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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Another stupid conditional thing: Shad and Pizza have a fair share of wolf-wolf equity. They've acted supremely weird around eachother most of this phase, and little pinpricks went off in my brain when Shad mentioned Pizza in his "initial do not trust list" with me and Zander per his recognition of Pizza as a "high tier player".


I don't think Shad makes assumptions about a player's wolf game like that. He just seems more visceral than that.

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@ Zander








Now I read Pizza´s unvote post again and my question is: Do you unvote Lenlo because he is fighting back? Is that the reason?

Looked that way to me. Apparently Len would have stopped replying if he was really scum, according to whatever theory Pizza has.


Now I read Pizza´s unvote post again and my question is: Do you unvote Lenlo because he is fighting back? Is that the reason?

If you read that post, this question doesn't make a lot of sense.


There was a point where a scum lenlo would have walked away after fighting back, and he never did.

Okay so your reply here made me think twice about what I had replied to the same quote from Tina. Seems I understood it correctly. Initial thoughts were that it wasn't simply a "oh no he's stopped replying" thing. I'm taking that into consideration.

He's basically just saying the same thing as before here Besie imo.  What now is making you this into consideration differently then you did when you first made the original post?

For some reason, my mind made a negative connetation to Pizza's alignment because of this. After he brought it up again, as I quoted, I just went back and made sure what my initial thoughts were. I don't feel that it's as negative anymore. It's a good tactic (imo), if it really was a tactic for determining Len's alignment.





I believe this is genuine.

... I am inclined to feel the same way.



I completely agree with the time stamp thing you mentioned, Pizza. On mobile version of DM I can't see time stamps or post numbers (which is why I refer to page numbers when I reference back) but you've reminded me to actually check that when I reread in desktop view.


Im not saying Im necessarily disputing this but Id like you both to kind of explain why you feel it is please!!!

It just felt right, Z. Horrible reason, I know. The reasoning made sense to me. I understand and accept his statements and thought process in that instance.








Sounds like you're insinuating a scum team, Cory?

Not really. I am insinuating - if not outright stating - that a scum team exists, however.  :flamingsword:

Lol Cory. Out of context but funny nontheless.



For reference to others:


And to clarify, I'm not saying this makes Nikon more likely to be a wolf - he should catch up fully and post his thoughts fully and then a better judgment can be made - but I'm not giving a villager read to someone for reading the thread, hammering on the Lenlo topic, and concluding that "someone is wolfy between Lenlo and Pizza", all things that are best regurgitations of other opinions in thread. Certainly he could have read and came up with that himself, but I'm not the type of the person to make assessments out of thin air.

Sounds like you're insinuating a scum team, Cory?

I meant specific members of the scum team.



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Specifically I am mayor, BFG is planner, Zander is construction jackhammer operator, Lenlo is drunk, Dice is peeking through your window.


fwiw- Zander may be drunk while operating said jackhammer but no worries....I always get the job done!!!!!!!




... I'm not sure the village is safe anymore.




List for Cory




I would like as many people as possible to do the following for me:


In order from likeliest town -> scum list the follow four players:






Eh... I feel like my mind is moving quite a bit on 2 of these 4 people. I also keep wanting to add my scum reads to it. But here it is:


Town (top) to scum (bottom).

Shad (i am missing what many of you see as scummy. I'll iso when I can)









Okay, different question. Again for everyone because this one is important.


What are your two strongest reads? Doesn't matter if it's a wolf read or a village read. What are the two most confident reads you have this game that you'd bet the house on if you had to?


For me, it's Zander villager and BFG villager, but I think I've stated that already.

*cough* The same two. *cough*


I'm NOT sheeping you, for the record.


I'd have said Pizza instead of BFG but BFG has stayed constant for me where Pizza is slightly moving away from scummiest.  He's my third strongest though.

