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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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I'm letting it go BFG, I've got wolves to hunt.


You may follow me if you please, you may read me as a villager with more confidence if you want to be right post-game about one more read, or you may resist and I'll come back and put you on my shoulders.


Either way, we'll get there. :wub:

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one night a villager had a dream.

they dreamed they were walking along the beach with cory caboose.

across the sky flashed wolf lynches from the game,

for each wolf lynch, the villager noticed two sets of footprints in the sand.

one belonging to him, and the other to cory caboose.


when the last wolf of the game was lynched,

they looked back at the footprints in the sand

they noticed that many times along the path of the game

there was only one set of footprints.

they also noticed that it happened at the

very hardest and frustrating points in the game.

this really bothered the villager,

and they questioned the cory caboose about it.


"cory caboose, you said that once i decided to trust you,

you'd walk with me all the way,

but i have noticed that during the most difficult

parts of the game, there is only one set of footprints.

i don't understand why when i needed you most

you wouldn't help me."


cory caboose replied, "my frand, my sweet villabro,

i love you and would never leave you

during times of hardship and difficulty.

when you see only one set of footprints,

it was then that i carried you"

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one night a villager had a dream.
they dreamed they were walking along the beach with cory caboose.
across the sky flashed wolf lynches from the game,
for each wolf lynch, the villager noticed two sets of footprints in the sand.
one belonging to him, and the other to cory caboose.
when the last wolf of the game was lynched,
they looked back at the footprints in the sand
they noticed that many times along the path of the game
there was only one set of footprints.
they also noticed that it happened at the
very hardest and frustrating points in the game.
this really bothered the villager,
and they questioned the cory caboose about it.
"cory caboose, you said that once i decided to trust you,
you'd walk with me all the way,
but i have noticed that during the most difficult
parts of the game, there is only one set of footprints.
i don't understand why when i needed you most
you wouldn't help me."
cory caboose replied, "my frand, my sweet villabro,
i love you and would never leave you
during times of hardship and difficulty.
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that i carried you"





Cory Caboose GOAT LDO!!!!!!

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I'm letting it go BFG, I've got wolves to hunt.


You may follow me if you please, you may read me as a villager with more confidence if you want to be right post-game about one more read, or you may resist and I'll come back and put you on my shoulders.


Either way, we'll get there. :wub:




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And with that finally posted, [v]Lenlo[/v]


I believe his plan at the start of the game was egregious and shouldn't be allowed to stand.

It was scummy, pure and simple.


is that really your best reason for your vote on Len?


It's the only reason that really matters.

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Pizza. Might be unique to the set-up, because I think as a villager he can be a great asset and since we have the android mechanic we don't risk losing his voice by resolving his alignment (and hell, by clarifying it we give him a nice little platform to speak from if we are wrong). I'm not sure I'd ever want him dead d1 in a standard set-up because I'm not a Big Game Hunter type, but that's assuaged here pretty firmly.


With that said, I think he has a more than fair degree of wolf equity, is generally a range-y player who hasn't been deep into his villager range, and is in a game where I don't think a lot of players have been overtly wolfy which drags down his slot. I'm also weighing your read into it because I'm more of an LBJ than a Kobe and I'm happy with throwing my weight around with the few people I feel I can trust this game.


None of that goes with the "shoot a wolf you win, shoot a villager you lose" concept of my little game, to be fair. That shot I might reserve for Nikon.



@pizza  Your thoughts on this?




Zander, I'm your top suspect and I'm here and there's no escape.


Hammer me with your words, townie. Make me squeal.



I'm not gonna try to escape.....I dont back away from Mafia stuff ever....this pretty much sums it up in a nutshell my approach to how I go after who I think is Scum





Hi 5s Zander   LOVE that movie and especially that line!





Trending down





What I would like to see is something new from Dice. I also really, really look forward to BFG´s thoughts about everyone. 



Tina   the difference between you saying this and what you voted lenlo for is??


