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[Harry Potter Week] JEOPARDY


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24 hours from this post is published is the start of our game. The first player to come in after 24 hours from now and say BUZZ! gets to start the game. 



Remember, sign ups are still allowed until the game is over. 





No use of Google or any other search engine. If you want to look for the answer in books or movies I'll allow it. 


Each answer has to be in the form of a question. If that's not the format the task is open to everyone. 


If it's your turn you have up to nine hours to write your question from the clue is posted. When nine hours are up it's open to everyone. 


If somebody else have had their turn, and either given the wrong question, not a question at all or run out of time you do not need to buzz before you post your question. FIrst one to do so gets the points and gets the next pick of a clue. 


The points you are awarded are due to how much each clue is worth. Remember, if you give a wrong question the same amount of points are subtracted from your current score. 


There are two Daily Doubles in the game. You can then bet points from your point pool. If you have less than 500 points we will give you that amount to potentially bet. 


There will be a final jeopardy when all clues are used up. There you may wager from your point pool. If you have negative points at that time, sorry. You're out of the competition. 



The categories:



[tr][th]Names[/th][th]Spells and potions[/th][th]Places[/th][th]Plot[/th][th]Misc[/th][/tr]







(If anything is unclear about my rules or how to play the game, now's the time to ask!)
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Rubs hands together  "its on like donkey kong!"  prepares to add another Master of  Cup to his collection


Ha!  As if . . . you're going to have to work for it and I'm definitely going to give you a run for your money!

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Besie was first :smile: 


Which clue would you like? 



[tr][th]Names[/th][th]Spells and potions[/th][th]Places[/th][th]Plot[/th][th]Misc[/th][/tr]







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200 points for Besie. Choose new clue please. 



[tr][th]Names[/th][th]Spells and potions[/th][th]Places[/th][th]Plot[/th][th]Misc[/th][/tr]


[tr][td]200[/td][td]200[/td][td]200[/td][td] - [/td][td]200[/td][/tr]







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