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[Harry Potter Week] Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Mafia - GAME OVER - TOWN WINS


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I've been reading Rhea's iso, and I don't understand why she is being voted tbh. Can anyone clarify what they are seeing that I'm clearly missing?

I don't see it either.  Hallia's the best person who'd be able to answer that.  I'd also like to hear that explanation.

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Ok...I'm sorry...I just woke up.



Clov I hate you. :dry:
D1: Thinks I'm introducing WIFOM with my scenario irt Tab's wording, sides with my word picking that "special roles" refers to PRs but considers Tab's wording a newbie mistake; doesn't like RTE defending Tab with his comment "I will be looking closely at people who take the opportunity to build a train on er based on it." @Rhea right here: how can you both think Taborline's was a "noob blunder" but still find RTE's suggestion suspicious?

Misses end of day due to being sick, does not place a vote on any trains

D2: By way of gut feeling, feels that we would have caught scum on either the Dice or RTE trains, and drops a vote on Lessa because she was trying to tie the votes for a random. This is questionable because it's likely that Lessa was mafia protecting her teammate, but less likely that RTE was also scum in that situation. She leaves her vote there anyways.

Says she'll go back and reread, full D1 reads list HERE

Simplified reads list:
Town: BFG, Razen
/Town: Sooh, Tab
Null: Cairos, Hally, Kronos
Mixed: Alanna
Mafia: RTE, Lessa

@Rhea: Where is Clov? What are your thoughts on him thus far?
And I still don't see how Dice Lessa RTE can ALL be teammates together

I answered this already, as Clov has been picking at me for that already. I said that was a quick reaction I had after the D1 vote. I said it was a stretch. I said I suck at this! 

Update after reading D2 had RTE a little more townish, but scum read of Lessa remains; POE is Lessa/RTE/Laine/Hally; Positive point that she seems to be conceding a bit on the RTE/Lessa point due to Clov's questioning
D3: Already covered what I wanted to so far here, irt peeks. Do not like that she's trying to clear players based on uncertain peeks
@Rhea: What is your stance on RTE now that Lessa has flipped town? I understand that you and I don't see eye to eye on the possibility that Tab and RTE could have been the peaks from BFG and I understand that it is risky to clear someone when the peeks are not confirmed. The only way were going to confirm them is by elimination. If BFG did have peeks and she was trying to avoid being detected I think that her posts were still trying to tell us something without being caught as the seer. So it's really just a got feeling I have on that.  I also answered this question a few pages back...here. Of course I doubt you will find that enough of an answer.  :tongue: 
**Interactions with Dice: *reminder

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Oops...I missed the first question.

I don't think they are related at all. Tabs noob blunder and RTE's defense are two different instances. What I think is that no one likes people making notes in game and I should stop doing that!

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Oops...I missed the first question.

I don't think they are related at all. Tabs noob blunder and RTE's defense are two different instances. What I think is that no one likes people making notes in game and I should stop doing that!


You've shown that you're coming back to what you've noted, which is different that what a couple other people have done in thread.  What do you think about Taborline right now?

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n mobile. I still feel that She's is the way to go. As for her partner, the initial agreement I had with WBK over RTE ended up being way off. His hop to me over her makes me wonder.



Who's partner? Mine? How did you have an agreement with Kronos? Now that he's voting for you, you are throwing sus at him?


I'm not keen on voting Tab due to the ambiguity of BFGs prems. She could've been one, but I'm just not sure


I feel like you are being to evasive in this game. I know this going to look like a revenge vote, but I really haven't felt good about you posts dince D1.


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Oops...I missed the first question.

I don't think they are related at all. Tabs noob blunder and RTE's defense are two different instances. What I think is that no one likes people making notes in game and I should stop doing that!


You've shown that you're coming back to what you've noted, which is different that what a couple other people have done in thread.  What do you think about Taborline right now?



I think you are trying to bait me here. You know that I'm leaning toward RTE and Tab being peeks by BFG. 

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Vote: Hallia

Self-preservation vote absolutely reeks.

