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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Do you understand my pain BFG?


I think we're on the same exact page on 99% of this game. Your reads list is almost identical to mine. I feel like I can see everything you are seeing and most of your posts exactly explain feelings I have that even I am unable to vocalize legibly or willing to vocalize.


We were born to village together this game, but you have to take my hand and walk into the valley of the shadow. It requires trust, trust in someone you know has the capability to deceive, but trust regardless. This is my village game: I've extended that trust to you and Zander, and if I felt comfortable enough I'd look for more people I feel deserve it.


I know we're not really in conflict, but I'm asking you to go beyond conflict and trust in me. For the sake of the cohesion for this village, so that I know I'll have someone to rely on when the cards are on the table, so I know I have someone who has my back when I'm not here.


Do you understand?

Did you read Belichick?

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I'm still going to try and change that read even if you're intent on not moving it. Consider it a personal flaw of mine  :flamingsword:

Then give me something new? :tongue:



Ask me literally anything. Any slot, any read, a question why I did anything I did, anything you want. I'll give you a full and honest answer to the best of my ability, no tricks or coryisms or joking asides.


Why Shad over Pizza?






I'm still going to try and change that read even if you're intent on not moving it. Consider it a personal flaw of mine  :flamingsword:

Then give me something new? :tongue:



Ask me literally anything. Any slot, any read, a question why I did anything I did, anything you want. I'll give you a full and honest answer to the best of my ability, no tricks or coryisms or joking asides.


Why Shad over Pizza?



You want an honest answer?


I probably had Pizza maybe a tick below Shad on my list, but at the time of my vote switch there was already a comfortable Pizza wagon and I didn't feel like me throwing my weight there made any significant difference; you have to lynch all of the wolves, not one wolf. I moved to Shad to hopefully develop meaningful pressure and let Shad know that time was of the essence, a test in which I think he fell flat and proved that he really isn't all that interested in solving this game.


But the majority of the purpose was, yes, to shake Shad up a little and make sure he knew someone was watching him. Pizza voted him, but what did Shad have to fear from Pizza? I'm a different animal altogether and had significantly more clout than Pizza did at the time.


Where I am at now with both of them is a little more complicated. I think there is a significant chance both of them are wolves outright.


As to whom I vote and push when EOD arrives is a question I'll answer at EOD when I know the answer better than I do now (lol). But at that point and probably still now I don't think pressure is really going to shift Pizza is any direction; he knows he's on the block and could go at any time, and it's up to him to respond to that however he pleases.


There's a backside note that during Pizza's re-entry he pushed Shad and Tina in ways that I felt could very much be w/w and an attempt to counterspew a wolf partner (specifically, his vote landed on Shad).

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I know RL stuff can be legit but I feel Like he's made a AtE type posts that I really don't expect much of from him.

If you honestly think that saying my kid is sick is a scum tell, I'm going to fly to Canada and slap you, then steal your wallet to pay for the return fair.


There are two options in this game: I am town who has been very distracted, or I am scum who has been very distracted. Convincing you of the former is proving a challenge, and that's frustrating, but in the worst case scenario I'll have a great deal of say on who dies over the next few nights and I won't be bothered with trying to "prove" myself anymore.


Best option: don't lynch me.  But I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail.

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Do you understand my pain BFG?


I think we're on the same exact page on 99% of this game. Your reads list is almost identical to mine. I feel like I can see everything you are seeing and most of your posts exactly explain feelings I have that even I am unable to vocalize legibly or willing to vocalize.


We were born to village together this game, but you have to take my hand and walk into the valley of the shadow. It requires trust, trust in someone you know has the capability to deceive, but trust regardless. This is my village game: I've extended that trust to you and Zander, and if I felt comfortable enough I'd look for more people I feel deserve it.


I know we're not really in conflict, but I'm asking you to go beyond conflict and trust in me. For the sake of the cohesion for this village, so that I know I'll have someone to rely on when the cards are on the table, so I know I have someone who has my back when I'm not here.


Do you understand?

Did you read Belichick?



Zander/Talya/Laine wolf team IIRC, I remember parts of the game but what specifically are you referencing? Your trust in Talya that game?


If that's the case, well, I've been hurt before too.

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I'm still going to try and change that read even if you're intent on not moving it. Consider it a personal flaw of mine  :flamingsword:

Then give me something new? :tongue:



Ask me literally anything. Any slot, any read, a question why I did anything I did, anything you want. I'll give you a full and honest answer to the best of my ability, no tricks or coryisms or joking asides.


Why Shad over Pizza?






I'm still going to try and change that read even if you're intent on not moving it. Consider it a personal flaw of mine  :flamingsword:

Then give me something new? :tongue:



Ask me literally anything. Any slot, any read, a question why I did anything I did, anything you want. I'll give you a full and honest answer to the best of my ability, no tricks or coryisms or joking asides.


