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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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It was more overall.  You seemed to get into it pretty early iirc.  You have a different feel this game and its starting to alarm me some.


I was forced. Nomi attacked me out the gate and then I got into it with Lenlo and Shad.

This game I've had some breathing room and it's been nice.

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Tina talk to me please. I use Meta a lot on my reads but I have none from you but im starting to feel a worried about you. Talk to me about your scum and town game. Talk to me about who you think are Pizza's scummates as thats where your vote is and why. You said youre still watching Lenlo..so Im assuming you feel there a chance it was t vs t. Why so?

I have a hard time describing myself. I think others can do that better. I think you will find one playstyle that I had like two years ago and back. After that, at least the last year and a half, I have had trouble playing and it has changed the way I feel for the game. I took a break because I felt it became more of a responsibility to play more than it was fun. Generally I think I have posted less when I was mafia before. I don´t like being mafia (loved it the first years) because I feel the preassure to help my team out. Nowdays I post as much (or as little) as both alignments. It has to do both with rl and with the activity. I have a hard time with games with a lot of posting (like yours) since I have a hard time remembering things and it takes me forever to re-read things.


How I play: I don´t like playing irt because I feel that I don´t get the right view. It´s like when I am in a city that I don´t know. I have no idea where I am or where to find stuff. But if I look at a map before going there then I know how to find my way - once I have seen it from above. That is what I like to do in mafia as well. Take my time and try to get an overview. But then I usually get stuck in some details. That is both good and bad. Good if I actually found something or bad if it wasn´t as useful as I thought. I´m not very confident in believing in myself so sometimes I let go of things that I shouldn´t. I´m still thinking about Lenlo in that way in this game. Should I continue or let it go? Now I found Pizza and Sooh worse so I will leave Lenlo for now. 


I don´t know what more to tell you. I rarely use only meta in my cases since I have a bad memory. Some things stick though. Like I remember that Pral lives in another timezone and doesn´t post much as any alignment etc. Maybe some of these things have changed since I haven´t played for many month. I definitley don´t pay any attention to players that talks about their own meta or refer to other games that I haven´t played or don´t remember. Actually, I would not ask this question to anyone else. 


That will it for now but I should get some time to check in later. 

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Its a very close set of 3 Zander. Its not like Shad >>>>>> Tina >>>>>>>>>>> Pizza. Its like Shad >= Tina >= Pizza



Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and birth control imo.


And also Steve McNair bringing the Titans to A Superbowl Win.....



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Its a very close set of 3 Zander. Its not like Shad >>>>>> Tina >>>>>>>>>>> Pizza. Its like Shad >= Tina >= Pizza



Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and birth control imo.


And also Steve McNair bringing the Titans to A Superbowl Win.....




Was not expecting two of those

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What I would like to see is something new from Dice. I also really, really look forward to BFG´s thoughts about everyone. 


No, you're trending down.

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I would like as many people as possible to do the following for me:


In order from likeliest town -> scum list the follow four players:









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Its a very close set of 3 Zander. Its not like Shad >>>>>> Tina >>>>>>>>>>> Pizza. Its like Shad >= Tina >= Pizza



Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and birth control imo.


And also Steve McNair bringing the Titans to A Superbowl Win.....




Was not expecting two of those



Always expect the unexpected then you wont be unsuspecting imo.

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What I would like to see is something new from Dice. I also really, really look forward to BFG´s thoughts about everyone. 


No, you're trending down.




Same could be said about you from that vote alone Soohray

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What I would like to see is something new from Dice. I also really, really look forward to BFG´s thoughts about everyone. 


No, you're trending down.




Same could be said about you from that vote alone Soohray


Alright. Then say it. 

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