Disagree entirely. I'm very comfortable with the Lynch, but her voting out of self preservation is null. I've had you as comfortable town for a while so I don't think this is scummy... Just a bad thought process

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At this point I feel relatively comfortable with Laine and RTE. Clov is also fairly clear for me, though I'm not a fan of a Taborline lynch. 


I still find Hallia suspicious for being so uncommunicative(?). It's not really what I want to say, but it was the best word I could come up with. 


Kronos is not showing me enough what he thinks for me to town read him. I will agree that he reacts calmly when pushed though. 




My best lead at the moment.

Bold: Why are you not a fan of the Tab lynch?

Blue: I agree here, I'm not sure if that's overall good or bad though


*Sooh voting Hally for not communicating enough



Bold: I'm not a fan of a Taboo lynch because I feel like she might have been a peek. She's definitely not a lynch candidate for me today. 


Blue: How is it overall good that he's not sharing? 


Red: As you can see it was a preliminary vote, and I have expanded on my thoughts today. I would also like to hear more from Hallia. It feels a lot like the Lessa lynch and that's not good. I would like to see Hallia out here defending herself. I'll take a look at Rhea some time today, seeing as that is Hallia's counter-train. 

"The reacting calmly when pushed" looks good to me; I'm not sure how much Kronos plays mafia, but that seems like a more positive note and may or may not outweigh his not being forthcoming with his views, imo. Especially depending on his experience.






D1: My original case that her post here was a scum slip because she immediately assumes Jagen/Sooh could have been a PR instead of mafia: this is suspicious to me because the goal of a townie is to look for scum, not PRs. Her additional response of "that too" also does not work in her favor after I add in the part about Sooh's slot being mafia.


Additionally, saying that Sooh could have a PR is blatant role fishing and it was suspicious that since her post she backtracked and reworded her meaning that special roles included mafia? Next, scum reading everyone fosing/voting her (Sooh, Lessa, RTE) even though she says she understands why I jumped on her post in the first place.


Here, some reads:

Knowing that I'm Town, this is what I read so far.


Based solely on her confidence, activity and straightforward arguments (I've not felt she's been pushing anything odd, or jumping to anyone's defense), I would venture a sturdy guess that Laine is Town.


I really want to like Kronos for his defense of me, but he could so easily be Scum playing for Town brownie points. As soon as I'm lynched, and you see that I am indeed Town, he can ride in and say "See, I told you!"


BFG has me confused so far, but I'm going to go back and read again.


I don't particularly feel like Dice is building up to a vote, more that he's just trying to get answers and being an offensive player, but we'll see what he says today.


Others, I have no idea.

Later, re:Dice

I really don't know who to vote for. I found Dice to be more defensive when questioned, but I don't know if he's always like that.


I just want to quote this series of posts at EOD 1, in the light that Dice flipped mafia. This was before Cairos voted Dice, and then Lessa evened out the vote on RTE::

We need people to vote though. I'm with BFG and don't want to move mine.

I don't want to be a deciding vote on a guess, though.

Lessa, Cairos, and Taborline are all here and haven't voted.


Any chance at least one is scum?



Her posts here and here are very different from how she was d1. Help in the mafia QT? At the EOD she was unsure of her vote and wouldn't vote either way, until Cairos and Lessa came in and tilted/evened out the trains again. Then start of D1 and suddenly she's got a strong read on RTE and talks though the events of d1.

Her reads end up like so:

Most likely Town: RTE, Sooh, BFG

Suspicious Scum: WBK, Clov, Lessa

And she places her vote on Lessa. @Tab: at this point, what were your reads on the other players? You seem to be missing out Razen, Hally, Alanna, and Rhea. Was there a reason for this?


Also, why did you believe Raz's vote on Dice could be scummy? This post


Doesn't like Hally's posts after Sooh's suggestions, wants to know why the switch on RTE. Which is odd for me, being that Tabor never took a stance on RTE d1 to begin with. Haven't seen much from her since she just kind of went with the flow on the Hally sus, so I'm not sure what to think of that yet. Feels like mafia laying low now that she's not under suspicion, as opposed to town trying to figure out the game.


