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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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I'm sorry, stuff's come up at work so I'm going to have to sub out. I messaged RTE last night but haven't heard back yet so thought I'd post here to let you know :sad: sorry!

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To whomever said it (Cory? Clov?): As I said in another post, I´ll re-read and make a new list in the morning. It´s easier when I know the night results. Not sure if Clov´s death will help me or not. Anyway, I will be re-reading after work and come back with my reads. 

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Clov kill means either Cory is scum, Scum thought Cory would be protected, or Clov had better reads than Cory. [unless someone saw Clov PR hint somewhere?]


I'm having a problem finding Cory's reads. AFAICT, they look like this:







Town side of null:





I think he was still reading me. Could not argue if you want to claim I was in his bottom 3.






I don't know how to list this but he made a case for a possible scum pairing of Tina/Dice. This conflicts with his earlier read on Tina but is the only read on Dice I found.


He started with Tina scum. Then went Tina Town. And here also. Then back to Tina as possible scum mate with Dice in the above link.

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still have Darthe as top mafia suspect for not acting in a logical.manner in his treatment of his Ithi read. Have only been able to.skim some of the night chat. Will try to catch up tonight but will be difficult. Have about 1800 miles to drive in next 3 days.


Zander still a suspect as well but he is now third behind Yates. not sure if hid zander questioning is a distance ploy or him pushing a noob.


Cory would be a tinfoil situation due to his town leader placement.


Tina, only thing I really can think.of negative for her was the role fish thing and her early interaction with Cory.


Dice feels town


Sooh, I'm.not sure but leaning that way based on.her open posting style.


BFG or her replacement is still mostly null due to low content.


Manbat, I have no clue. His style is Greek to.me.


I think that is everyone.

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Ugh... I won't have time to finish rereading before meeting... I found this post so far


Prolly gonna pay most attention to this group when rereading

Since 2 out of 5 have turned up Town, are you more or less sure about the other 3?

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A few more points before I go:


I am guessing Clov was protecting Cory? I mean... half of Cory's posts were like begging for a PR to keep him safe :tongue: Maybe scum picked up on that and didn't want to take the chance of going for him seeing as there was a high chance of that happening.


I have mostly a not so good gut feeling about Turin and Tina and partially Zander as of right now. Trouble is with the first duo I haven't been able to point out anything substantial yet, also people I believe are town with a lot more meta on them than me disagree with my gut. Zander I'm getting increasingly more worried about. He seems more goal oriented now than early on in the game. Could be due to a good mentor, or because he actually has subscribed to an agenda. 

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I actually have a little time! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


So it's like incredibly unbelievably hilariously critical that we lynch a wolf today. Losing the doc blows, losing CLOVGOAT blows, and we have three dead villagers with little to show for it. If we can get a wolf lynched today there's an OUTPOURING of good info in this thread and I can clear some villagers and make a much better PoE and get us back on track


I am going to read the thread as many times as necessary until I feel CONFIDENT, but other people need to keep LOOKING and FIGHTING and avoided that compelling urge to just be lazy because you can


I'm wiping MY slate clean and starting over

I like Sooh on this page a lot, let's get some PEP in our STEP before this one goes off the rails completely

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