Why Shad over Pizza?




You want an honest answer?


I probably had Pizza maybe a tick below Shad on my list, but at the time of my vote switch there was already a comfortable Pizza wagon and I didn't feel like me throwing my weight there made any significant difference; you have to lynch all of the wolves, not one wolf. I moved to Shad to hopefully develop meaningful pressure and let Shad know that time was of the essence, a test in which I think he fell flat and proved that he really isn't all that interested in solving this game.


But the majority of the purpose was, yes, to shake Shad up a little and make sure he knew someone was watching him. Pizza voted him, but what did Shad have to fear from Pizza? I'm a different animal altogether and had significantly more clout than Pizza did at the time.


Where I am at now with both of them is a little more complicated. I think there is a significant chance both of them are wolves outright.


As to whom I vote and push when EOD arrives is a question I'll answer at EOD when I know the answer better than I do now (lol). But at that point and probably still now I don't think pressure is really going to shift Pizza is any direction; he knows he's on the block and could go at any time, and it's up to him to respond to that however he pleases.


There's a backside note that during Pizza's re-entry he pushed Shad and Tina in ways that I felt could very much be w/w and an attempt to counterspew a wolf partner (specifically, his vote landed on Shad).


Ok :)

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If you honestly think that saying my kid is sick is a scum tell


Nobody is saying that. But it's certainly something that you could subconsciously use as Mafia as an explanation for your lack of interest in a game.


It's what I hear from wolves a lot - my work schedule tightened up, I'm not feeling well, I'm stressed, etc. etc. and that's the reason I'm not playing the way I usually do. I'm not saying that they are lying - they very likely aren't, and yes, life creeps up on all of us - but I think it's a great deal easier for someone to mentally disconnect from a game where they are doing something that most people find unpleasant - active and continued deception, which usually takes a fair degree of endurance - than something like villaging, which can have moments of catharsis.


tl;dr - I think it's more likely for a wolf to come home after a long day / wake up / finally get free time and go "I don't really have the time for Mafia" than a villager in general.


If that's rough to hear, blame the wolves of the past who have slanked and used real life as their rationale. They may not be liars, but they were still wolves.

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I know RL stuff can be legit but I feel Like he's made a AtE type posts that I really don't expect much of from him.

If you honestly think that saying my kid is sick is a scum tell, I'm going to fly to Canada and slap you, then steal your wallet to pay for the return fair.


There are two options in this game: I am town who has been very distracted, or I am scum who has been very distracted. Convincing you of the former is proving a challenge, and that's frustrating, but in the worst case scenario I'll have a great deal of say on who dies over the next few nights and I won't be bothered with trying to "prove" myself anymore.


Best option: don't lynch me.  But I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail.


Why are you voting Nolder over Pizza (at least I think you still are), when you just said that if Zander wanted to lynch mafia he should vote Pizza?

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BFG you can continue to tinfoil on me as you please, it's not going to change my work ethic and you're wrong by saying I'm going 70% - I am still very much dictating this game in my own way, just with a more reasonable attitude in lieu of the sort of commandeering that I am famous for. If nothing else I'm just sort of hurt you're still this paranoid of me when I am hilariously obvious.


But I know you are doing the best you can and I am not going anywhere. Ever, literally, since the wolves can't even silence me through usual means.


Prolly a post Cory can make as either alignment though it feels genuine enough to me.

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And I know that from personal experience, as I am far more likely to mentally check out of a game when I'm stressed / overworked / busy etc. as a wolf than I am as a villager.


When I'm a villager, I usually find time.


And the other major issue is that you're doing the perma-catchup thing where you are always somewhat behind and that gives you some leeway in avoiding having to talk in real time and have current opinions while still being able to post and make "good points". If you are a villager, maybe accept that the bible of the thread needs to be skimmed for now and that staying current and actively involved and pushing what you do know is a great deal more important.

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Do you understand my pain BFG?


I think we're on the same exact page on 99% of this game. Your reads list is almost identical to mine. I feel like I can see everything you are seeing and most of your posts exactly explain feelings I have that even I am unable to vocalize legibly or willing to vocalize.


We were born to village together this game, but you have to take my hand and walk into the valley of the shadow. It requires trust, trust in someone you know has the capability to deceive, but trust regardless. This is my village game: I've extended that trust to you and Zander, and if I felt comfortable enough I'd look for more people I feel deserve it.


I know we're not really in conflict, but I'm asking you to go beyond conflict and trust in me. For the sake of the cohesion for this village, so that I know I'll have someone to rely on when the cards are on the table, so I know I have someone who has my back when I'm not here.


Do you understand?

