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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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oops i mesed up that was supposed to read DICE

Tress said she can usually read DICE.... man I need to start proofreading


Lol  Ive been waiting for this post and resisting the urge to tell you to ask your mentor :D


Dice u maf?

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Did you have something on Turin besides he trusted Ithillian's claim right off the bat?

Right. Turin is a bit more complicated because I would actually EXPECT him to hard defend Ithi. But for him, that's not alignment indicative. I think the biggest thing for me was the Turin-Zander exchange. It felt fake. I can easily see that being w/w. I also might subscribe to Monster's theory on Turin/Tina if Darthe flips scum.


The reality is that I didn't have a ton of time as I was rushing off the computer. So shooting from the hip those were my two best chances at hitting scum not named Leyrann. If you are asking me for a nice tidy case? No. I don't have anything solid. We'll see what the morning brings and go from there.

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oops i mesed up that was supposed to read DICE

Tress said she can usually read DICE.... man I need to start proofreading

LOL! I was like "woah - I need to address this pronto!"


Can you elaborate on your Dice Town read? I think I'm one of the better Dice readers and don't have him as a strong Town read yet given his low post count. Just wondering if there was an "A-HA!" post I missed.

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Again, apologies for not being active so far :smile: Blossoming cherry trees, royal guards on horses and cute little Dala-horses have had my attention up until now.


I meant to catch up last night, but apparently I'm too old to be drinking wine two nights in a row and then expect to function as a normal person the third night  :rolleyes:


I have been reading along with the game (you people post a lot), so I'll be going back to the beginning to do a thorough read now. 


Some pre-conceived notions though:


Ithi - will be getting the benefit of the doubt from me for now, as long as she is scum hunting with the rest of us :smile:


Cory and Clov seem town to me. 


Turin seems town as well.


That's all I have for now, and it'll be interesting to see if I discover anything on my reread to make me change my mind.



My reads so far, as you can see I really need to go back and do some ISOing on a few people, but at least this gives you all an idea of where I'm at :smile:


And yes Tina, Stockholm is lovely! :wub: Also you have a lot of really handsome men over there! RAWR!


1.Sooh – town

2.Tina – So very not sure about you yet. Despite your latest catch up I don't feel like I have a good read. I'll keep watching.

3.Zander (Mentored by Kaylee) – I understand where he's coming from. His early posts are totally in character, and I can see why he would redact when the same jumping on him happened here as in his first game. I really like your post # 195. That's how you should play and read people, and I should probably take my own advice there as well. You're in my null pile for now, because I clearly demonstrated in your first game that I can't read you. If you are mafia and fooling me, shame on you! lol

4.Darthe – You puzzle me this game. I haven't played with you much, but I was expecting you to do more reads. Granted the number of players who have been actively engaged in the game so far hasn't been great, but it's more than Ithi and Turin. What are some of your other reads? Please let me know so I may take you off from scum-lean.

5.Ithi – Third party survivor claim. I have no real reason not to believe you, and so far you seem invested in a town win. I will be watching closely though :tongue:

6.Shadar – Very low on content. I'll be looking forward to seeing more posts.

7.Dice – Also not too great on content. I was leaning town, but I see Tina has you as scum. That makes me interested in going back to do an ISO and see if I might have missed something. For now, null. I'll get back to reading you later.

8.Yates – Very much looking forward to reading your take.

9.seph (Mentored by Tress) – I like your analysis of a lot of the content here. It's short and to the point. I haven't seen anything I don't like. Town so far.

10.BFG – Little to no content. Strange to me why some have you as town. I'll give you a null and see what happens.

11.Turin – Effectively null to me at the moment. Nothing that gives me a clear idea if you're town or scum. I need to ISO to see if I can get a better idea then.

12.Ley – The quick vote on Ithi seemed strange to me, as it did to many others. You've said later that it was to get the game going, which is ok, but I would like to see some more content. It appears to me that there hasn't really been much outside of that discussion. Null with a slight scum lean.

