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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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If I ever get to #HalfDarthe, shoot me.

You keep saying shoot me this game. Do you really want to be an android that badly?


If I did, I would just lynch myself.


No, im meaning it jokingly.


For being someone who jokes so freely you surely don't understand when others are joking :tongue:


The internet is hard. I require little faces, pictures or emoticons to know things like that.

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I´m soon going to bed but just wanted to let you know that I´m feeling so happy right now. I´ll probably get some kind of anxiety attack tomorrow when there are 20 pages of spam but right now I got this great fealing. Almost like when I started to play. Ah... 



I want to apologize for this in advance put its not gonna slow my roll so glgl Tina!!!!!



:D I might have to skip your posts or lynch you then. 


Good night everyone! 



Sucks to not get night kills, eh?




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Shad can you explain the inherent distrust of Pizza. I get the me/Zander thing, but why Pizza



I pinned Pizza as a pretty high-tier mafia player from the start of Matrix.  He puts an extraordinary amount of care into his word choice, and he knows how to stage bogus arguments as town for reactions.  I imagine his scum game looks really similar to Matrix and NBC, unless he just doesn't possess the same level of WIM as a wolf.

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Pg 12

After reading the thread my main focus is on Lenlo. 


Your... what?


If we lynch a towny there are most likely 3 scum left in a game of 11 players. Pick a name out of a hat you have a 3 out of 11 chance of hitting a scum. Its probability dude. I dont know what math your working with.


Also your reasoning is lacking any kind of logic. Your reason for saying we shouldnt keep two VCs is "We are unlikely to find mafia bar slips or luck until N3" while completely ignoring the perk of controlling their NK, the major action scum gets each night. Yeah so maybe we NK another townie, we still eliminated a scum prospect rather than letting the scum NK an obv town. Your thinking purely in townies. Im thinking in overall quality/respective townieness of each individual person lynched/NKed.


As for Dices vote on me "Zander you are off the hook for annoying me", so is that all you had going for Zander lynch? Is that all you thought about him? Pretty weak in retrospect. Vote on me, accusing me of coming into thread looking for any little person to jump on, but im not voting you? Im not pushing you? I havnt cased you I havnt even said I think your scum or town. I have done nothing to you that could be called "Looking for an excuse to jump on someone", yet your gunning for it? Pretty weak dont you think?


Have I caught over dramatic scum D1?


@BFG I didnt mean to suggest we should actively try and lynch a townie on D1. I was still brainstorming how we could use this games mechanics to our advantage and was spouting ideas, trying to think how we could maintain control of the NK. As for the overreaction talk, that was to two different posts of his. 


Dice im trying to tell if. If we assume that the vote is scums NK, then whether we keep a second VC or not a townie WILL DIE EACH NIGHT. If we keep a consensus vote though there is atleast a CHANCE that a scum die. I will take a chance rather than guarantee a town death.


Your logic assumes that scum has a NK, which a townie should have no idea about. Its why I asked Pral if scum have a NK or if the majority vote each night operates as that.


So you are saying that Dice is mafia then? This is interesting in two ways:


1. You asked Pral a question about the nk in the thread once he had gone. You knew we would not get an answer in some time. But then you assume that there are no ordinary nk´s and base your ideas on that as if it was true. That made me think that you had tmi. 


2. If you think that Dice is mafia (like I take it), then it´s weird that you are not voting him. 


Alright. I disagree but thats your opinion. Id like a quote when you get the chance so I can see exactly what you mean cause if thats all you got its still weak as I have said in many games that I am bad at reading you and dont see what others do when they call you town.


Thing is though, your not voting me for that one point. You voted me when I told you your opinion on the 2nd VC was poorly backed up/explained. You got annoyed at me and voted me. then you come back with this later. Im gonna need an actual case before I take your vote on me seriously. I hope you understand.


The way you seem to point out Dice as mafia (without saying it explicity) and then saying it´s just observations and ask him to understand that you don´t like his case makes me think of a mafia that doesn´t dare to follow through. 


