makes me hesitate.

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@ Zander




You said that you didn't think town!shad would stop fighting:



I know RL stuff can be legit but I feel Like he's made a AtE type posts that I really don't expect much of from him.


If you honestly think that saying my kid is sick is a scum tell, I'm going to fly to Canada and slap you, then steal your wallet to pay for the return fair.

There are two options in this game: I am town who has been very distracted, or I am scum who has been very distracted. Convincing you of the former is proving a challenge, and that's frustrating, but in the worst case scenario I'll have a great deal of say on who dies over the next few nights and I won't be bothered with trying to "prove" myself anymore.


Best option: don't lynch me.  But I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail.


Absolutely not Shad and you know that.


Town!Shad does 100% of the time imo.



Which I didn't mind.

But then you had no problem at all with Cory deciding not to fight back:



I'm letting it go BFG, I've got wolves to hunt.


You may follow me if you please, you may read me as a villager with more confidence if you want to be right post-game about one more read, or you may resist and I'll come back and put you on my shoulders.


Either way, we'll get there. :wub:







Which I was also okay with, since they're two different people that might play differently.


So my question to you is, is okay or not okay for Pizza to do the same, iyo?


I've reached my limit.


Askthepizzaguy died and was a villager. I've wasted enough time on this game today.

And why aren't you treating everyone the same? Are you deciding how they should act individually? How would you act if you were told that you were wolf right now and everyone was against you?


I know you'll fight back (right?) So why didn't it bother you when Cory decided not to even attempt it?


And while I'm on it. I know you've said it before prolly but I'm asking again. How'd your mind change on Lenlo when he DID fight back?

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Besie, you might want to talk to me before firin your lazar.


Why do you keep feeling/saying that everyone NEEDS to talk to you?  Like I'm not opposed to it but its like you're completely ruling out the fact that a read on you can be formulated on you for your game play up to that point itself.


Again not opposed to you wanting people to talk to you but it just feels like you don't want to allow for it to be possible. Its quite possible imo.








id vote shad  not pizza


Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe"   not a fan

Dice so towny!

Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I admit I'm not great at this game when wolfing, but it would be ridiculous of a wolf me to put our trio so close together. 


Dice is towny because Dice does Dice. He takes stances regardless of their popularity and defends them. This is one of those cases in which I believe his thinking is completely towny. 




Besie, sort of love your reaction though!

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And them my last catchup post.





id vote shad not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe" not a fan
Fair enough


But I don't play safe I PLAY TO WIN THE GAME!!!




And in order to do that I have to find 3 wolves. I think theres more reasons to vote Pizza then what your referring to. But I'm happy to roll Shad or less happily roll Tina cause flips will make solving this much easier for us.







Noooooo! WRONG GIF! Zander!




I'm not.

I want to vote Pizza.

For reasons already given. He's been my top scum for a while, and I feel more confident voting him as scum than any else atm. Call it POE, if you must.



no one can actually EXPLAIN zander...

Im pretty easy to figure out....like on my gravestone it will say these 6 things:


He Loved God

He Loved his Children

He Loved Bacon

He Loved Beer

He Loved To Town

And by God He Lunched a Hell of A lot of Wolves.



Now Zander while he is going to sleep, tell meeeee!

Curiosity killed the cat.





id vote shad not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe" not a fan
Dice so towny!
Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I'm voting Pizza. I have no problem switching that to Sooh or Dice. Sooh more so than Dice. Can't shake my distrust of them.


I don't like that lynching Pizza is a definite lynch on Shad. I still have not done the iso, though. I'll do that now that I've caught up. I'm trusting my top town reads again, that have said that shad is scummy. And I don't like that. I want my own opinions.




And I just edited this post so that I didn't vote Pizza because 1) it'll put him at -1 and 2) because I want to hear what BFG says first.




Like after the last 2 Besie post's I've quoted doesn't have everyone move her into at least light green town reads give your heads a shake imo.

They'll get there in their own time and for their own reasons, Zan. I appreciate that I have found a villa teammate but don't overdo it, okay? :happy:

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Besie, you might want to talk to me before firin your lazar.

Why do you keep feeling/saying that everyone NEEDS to talk to you? Like I'm not opposed to it but its like you're completely ruling out the fact that a read on you can be formulated on you for your game play up to that point itself.


Again not opposed to you wanting people to talk to you but it just feels like you don't want to allow for it to be possible. Its quite possible imo.











id vote shad not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe" not a fan
Dice so towny!
Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I admit I'm not great at this game when wolfing, but it would be ridiculous of a wolf me to put our trio so close together.


Dice is towny because Dice does Dice. He takes stances regardless of their popularity and defends them. This is one of those cases in which I believe his thinking is completely towny.

Besie, sort of love your reaction though!

Yes it is possible to talk to him. Unless he leaves. :/

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id vote shad  not pizza


Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe"   not a fan

Dice so towny!

Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I admit I'm not great at this game when wolfing, but it would be ridiculous of a wolf me to put our trio so close together. 