13.Cory – Town. I'm pretty sure you could easily trick me into believing that, but that's all I have at the moment. You play exactly how I would think you would play town, so I'm going with that for now.

14.Clov – Town. Solid. Same comment as on Cory actually. Pretty sure you could fool me if you wanted to.  


I'm going to go back and do some more ISOs, and then hopefully have someone to vote at the end of it.

So you posted 4 preconceptions and

Ithi stayed the same

I went from town to effectively null. I will assume that this change was from the reread as I di not post in the hour and a half ish between your posts.

Cory and Clov went to solid town, but you add the caveat to both that they could fool you if they wanted to. Big caveat.


BTW, did the ISO ever work? it may be that you need to have my complete member name "Turin Turambar" the second name is easy to misspell.

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look at the date stamps

Oh. Deadline is 3AM my time. Will not be around. Would be nice to have this wrapped up in the next 2 or 3 hours?

Yates isn't going to be around at DL. 


Anyone have any idea why Leyrann hasn't been around? It would be nice to get him sorted soon - being that LEYRANN IS AT L-1. There's no way I'll be staying up for another hour, never mind 4.

Asking about Leyrann. Ley live in GMT+1 so this post would have been made at about 5 am his time.


Never mind.

Forgot to read up yesterday evening and a LOT of new posts now, I think I can catch up this evening. Will also cast my final vote then, seeing as how I won't be around after that, except maybe the 30 minutes before deadline (which I will probably spend catching up).


Ley says he may be back 30 minutes before deadline (which is between 12 and 3 in the morning for americans. If Ley comes on and claims cop what chance would there have been of achieving a lynch on anyone else?



why is that?

You are in my pool from how you treated Ithi.
Now you are in my pool for being on a Town lynch [100% chance there is scum on the Leyrann lynch].
Extra points for being the sloppy hammer holder.

Riddle me this; why didn't you give Leyrann a chance to come on and claim? I posted that he was at L-1 in big bold text and quoted him saying he'd be back on towards the end of the game day so it's not like there was a good chance this was going to be a blind lynch. As it turns out I doubt a VT claim would have saved him but what if he had been a PR?


See above. Also from history Ley has been blind lynched a fair amount while he was afk due to time zones and deadlines. He has/had a habit of claiming before he went away if he felt there was any chance he could be lynched. His lack of claim was probably because he was VT.


This looks like a bad push to me.   

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Because I know somebody's going to do it...


Not fair! I was going to do that! :tongue:



Again, apologies for not being active so far :smile: Blossoming cherry trees, royal guards on horses and cute little Dala-horses have had my attention up until now.


I meant to catch up last night, but apparently I'm too old to be drinking wine two nights in a row and then expect to function as a normal person the third night  :rolleyes:


I have been reading along with the game (you people post a lot), so I'll be going back to the beginning to do a thorough read now. 


Some pre-conceived notions though:


Ithi - will be getting the benefit of the doubt from me for now, as long as she is scum hunting with the rest of us :smile:


Cory and Clov seem town to me. 


Turin seems town as well.


That's all I have for now, and it'll be interesting to see if I discover anything on my reread to make me change my mind.



My reads so far, as you can see I really need to go back and do some ISOing on a few people, but at least this gives you all an idea of where I'm at :smile:


And yes Tina, Stockholm is lovely! :wub: Also you have a lot of really handsome men over there! RAWR!


1.Sooh – town

2.Tina – So very not sure about you yet. Despite your latest catch up I don't feel like I have a good read. I'll keep watching.

3.Zander (Mentored by Kaylee) – I understand where he's coming from. His early posts are totally in character, and I can see why he would redact when the same jumping on him happened here as in his first game. I really like your post # 195. That's how you should play and read people, and I should probably take my own advice there as well. You're in my null pile for now, because I clearly demonstrated in your first game that I can't read you. If you are mafia and fooling me, shame on you! lol

4.Darthe – You puzzle me this game. I haven't played with you much, but I was expecting you to do more reads. Granted the number of players who have been actively engaged in the game so far hasn't been great, but it's more than Ithi and Turin. What are some of your other reads? Please let me know so I may take you off from scum-lean.