As for Dice, I think he is town. I think he has been overreacting but the way he is been active and started to get serious gives me that feeling. 




[v] Lenlo [/v]

1) I dont know how long it will take Pral to get back to me, so your flat out making things up here. I dont know Prals schedule. I dont even know what timezone I live in. As for the NK I already explained why I thought there was no scum NK. If there was, thats 3 kills a cycle. With 12 players, not counting any vigs, town goes to LyLo on D3. N3 technically I guess, but still. That would be ridiculous. 


2) That was an actual question to other people, is this overreactive scum? There is no game with Dice where I have correctly read him without sheeping someone else. So while I think he scum here, I wanted others opinions on it. We have time.


3) For the follow through, its actually me trying to understand him and talk with him. I dont like shouting other people out of the thread/game, I prefer talking with them. I have always done this.


1. He posted that he was going to bed. I don´t want to discuss any numbers but it´s weird that you ask the mod a question and then just assume that you have the answer anyway. 


2. And I still think it´s scummy to hint that Dice is scummy without following through.


3. Okay... don´t remember how you use to play. But I refer to 2. 

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Alright let's make Xander happy.

Please keep in mind this list is subject to change dramatically by D2.









Not caught up by a long shot, but curious how I landed in your top 3.

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Can you elaborate on what you like about it? You had Sooh, Pizza and Lenlo as null to town, and were looking at Dice and me.



Really BFG???  Its strange you brought this up....like I was asked for thoughts from like what 9-10 pages in before re read and after more information and posts and I gave them and you think that this is weird or strange or for whatever reason you brough it up????!!!!


BFG you are concerning me with this.  Like Ive brought up points after I posted that and youre choosing to go with this and not consider what ive said.....


re read and get back to me on this please.


Dice- Ive talked about and mentioned reactions and stretching.


Sooh- I liked her early sass but mentioned how easy that it for someone to fake.  Mentioned more upon catching up and re reading today.


Lenlo - Has made some points I agree with so yes theres that.  But looking back some of his posts have been bad looking.


Pizza- Is unsettling.  Not posting wordy posts, clearing me and Cory way too early imo and his read of Dice.  almost feels kinda like tmi.



It only looks like TMI.


I'm a boss. I'm the boss, brother.

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Nolder why are you complaining about the Lenlo argument (which we stopped talking about pages and pages ago) and then immediately rehashing it?


Ya havent seen much else.


Why are we still even talking about this


Am I drunk


Are you??



Well I want Pizza in here so I can talk with him and try and figure him out more. Hes the scummiest person ITT right now imo.


Ya I have to agree with you here.

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Yes but the whole "what Lenlo said about night lynches" conversation puts my eyes into auto-glazeover because I have about as much interest in it as I do in putting my balls in a vice for a recreational activity


yep i agree its stupid and needs no more mention imo





Here. Caught up.


Are we really still talking about Lenlo?

I don't mind voting him but what is there left to discuss really?

He had a dumb idea. Either you think that's townie or scummy.

Treat it accordingly and move on to other people otherwise you're going to be left with a really good impression of Lenlo and no impression of say Dice or Tina for example.



ok Nol how about some reads or thoughts on other people??


I'd rather wait if I can. I don't like giving reads on D1.

People always get all wigged out when the list changes dramatically on D2.



Dude reads are kinda important.  Its D1 and reads change.  No one is gonna condemn you for it man.

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Alright let's make Xander happy.

Please keep in mind this list is subject to change dramatically by D2.









Not caught up by a long shot, but curious how I landed in your top 3.


You're leaning town. "Top 3" isn't how my list works. It's not ordered. 

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Caught up? I've been here literally the whole time and I've read everything



Cory thoughts on Besie thus far?





She seems different than she did in the game where she was hydra'd with you but I have literally never seen her village game so I have no clue how to read her really


I'll need a good deal of time to figure out an approach to getting her alignment correct. I can't really get inside her head aorn.




OK fair enough, let me ask you this then...what did you think about my read/thoughts on her?  You've liked/agreed with some of my reads thus far.  i really think she's Town here.