Did you read Belichick?



Zander/Talya/Laine wolf team IIRC, I remember parts of the game but what specifically are you referencing? Your trust in Talya that game?


If that's the case, well, I've been hurt before too.


Not that :dry:


I read Dice strongly town from early Day 1, I still prodded him from time to time and probably gave Sili an aneurism when he replaced into an obvious town slot at end game with the ridiculous needling and questioning I did.


I don't do unquestioning trust in mafia, I'm not capable of that :( I will work with you as best I can and that's the best I can say right now

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Zander - Clearly town imo. Not much else to say here.
Cory - Cory I still feel a little weird about but his gameplay says town and I feel comfortable bumping him up to this level. I was kind of hoping to see who he'd give "village cards" to but iirc he hasn't given any yet.
BFG - She's hitting all the right town notes but it just feels off. Like I said she would be my candidate for deep wolf right now. She's asking a lot of questions and getting reads and responding when asked. It's all good townie behavior. I just don't get the impression that she's DOING anything with that information. I could be wrong though.
AskThePizzaGuy - Mostly effort but a little POE as well. The way he's interacted with people like Lenlo, Sooh, Xander, and a couple others leads me to believe he's probably town. It's hard to tell though because of the sheer volume of posts many of which are quite wordy. Regardless I think someone who puts so much effort into the game always deserves to pass D1 at the very least.
Tina - Tina has had a couple ups and downs for me this game. Can't make up my mind.
Shad - Shad I initially felt good about because he called out a weird statement by Lenlo on page 7 but since then he's dropped back to null for me. I don't like how he engaged me and then just dropped the matter. Maybe he felt like the discussion was over but I never really got the impression that it concluded.
Nikon - Pretty obvious why he's null. Hope to hear not just thoughts but maybe a case soon.
BLomBessie - Maybe it's because I've never played with her before but I'm leaning scum. She took a hedging stance on Lenlo's plan, then she came back and condemned him, then later voted him. It seemed to me like she was being led down a predictable path rather than organically coming to a conclusion on Lenlo. She randomly unvoted him later with no explanation and then took his side against Nomi with regards to their argument. It's nothing I can say is scummy really (except for the unvote) but it does tingle my wolfy senses.
Dice - Got really...snarky with Lenlo early in the game. Seemed manufactured imo. Doubly so because he backed off and unvoted Lenlo with a TWTBAW argument. His reasoning for wanting to hypothetically shoot me was non existant and cloaked in a joke. And beyond that...he hasn't really done much else imho. Had some back and forth with Cory and Xander after Lenlo but lately he's been MIA. 
Sooh - This may seem OMGUS-esque but I don't care. I didn't like how she seemed to defend Nomi at th start of the game and then imo she got overdefensive about it. And you can't say it was just me because she got into it with Xander shortly after when he called her out as well.
Lenlo - I think there's a lot that could be said about Lenlo but I don't want to get bogged down in the details. The biggest thing, the thing that matters, was his very bad plan he was trying to push at the start of the game. He says it was a mistake but I think he backed off it because he was getting so much heat.




Though I dont agree with the reads I do like the fact he's going against the grain fwiw.

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I know RL stuff can be legit but I feel Like he's made a AtE type posts that I really don't expect much of from him.

If you honestly think that saying my kid is sick is a scum tell, I'm going to fly to Canada and slap you, then steal your wallet to pay for the return fair.


There are two options in this game: I am town who has been very distracted, or I am scum who has been very distracted. Convincing you of the former is proving a challenge, and that's frustrating, but in the worst case scenario I'll have a great deal of say on who dies over the next few nights and I won't be bothered with trying to "prove" myself anymore.


Best option: don't lynch me.  But I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail.


Why are you voting Nolder over Pizza (at least I think you still are), when you just said that if Zander wanted to lynch mafia he should vote Pizza?



At this point because I am annoyed that people keep asking me.


Honestly, I have played I think 11? games of DM mafia now and to date I have been asked "why aren't you voting so-and-so" in each and every one.  Dice routinely scum reads me for it.  No one is not aware that Pizza is under scrutiny right now, nor are they unaware that I am willing to lynch him.  I don't see where Nolder has done much of anything in this game and he's just sort of breezing on by. He can have a vote on him until I see fit to move it.

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And with that finally posted, [v]Lenlo[/v]


I believe his plan at the start of the game was egregious and shouldn't be allowed to stand.

It was scummy, pure and simple.


is that really your best reason for your vote on Len?

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Understood on the unquestioning trust, but... You have Zander/Lenlo/Sooh above me.


Zander I understand, he's been tearing the game up.


But you trust Lenlo and Sooh more than me? I take that directly as "if it was f3 right now and I had to vote right now, I'd lynch Cory over Sooh/Lenlo", so the trust isn't even conditional.