5.Ithi – Third party survivor claim. I have no real reason not to believe you, and so far you seem invested in a town win. I will be watching closely though :tongue:

6.Shadar – Very low on content. I'll be looking forward to seeing more posts.

7.Dice – Also not too great on content. I was leaning town, but I see Tina has you as scum. That makes me interested in going back to do an ISO and see if I might have missed something. For now, null. I'll get back to reading you later.

8.Yates – Very much looking forward to reading your take.

9.seph (Mentored by Tress) – I like your analysis of a lot of the content here. It's short and to the point. I haven't seen anything I don't like. Town so far.

10.BFG – Little to no content. Strange to me why some have you as town. I'll give you a null and see what happens.

11.Turin – Effectively null to me at the moment. Nothing that gives me a clear idea if you're town or scum. I need to ISO to see if I can get a better idea then.

12.Ley – The quick vote on Ithi seemed strange to me, as it did to many others. You've said later that it was to get the game going, which is ok, but I would like to see some more content. It appears to me that there hasn't really been much outside of that discussion. Null with a slight scum lean.

13.Cory – Town. I'm pretty sure you could easily trick me into believing that, but that's all I have at the moment. You play exactly how I would think you would play town, so I'm going with that for now.

14.Clov – Town. Solid. Same comment as on Cory actually. Pretty sure you could fool me if you wanted to.  


I'm going to go back and do some more ISOs, and then hopefully have someone to vote at the end of it.

So you posted 4 preconceptions and

Ithi stayed the same

I went from town to effectively null. I will assume that this change was from the reread as I di not post in the hour and a half ish between your posts.

Cory and Clov went to solid town, but you add the caveat to both that they could fool you if they wanted to. Big caveat.


BTW, did the ISO ever work? it may be that you need to have my complete member name "Turin Turambar" the second name is easy to misspell.


Yeah. The change was from the reread. 

As for the caveat - I hate being wrong, so adding that meant that I could say "but you didn't fool me completely" :tongue: 


I did ISO you, but I really can't read you very well yet, so there was no change in my read. Still a null for me, because I haven't seen any red flags as of yet. I have you there now as well, because after Ithi's kill you've been at work a lot and not posted so much, so I feel like I don't have a ton to go on. 

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Also from history Ley has been blind lynched a fair amount while he was afk due to time zones and deadlines. He has/had a habit of claiming before he went away if he felt there was any chance he could be lynched. His lack of claim was probably because he was VT.

News to me. When's the last time he did this? Also, has he ever/never done this as scum?


This looks like a bad push to me.

Is this because you're in my scum pool or because you don't like the way I go about seeing if Zander hammered for the right reasons? Because I think we can both agree that his reason [or lack thereof] at the time was sketch.
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I think I'm one of the better Dice readers


What would ever give you this idea


Serious question


I would say ask Dice. When he's Town I can usually pick it out by NLT mid Day 2. If I don't have him as Town by EOD 2 he is usually scum. In our most recent game where he was scum, I had him in my scum pool on Day 2. I think he has only fooled me as scum once?
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But I especially don't get the "I read dice well" considering I've had to suffer reading through the last two games where dice was pretty much obviously a wolf - no offense dice - in April Fools and Death of Meta and Yates gleefully pushed villagers instead


I would be very surprised and mildly impressed if dice were a wolf here, he's playing his villager game pretty much to a T and it's more likely that someone who struggles to replicate their villager game as a wolf is probably a villager when playing their villager game rather than finally "nailing it" after like 30+ long games

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I think I'm one of the better Dice readers


What would ever give you this idea


Serious question


I would say ask Dice. When he's Town I can usually pick it out by NLT mid Day 2. If I don't have him as Town by EOD 2 he is usually scum. In our most recent game where he was scum, I had him in my scum pool on Day 2. I think he has only fooled me as scum once?



You had him in a pool of four players in a seven player game. You were one of the players. One of the other players was the person you thought was the seer (Sili).


That doesn't make you "good" at reading dice.

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