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Another stupid conditional thing: Shad and Pizza have a fair share of wolf-wolf equity. They've acted supremely weird around eachother most of this phase, and little pinpricks went off in my brain when Shad mentioned Pizza in his "initial do not trust list" with me and Zander per his recognition of Pizza as a "high tier player".


I don't think Shad makes assumptions about a player's wolf game like that. He just seems more visceral than that.


Then you should probably read NBC.

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Yeah, I still think I want all of Pizza/Shad/Nikon/Tina resolved. Think that gets us 66-100% of the way there. There might be one person I'm overlooking somewhere but I'm not ready to start running my brain into the ground going paranoid and crazy just yet.


@MOD can I have a machine gun? 

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I feel like I should have stronger scum reads. Eugh.


Zan, please tell my why you're voting Shad? I read your reasoning, Cory. Yours is called experience. Is it the same for you, Z?

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Bringing up NBC is probably not a good route, as that was an unspoiled game and from skimming along I thought you were really obviously a villager very early and never wavered on that read.


Which means I just might straight up be able to read you.


Which is not promising for your chances of surviving longer into this game considering what I'm read you as now.

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Besie what are your thoughts on Shad?

Lol. Ahaha. Okay let me check out what I have and give you a proper answer.

Okay, so confession: I'm a bit biased. Okay, a lot biased. In both prev games I read/played he was town so I'm inclined to want to believe him. I've been trying to push that out of the way to see him properly. I've agreed with most of the things he's said, except once where I didn't like his thought process (on Nikon & Lenlo).


I feel like I really want to see what he says while he's here now, and see of anything changes. I did the same to Pizza, and he made doubt in my mind... so I'm not sure if it's such a great idea...


At the least, I put him as null. I don't see anything else. Need to iso.

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Remember that breadth of content is more important than individual posts.

For example, let's say is a representation of a good post. If you play with Shad and see him as a villager and in one day he is like:




And then in another game you see him go


Shad: B. BBBBB.


You may say, "wow, Shad is making good posts! he's probably a villager!"


But using isn't indicator of his alignment as much as total breadth of content would be; anyone can make a good post.



If that makes sense to anyone but me I'll be amazed.


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Then you should probably read NBC.


I followed it lightly. What specifically are you referencing?



My assessment of what Pizza's scum game is probably like


That's not the kind of thing I read games for and I think this is going to be a hard thing to argue coherently since we're talking an figment of an idea in the past and how it would develop external to an actual game.
Just my take on why you might say that.
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I feel like I should have stronger scum reads. Eugh.


Zan, please tell my why you're voting Shad? I read your reasoning, Cory. Yours is called experience. Is it the same for you, Z?


I'm going to ISO to confirm my suspicions but I'm basing it off of:


I don't feel like he's playing like the Town!Shad I've come to expect.  And I've played a fair bit of games with Shad so I'am familiar with his Town game...and other the US (which doesnt count) I'm quite certain he was Town in all of them.


I dont feel like he's been putting enough effort/himself/confidence in any of his reads really.  Effort prolly not the right word brother so don't read it the wrong way.  It's just I'm noticing but prolly cant describe properly.


I know RL stuff can be legit but I feel Like he's made a AtE type posts that I really don't expect much of from him.


In a nutshell he feels really off to me.  And playing against/differently then ones normal Town Meta usually means the person is not Town imo.

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Besie what are your thoughts on Shad?

Lol. Ahaha. Okay let me check out what I have and give you a proper answer.

Okay, so confession: I'm a bit biased. Okay, a lot biased. In both prev games I read/played he was town so I'm inclined to want to believe him. I've been trying to push that out of the way to see him properly. I've agreed with most of the things he's said, except once where I didn't like his thought process (on Nikon & Lenlo).


I feel like I really want to see what he says while he's here now, and see of anything changes. I did the same to Pizza, and he made doubt in my mind... so I'm not sure if it's such a great idea...


At the least, I put him as null. I don't see anything else. Need to iso.




Ok thank you Besie.


Yes the ability to adjust your reads can be important as is going with your gut,  ISO him and see what you come up with.

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