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Honestly there are just personality types I read better than others. I have always had problems with Sensory types, which Besie looks to be, as opposed to ENFP Zander or INTP you or Tina, who is some NF/NT form almost assuredly.


I understand Zander and what he does on an intuitive level I can't really describe and always have; hell, ask him.


I can't understand Besie the same way naturally, so I have to be more reliant on other tools which I just don't have aorn.


Does that make sense?



100% truth.

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What was odd about my unvote / switch to Pizza, BFG?

I think it was a timing thing, I'd have to look back and check.


There were a number of people voting, then a number of people unvoted around the same time and it seemed odd. Your unvote of Tina stood out more, probably because it was on Tina and I recall something similar from Ragnarok so was surprised by it?



I don't remember ever unvoting Tina. I remember the following:


I asked people, specifically Zander, if they had one shot and had to hit a wolf to win, who they would shoot. My intention was to throw my vote behind whatever Zander's answer was, because Zander has been very obvious and putting a lot of effort into this game and generally makes very good reads but has trouble getting the weight to push them through.


Zander said Pizza. I voted Pizza.


Maybe that seems simple or dumb, but that's what I did.




I believe in the Cory that believes in the Zander!!!!!!!!



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Add a point to Nolder's village equity.

Like the non-conformity even if I disagree with his reads :)



BFG is officially in my head and thats perfectly ok with me....she may need to worry some though......lolololololololol

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Who's lynch would give us the most information on other players?


That was a BFG-only proposition, sorry.


And I don't really believe in conditional-villager flips; I think when a villager flips you learn nothing and gain nothing but a dead villager. The only goal is to lynch a wolf, not gather information. You gather far better information reading the thread.



Chapter 3 B: Section 1 of the CCSOHW textbook.

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Do you understand my pain BFG?


I think we're on the same exact page on 99% of this game. Your reads list is almost identical to mine. I feel like I can see everything you are seeing and most of your posts exactly explain feelings I have that even I am unable to vocalize legibly or willing to vocalize.


We were born to village together this game, but you have to take my hand and walk into the valley of the shadow. It requires trust, trust in someone you know has the capability to deceive, but trust regardless. This is my village game: I've extended that trust to you and Zander, and if I felt comfortable enough I'd look for more people I feel deserve it.


I know we're not really in conflict, but I'm asking you to go beyond conflict and trust in me. For the sake of the cohesion for this village, so that I know I'll have someone to rely on when the cards are on the table, so I know I have someone who has my back when I'm not here.


Do you understand?

Did you read Belichick?




Why....what happen in Bellicheat............

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Understood on the unquestioning trust, but... You have Zander/Lenlo/Sooh above me.


Zander I understand, he's been tearing the game up.


But you trust Lenlo and Sooh more than me? I take that directly as "if it was f3 right now and I had to vote right now, I'd lynch Cory over Sooh/Lenlo", so the trust isn't even conditional.

Lenlo might be falling due to the 'what has he done' lately stuff, and Sooh I really can't explain. I'm pretty sure if it gets to F3 the above will have changed significantly

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I know RL stuff can be legit but I feel Like he's made a AtE type posts that I really don't expect much of from him.

If you honestly think that saying my kid is sick is a scum tell, I'm going to fly to Canada and slap you, then steal your wallet to pay for the return fair.


There are two options in this game: I am town who has been very distracted, or I am scum who has been very distracted. Convincing you of the former is proving a challenge, and that's frustrating, but in the worst case scenario I'll have a great deal of say on who dies over the next few nights and I won't be bothered with trying to "prove" myself anymore.


Best option: don't lynch me.  But I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail.



Absolutely not Shad and you know that.


Town!Shad does 100% of the time imo.

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Do you understand my pain BFG?


I think we're on the same exact page on 99% of this game. Your reads list is almost identical to mine. I feel like I can see everything you are seeing and most of your posts exactly explain feelings I have that even I am unable to vocalize legibly or willing to vocalize.


We were born to village together this game, but you have to take my hand and walk into the valley of the shadow. It requires trust, trust in someone you know has the capability to deceive, but trust regardless. This is my village game: I've extended that trust to you and Zander, and if I felt comfortable enough I'd look for more people I feel deserve it.


I know we're not really in conflict, but I'm asking you to go beyond conflict and trust in me. For the sake of the cohesion for this village, so that I know I'll have someone to rely on when the cards are on the table, so I know I have someone who has my back when I'm not here.


Do you understand?

Did you read Belichick?



Zander/Talya/Laine MINORITY VILLAGE IIRC, I remember parts of the game but what specifically are you referencing? Your trust in Talya that game?


If that's the case, well, I've been hurt before too.






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