Dice is towny because Dice does Dice. He takes stances regardless of their popularity and defends them. This is one of those cases in which I believe his thinking is completely towny. 



Why would something that no one would prolly expect you to do be ridiculous?  Like somewhere in the vicinity of let's say someone claiming to be a wolf let's say..


Do you not feel like Dice could also do the same as scum?

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16 hours to deadline, I should be back within 8.


Hammer generally doesn't fall that early without strong consensus on this site. If it does, that will be telling as well.


Explain why Tina is mafia? I have her as POE, but that's not the same thing


Cory is a townie

Nolder is a townie

Zander is a townie

Pizza is a townie

Besie is a townie

BFG is a townie

Lenlo is a townie

Dice is a townie


That's why Tina is a scum.




FWIW I find it funny you have yourself listed in 4th.....lololololololololol

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Besie, you might want to talk to me before firin your lazar.



Why did you start posting more words only after it was stated that town pizza does that?


Why have you stopped being sarcastic in terms of being wolf?


I felt that you were overconfident then. And now you stopped, so does it indicate that you feel threatened (as wolf) or that you're actually trying to prove you're villa?



Why did you decide to go after Lenlo when your reasoning now is that his behaviour was typical for town?


His behaviour being to think of tactics that might work to win the game as villa/town.




Pretty solid observations/questions imo.  Especially irt Pizza.

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I agree more with the nothing to gain argument than the townies make bad arguments argument (lol).

I mean, you're not wrong they do make bad arguments all the time. But my point is that it shouldn't be allowed to stand.

There is a chance, a decent chance, that Lenlo was mafia trying to nudge the town into making a stupid move.

I think that deserves followup in the form of a lynch.


Seems like it would way too obvious to come from Scum Lenlo imo.








id vote shad not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe" not a fan
Dice so towny!
Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I admit I'm not great at this game when wolfing, but it would be ridiculous of a wolf me to put our trio so close together.


Dice is towny because Dice does Dice. He takes stances regardless of their popularity and defends them. This is one of those cases in which I believe his thinking is completely towny.

It would be foolish, yes. But also great to be a method to clear some of the trio.


I only said you and Dice though. Didn't include Pizza in that specific sentence. Too many commas, I guess.



Are you reading my mind again??!!!











I dislike that you say I go with the flow.





ISO's Besie and doesn't like how she's going with the flow

I can even pinpoint to the post that probably formed this idea in the back of your mind.





She seems to be going with the flow* a lot and a lot of her posts are not game related. She asks questions but don´t do anything with the answers. I have not played with her before so I can´t judge her from previous games so I don´t know why Zander is saying she is town.


* many have had the same oppinion so it´s hard to say that this is purely negative. I have expressed some of the same thoughts.



I'm not going with the flow. I'm making my own deductions from my own ways of reasoning. The only way I'm going with the flow is in reading, understanding and agreeing with several people's arguments. Including you. Do you WANT me to make a very random list? My list differs conciderably from Pizza's. Many people are at different alignments when compared to Cory and Zander's, with the main being Shad, I believe. And you just went and moved Shad to null-town, so I don't see how that's a problem. The only other thing I did was to move Len quite a bit, and you could possibly have seen that as going with the flow. It was not. It was my thoughts about things he said early game. And once again, no. I'm not referring to the "secret info" that Cory saw and Zander apparently sees too. It's my own, and I actually added even more to Len's villa after his argument with Pizza, and Pizza's reasoning.


If you want to say that I'm sheeping (cause that's what go with the flow is!) then at least give proper examples. I'm NOT sheeping my top scum read. I'm not even sheeping my top town reads, except on Tina. Want me to stop going with the flow? Then I refuse to vote someone who I have no experience with and can see no reason for their negative alignment.


Another example is Dice. I don't feel good on him. And he's towny for most people. Is that going with the flow too?






Are you deepwolfing with Tina?

Just read the first line.


:laugh: that's my summary of the post you quoted from within Tina's ISO.


Everything within the spoiler is either a summary of Tina's ISO or my reaction to it. I'll try to make it clearer which is which in future



I apologize.





You secretly British?


South African... which is pretty much the same. I've heard Canadians apologize just as much. Teehee.



Hey Im really really sorry but I don;t understand what you're talking ABOOT eh!!!!!!

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id vote shad not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe" not a fan
Dice so towny!
Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I admit I'm not great at this game when wolfing, but it would be ridiculous of a wolf me to put our trio so close together.


Dice is towny because Dice does Dice. He takes stances regardless of their popularity and defends them. This is one of those cases in which I believe his thinking is completely towny.

It would be foolish, yes. But also great to be a method to clear some of the trio.


I only said you and Dice though. Didn't include Pizza in that specific sentence. Too many commas, I guess.


Ah, I read that wrong then.


Still, that's a wifom argument which could be made about anyone clearing anyone else. Plus if I'm scum, would I not try to clear my teammates?



Ummm.....Sooh.....you can see why I strongly strongly disagree with the Bold right....????!!!!!  Like #BUSSINGISPOSSIBLE....or so I've been told at least........

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