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Phases of the Moon - Moonhunter chooses a new Leader [Anton}

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Janna sat listlessly on the carved stone step of her cottage, watching Silver run amok along the pathway she’d so carefully planted with roses and wildflowers. The ground was scarred with wolf pup tracks and half dug holes where Silver had thought she might have scented something, only to be distracted by the wind fluttering the rosebushes or a squirrel clamoring up a nearby tree.


She didn’t have the heart to chastise the young wolf, especially since her white face peeking out from the pansies often brought a wistful half smile to the Head Trackers face. Beside her on the ground lay her often patched and ill used pack, stuffed full and ready for a long journey. Janna glanced anxiously at the sun, barely breaking the horizon. Anton should be here shortly but she felt a desperate need to move. Having made her decision she wanted it set in stone. Her heart was too heavy for more deliberation.


She’d had strange dreams for more than a week now, ever since Windracer’s death. Dreams peppered with memories and warnings, half comfort – half torment. But she understood now what she had to do.


She never heard Anton approach she was so deep in thought and when she realized he was standing before her she jumped. Blood and ashes, she thought raggedly as she ran a shaky hand through her hair, for once left loose and flowing. Past time for this.


“Your right on time.” She attempted a smile but it came out as a grimace as she shouldered her pack. “We should be there by nightfall.”


“Where exactly is it where going, Janna?” Anton asked, his gaze full of concern.


“You’ll see soon enough. Trust me.” She called to Silver who appeared instantly, coat littered with blood red rose petals. For just an instant Janna’s heart caught in her throat, the memory of another silver coat smeared with a similar color had her eyes filling with tears. “Let’s go,” she said shortly and started off.


Janna Telenvar

Tracker ~ Wolfsister

Twisted Chime

Companion to Silver

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