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Yes but the whole "what Lenlo said about night lynches" conversation puts my eyes into auto-glazeover because I have about as much interest in it as I do in putting my balls in a vice for a recreational activity


yep i agree its stupid and needs no more mention imo





Here. Caught up.


Are we really still talking about Lenlo?

I don't mind voting him but what is there left to discuss really?

He had a dumb idea. Either you think that's townie or scummy.

Treat it accordingly and move on to other people otherwise you're going to be left with a really good impression of Lenlo and no impression of say Dice or Tina for example.



ok Nol how about some reads or thoughts on other people??


I'd rather wait if I can. I don't like giving reads on D1.

People always get all wigged out when the list changes dramatically on D2.



Dude reads are kinda important.  Its D1 and reads change.  No one is gonna condemn you for it man.


That's not true. Not true at all.

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I've had people go from town to scum or scum to town before based on the lynch and NK and people have flipped out on me before.

Like some people just don't realize there's not a ton of info D1 and the first 2 kills dramatically increase the amount of information and connections you can make.

I've had bad experiences with early lists before so I just don't like doing it.

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Pizza I am curious as to how exactly we will dance around eachother like snakes this game.


Will you annoy me to death?


Will I annoy you to death?


Will we unite under the same banner? Are we pitted for a calamitous final showdown that will end only one of us standing?


Regardless of what happens I am excited for it.


Most likely: You will think I'm a wolf because I did something different from last time, I will be the lynch, and I will be a villager.


Can't read my, can't read my....


Dang it pizza, why can't you ever be a wolf when people think you are one.


Pizza, why do you think this is Cory's most likely reaction?



Because I understand the criteria people use to determine my alignment, and it's wrong.


Specifically: I change my town game every game, on purpose.


I am doing this right now and have been since the game started. Certain things will be the same because my core principles and beliefs and philosophy of play is pretty much the same from game to game, but other things change.


Example of change: Tells. Notice in the last game I used unique, specific, and unpredictable reasons for each and every individual to clear them. And then I specifically invalidated those tells, because if you tell wolves how to fool you, they will.


That's not all I change. I alter the style and attempt new methods at times, because if I am any good at this game, it is because there are aspects of my play that I am dissatisfied with.


Last game, I was very dissatisfied with my day one. And it could have been avoided, I feel, by a much more rigorous and methodical approach, in relation to Nolder and NotBob. I never did get around to reading NotBob very carefully. Had I been a vigilante d1 he likely would have died n1, and that's terrible.


This game, I've been extremely rigorous and methodical with every single person and I have specifically avoided all attempts to read a person by their previous games. You get credit for this game only, period.


Cory thinks he knows me, and he does. But he also doesn't know me completely, and the aspects of my play which are unique to Askthepizzaguy and no other player, are what will trip him, and you, up.


That's the truth, and I'm aware of this. None of it matters. I'm here to point at wolves and make them die. Those are my two concerns.


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Ollie gave me a flu today.  Considerate kid.


I'm pretty blllalaagghhhhh from the meds right now, did a quick skim, kind of tempted to call Sooh town just for her quick start.  Got a similar vibe from Dice.  Cory/Pizza/Zander coming in with apparent motivation doesn't mean jack to me at this point.  My brain started melting the further I read and I have to Christmas all day tomorrow too, so I'll hold off and give a full-over from the start hopefully tomorrow night.



I look forward to more.  In relation to me Cory and Pizza.  Any feels on leans at all with any of us?



I think you've been generally looking around more than you do as scum, and I think scum!Zander usually pounces on Dice harder than you did earlier, even if the two of you were team mates.  Cory hasn't done anything to bother me in the slightest.  You can both be D1 town.  I'm entirely null on Pizza so far.

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Alright let's make Xander happy.

Please keep in mind this list is subject to change dramatically by D2.









Not caught up by a long shot, but curious how I landed in your top 3.


You're leaning town. "Top 3" isn't how my list works. It's not ordered. 



I would say that makes no sense because we're clearly the only three players you have above null, but you sort of did the same thing in NBC...

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