**Interactions with Dice: I remember D1 disagreeing with BFG that Dice was leading up to vote Taborline. His wording lead me more to believe that he was waffling on how he should be reading her, especially adding in the noob card for her and debating how that should be weighed for/against her favor.  Being that he DIDN'T vote Taborline and went with no lynch instead doesn't look good for Taborline here.



Red: The only reason those players were missed out was because I didn't have any read on them at all. I questioned Raz's vote as possibly being there to gain a bit of cred, as I said in that post. Just saying what I think.


I honestly didn't have a strong enough read on anyone on D1 to cast a vote, let alone an important one. After an initial death, getting reads on people gets (slightly) easier. 

You do see how it feels though right? That you got coached in your QT during the night and suddenly had reads to try and cover for the fact that you were indecisive at the EOD when a scum lynch was in the balance?


Tab, how did Razen have more comments on my case on you but you had three lines and then started fosing me instead?


I have a hard time narrowing down my best suspect between Taborline, Rhea, and Kronos.


Rhea has done the most lately to move into a town lean, with Taborline closely behind her and some persistent suspicion regarding Kronos. 


I kind of feel there is a deeper wolf out there though and if I had to guess who that is I would say Laine. 

I think it could be as easy as Tab/Hallia. I'm feeling somewhat better about Rhea and I think I little bit of pressure on Kronos would clear that right up. If you're going for someone deep-wolfing, it's really not me.



I'm not keen on voting Tab due to the ambiguity of BFGs prems. She could've been one, but I'm just not sure

You could use that line of reasoning for any one of the remaining players.



Also, there's no argument about the peeks: at least four players tried to look back and got nothing. Unless you're saying all four players are scum, which is impossible, that's not really a line of reasoning to say that those discounting peeks is scummy.

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Hallia (5): RTE, Kronos, Sooh, Taborline, Rhea
Rhea (1): Hallia
Taborline (3): Clov, Laine, Razen

Not voting (0): 

Deadline for Day 3 is Monday, August 3rd at 9:00 AM MST/12 noon EDT:

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I don't mind the Hallia Lynch, but if she flips town, I will be making every attempt to bury Tab tomorrow. I seriously doubt we get two trains that are this close without one being mafia.


If she flips mafia, just pretend this post isn't here.

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I don't mind the Hallia Lynch, but if she flips town, I will be making every attempt to bury Tab tomorrow. I seriously doubt we get two trains that are this close without one being mafia.


If she flips mafia, just pretend this post isn't here.

If she flips mafia I think there is still a case to be made on Tab, but we'll have to see.


I swear I'm not tunneling.

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I would have to check tabs ISO to see if they have w/w equity, because that vote means nothing. I just can't see them both being town

I believe so, from the ISO I did on Hally, she thought both Tab (presumably, language was fumbly) and RTE were scummy and voted RTE on the basis that he was either protecting a teammate or white-knighting, but then start of d2 cleared RTE and said nothing more about Taborline.

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I had a lot more quotes on that post where I voted Hallia but DM said it was too many. :rolleyes:

Can you do a quick summary?


It was just the same stuff I quoted on her yesterday.

Tagging on with Kronos D1. Not voting for me with her CFD remark on D2. Her being evasive.


How's that? 

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I would have to check tabs ISO to see if they have w/w equity, because that vote means nothing. I just can't see them both being town

I don't either, and I am inclined to think the more likely to be scum out of the two is Taborline.

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Hallia (5): RTE, Kronos, Sooh, Taborline, Rhea
Rhea (1): Hallia
Taborline (3): Clov, Laine, Razen

Not voting (0): 

Deadline for Day 3 is Monday, August 3rd at 9:00 AM MST/12 noon EDT:

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Hallia (5): RTE, Kronos, Sooh, Taborline, Rhea
Rhea (1): Hallia
Taborline (3): Clov, Laine, Razen

Not voting (0): 

Deadline for Day 3 is Monday, August 3rd at 9:00 AM MST/12 noon EDT:

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