I would like as many people as possible to do the following for me:


In order from likeliest town -> scum list the follow four players:













massively behind. thankfully quiet dya at work so hopefully i can get caught up. Only on 73

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I think Sooh is probably a villager. #225 in particular ,#232 too, more posts that just in general feel like the way she thinks and she's saying things I don't think she'd bother to say as a wolf because they're sort of negative-attention grabbers at best and challenge notions:

"I think we're most likely going to kill more town than mafia anyway, so unless we do a magical Christmas sweep of scumbags town should have control over the NK. I read the initial post to mean that we didn't have a traditional scum NK, but I'll wait until post N1 to make any conclusions."



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Lenlo will be a tough one to read, especially since he's already giving me bad vibes...




Just can't read you dude..

You have a problem with me Sooh? I thought we could be friends



I'm sorry Lenlo... I'll see how things progress, but as of right now you give me shivers.. like the cold breath of a wolf down my neck...




Dice, don't lynch Zander. The wolves have to eat him.





I´m soon going to bed but just wanted to let you know that I´m feeling so happy right now. I´ll probably get some kind of anxiety attack tomorrow when there are 20 pages of spam but right now I got this great fealing. Almost like when I started to play. Ah... 



I want to apologize for this in advance put its not gonna slow my roll so glgl Tina!!!!!



:D I might have to skip your posts or lynch you then. 


Good night everyone!




Talk about a fast start.  >_>


Merry Christmas!  We have to go visit my parents an hour away yet.  I'll dive in tonight.

Merry Christmas! 



nobody else has earned a card yet


considering it the highest prize in our new society.

I will fight for one of those cards. I will kill for one of those cards. Just name a name.

You don't kill to be in the village you lynch wolves.

Still brown nosing for the village card. Not a good look.

Reminds me of a wolf sniffing at the door hoping someone will open it.


Happy Christmas!



Joyful Christmas!


I have to say Pizza, the lack of huge numbers of words in your posts is disturbing.


Joke or serious? 



Tell me about my double VC plan! Gimme thoughts Zander, I know you can have them!



Ill have to re read the rules for the first part cause I kinda dont understand but I will do so after when i get the chance.




Cory-  Has looked fine thus far nothing to set my off

Pizza- Same as Cory.

Sooh- Liked her little Sass.  It was something i noted in her town game.  easy to fake but like it so far.

You-  Good so far.

Nolder- Waiting

Besie- Shes only played 1 game where she was scum.  She was confident and did well in that role so Ill have to see more before I can form an opinion.

BFG- Nothing real bad but I guess I thought id see i dont know more...enthauism, I know she hates randing Mafia but its early.  Something i watching.

Nikon- No idea not much and never played with before

Dice- His reaction to my point are a little much imo.  Someone certainly on my radar atp.

Shad- Nothing

Tina-  Ive played with before but have found scummy generally.  Dont have a solid read on her at all atp


I dont think I missed anybody???


Your wait is over, I'm here. Sup.



So question: I just read up on the rules. Would we ever want to lynch a towny to ensure a majority in the NK selection? Cause if we lynch a towny first couldnt we, those alive in thread, direct them on who to kill during the night? Like we could take two votes during the day. Vote 1 = the official lynch vote, Vote 2 = the unnofficial, NK whoever has majority.


Pral Question: Do we see roles when we lynch someone and do the mafia have a NK in this game? I ask because at night those who are dead vote on who dies that night. So it would make sense for the mafia to not have an NK right? Or else two people die and thats crazy fast.


I almost forgot this game wasnt experimental.

I can't think of any reason that purposefully lynching town is a good idea.


Scenario 1: lynch mafia Day 1, the night vote will kill town. So we're one town down, one mafia down, barring other shenanigans...


Scenario 2: lynch town on purpose Day 1, the night vote will kill either town or mafia, best case scenario we're still one town one mafia down, worst case scenario we're 2 town down...


Just lynch the mafia imo


Letting people know who you'd vote to kill at night is a good idea though :)


 BFG is town.





Lenlo you around still?


Why dont you wanna talk to me....sadface.gif.


Because I wanted to ask Lenlo about his read on Dice ldo



ok but.....








The rules/setup of this game are a little confusing for me so imma just stick with my KISS Rule!!!


Keep It Simple Stupid- JUST LUNCH THE WOLVES!!!!!

Xander town as well. 


I dont understand why you are fighting this.


We lynch Town D1 - We control the mafia NK hopefully, kill the scummiest person by thread consensus.


We lynch Scum D1 - Scum get to control the N1 NK, game continues as normal.


Yeah your right, D1/N1 scum lynchs/vigs are uncommon. But it doesnt matter if we arnt using a vig shot. We are using the mafias own NK. Seriously we pick a name out of a freaking hat, 25% change to get mafia on the lynch, 27% chance on the NK.



Scenario 1: We kill a townie to control the 2nd vote...where we could still be wrong

Scenario  2: Scum get to control N1 NK and game is normal


What's the problem with Scenario 2 again exactly?

I mean I want to lynch the mafia but if we're wrong...you get what you want anyway.

So what's the big deal?


Ah sorry sorry. I completely forgot about the customary stupid tax slap. Consider it done.

Still sucking up...





Sup Nol.


Why do you have me as town?  And it seems like youre sussing Lenlo.  Which upon my catch up isnt necessarily a bad thing but who else is standing out if anyone atp?

I'm looking at Lenlo, Sooh, Nomi, and Dice.

Not necessarily in a bad way yet but they've all caught my attention.


You're town because you want to lynch wolves. What else is there?


Unless you're lying I guess. That would be a terrible thing to do though.



This is such a doofy post. Nolder :wub:

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And with that finally posted, [v]Lenlo[/v]


I believe his plan at the start of the game was egregious and shouldn't be allowed to stand.

It was scummy, pure and simple.


is that really your best reason for your vote on Len?


It's the only reason that really matters.




As much as i enjoy this response I still think its not much of a reason imo.  Give me some other thoughts on him just to humor me if you don't mind Nol.

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Sorry I haven't been around today. Just not alot that's happened has changed my mind.


I'm cool with lynching Shad, would prefer Pizza, Nolder list is fine though I disagree with parts, his reason to vote weak.


Not much else I can remember er that's happened. If you want to know somethin just straight up ask me and I'll get to it.

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Read something on reread that heavily implies Lenlo is a villager. I forgot that this can be really useful lol.



Care to share with the class?



Actually no, something I want to keep in my pocket for now. It's the pinnacle of "cory reasons", but it's also very right.

I'll bring it up if I feel like it's necessary, but right now nah.

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I think Sooh is probably a villager. #225 in particular ,#232 too, more posts that just in general feel like the way she thinks and she's saying things I don't think she'd bother to say as a wolf because they're sort of negative-attention grabbers at best and challenge notions:


"I think we're most likely going to kill more town than mafia anyway, so unless we do a magical Christmas sweep of scumbags town should have control over the NK. I read the initial post to mean that we didn't have a traditional scum NK, but I'll wait until post N1 to make any conclusions."


Ill have to check those posts cause Im feeling much different about Sooh.

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Null-mafia; I have literally no reason to think anything else

TLDR: possible the issues with content are style more than anything else.




Don't remember much pre-ISO


... Enters thread, leaves with thoughts that he doesn't share


Busy in RL - neutral


Doesn't like Pizza or Lenlo, the problem is that the things he points out are things he calls 'odd' not scummy. Pizza repeating that he's town, pizza's 'evil' laugh, Lenlo's joke about lynching town doc, then touches on the Lenlo mechanic discussion.


It's possible that the issue here is style over other things. I don't understand why Nikon couldn't point this much out after first joining the game he didn't get much further in his read when he came back in.


Difficult to say as this looks like he's heading for voting Lenlo over Pizza but he never gets there, but I think a Pizza/Lenlo/Nikon team can be safely ruled out and probably Lenlo/Nikon


It's difficult to get a read on him from anything he's posted so far :/





Nikon, next time you're in thread if you could summarise your thoughts for what your thinking?

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