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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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Pretty good feelings from Sooh for her Clov/Cory split.  She talks to us both a lot in chat because we're BFF's.  If I didn't know Cory and I disagree with each other 75% of the time in mafia, I'd assume we probably agree a lot.

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Who said that it's weird that me and Clov are not on the same page


Remember reading that and feeling weird about it


Mostly because we are pretty famous for not being on the same page


And also because I don't feel like we really disagreed all that much this game anyway, at least not more than usual


That was Sooh.  I'm 99% sure she's played with you, and I know she's played with me, but I'm almost positive she's never played with us.

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I think seph made a slip. He said "both" as in two mafia and Manbat followed him. Seph will be my vote tomorrow.


If we have two mafia then we could have two mafia teams or sympathy or... That will make it harder.

Wasn't that Zander?


If so that might be because he was just in a game with two mafia.. open setup...


*goes to look*



Ah! You're right, I'm wrong. I read it the first time thinking it was Zander. 


Who said that it's weird that me and Clov are not on the same page


Remember reading that and feeling weird about it


Mostly because we are pretty famous for not being on the same page


And also because I don't feel like we really disagreed all that much this game anyway, at least not more than usual

THat was me.


Lol I'm not really privy to much meta on the two of you together yet. That might be why. Also I feel you both may be my blind spot right now... I'll address it more come day.

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THat was me.


Lol I'm not really privy to much meta on the two of you together yet. That might be why. Also I feel you both may be my blind spot right now... I'll address it more come day.



I hate to ruin the surprise for you, but it's usually disagreement and fighting that ultimately leaves the other team rekt.

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THat was me.


Lol I'm not really privy to much meta on the two of you together yet. That might be why. Also I feel you both may be my blind spot right now... I'll address it more come day.



I hate to ruin the surprise for you, but it's usually disagreement and fighting that ultimately leaves the other team rekt.






Disagreeing is good I suppose, if it makes both sides think on things from a new point of view.

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Oh also the reason I think darthe/cory could be a w/w pairing is because ldo cory was leading tina lynch over darthe


I realize this is level one and should not be pursued too hard but I guess i just wanted to say it


This is completely untrue.  Cory said he wasn't townreading her early Sunday morning, and then had her as a tentative townlean by the afternoon.  Combine this with your multiple nudes on Cory for not having you as town, and I think you are looking for stupid reasons to NOT have Cory town.  Wonder why that is.





That was sarcasm.  I'm implying it's because I think you have a pretty good shot at being mafia






In hindsight, I probably should have thought to apply manbat's tina/leyrann to this mix up and not 807.  

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@Dice I am having a lot of trouble following you this game.  


Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't think you're mafia but I can't really get a handle on the game right now so for whatever it's worth im kind of not going to pressure it hard unail the earliest daybreak.

Maybe you can talk me out of it before hand.

I'm not sure that I like how cory is immediately suspected after one townie lynch from more than a few people.

I think if darthe is mafia it makes cory more likely mafia

I don't think darthe is mafia, but I'm partially biased after him pointing out that my one post was really villagery.

I mean I know I am really good at getting myself cleared in the eyes of the consensus regardless of my role or alignment it just caught me off guard when you did it I guess, darthe.

I wasn't expecting it so early I suppose.

Regardless I'm off work and I'll do a reread over the next rest of the day and then make a nice little list of every player in the game with a reason why they are in a category explaining what I think their alignment is

Then it will all be wrong and when a wolf dies I'll read their spew and probably be more accurate.

Fine by me, still holds true imo.  Townies make townie posts to get townie brownies.


Oh also the reason I think darthe/cory could be a w/w pairing is because ldo cory was leading tina lynch over darthe

I realize this is level one and should not be pursued too hard but I guess i just wanted to say it

The kind of post you only make at night.  


Turin/tina seems like it has a wolf ~often

Probably has a wolf a ton if darthe is a wolf

I'd think that Turin/Tina has a wolf in it regardless of my alignment.  Earlier I'd have said Turin, now I say Tina.  Highly doubt that both are scum.



cory its called changing my mind. You are a really really hard person to read. You are one I am pretty sure could convince me of town when you were not. I changed to mafia because you did lead the charge on Ley.

I jumped on it because It sounded very reasonable and it was honestly my best guess at the moment. 


Like yates said though it will sort itself out with you shortly. 



Vote the hell out of Seph tomorrow.


TBH you're swaying me and I don't really have an objective reason for that.  I liked Clov's initial read of Seph and it made sense and now clov is muddled and seph looks worse for it.


Weird and likely meaningless connections.  


@Clov, you're... not difficult per say but harder than normal to follow this game.  That's usually a big thing for you.  Any clue what's going on there?

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As regarding a post a bit back I do believe their was scum on the vote for Ley. Would they put both there votes on him?



Darthe (4/7) - Turin, Ley, Tina


Ley (7/7) - Cory, Sooh, Seph, Dice, Clov, Darthe, Zander



I re-read a lot of darthe's posts I am going to move him to null actually I have like quite a few things he has pointed out.



votes on ley- mafia suspects in order- Cory, zander



I re-read a lot of darthe's posts I am going to move him to null actually I have like quite a few things he has pointed out recently.


So town involves

sooh (though interested in looking into)







Dice( though I watching)

Turin ( honestly I have no idea)

clov - I had him as more of a townie read but I have as null for now.

Tina-(I don't remember to much I will have to re read)

mafia suspects




also manbat I guess I am blind. I don't see What you see that dice can see><


Thought for now 



If Cory is a strong mafia candidate, why did you follow him on a lynch?  Typically you should NOT be voting who likely mafia are actively trying to push.



Oh also the reason I think darthe/cory could be a w/w pairing is because ldo cory was leading tina lynch over darthe

I realize this is level one and should not be pursued too hard but I guess i just wanted to say it



This is completely untrue.  Cory said he wasn't townreading her early Sunday morning, and then had her as a tentative townlean by the afternoon.  Combine this with your multiple nudes on Cory for not having you as town, and I think you are looking for stupid reasons to NOT have Cory town.  Wonder why that is.





That was sarcasm.  I'm implying it's because I think you have a pretty good shot at being mafia



Because I believe there is a chance cory is mafia so I am acting in the best interests of myself as a player and more importantly, the village as a whole.


I'm not looking for stupid reasons for cory to not be town. I made a conditional read based on whether or not darthe was town which is independent of my own read of him which I vere explicitly said was "90% to flip town."


Cory told me specifically to read his case on ley and tell me whether or not I still thought she was town.


Truthfully I did still think she was town and I bent to Cory's will. I want to make a point to not let him strong arm the game if he is in fact a wolf because I'm making it very clear right now that I'm not going to allow it.


I am allowed to have a read of a player and act under the assumption that my previous read is or might be untrue, I think it has benefits even.

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Oh also the reason I think darthe/cory could be a w/w pairing is because ldo cory was leading tina lynch over darthe


I realize this is level one and should not be pursued too hard but I guess i just wanted to say it


This is completely untrue.  Cory said he wasn't townreading her early Sunday morning, and then had her as a tentative townlean by the afternoon.  Combine this with your multiple nudes on Cory for not having you as town, and I think you are looking for stupid reasons to NOT have Cory town.  Wonder why that is.





That was sarcasm.  I'm implying it's because I think you have a pretty good shot at being mafia






In hindsight, I probably should have thought to apply manbat's tina/leyrann to this mix up and not 807.  


Like, the levity and gamesolving attitude is still there but we are just SO at odds on our reads and your reasons for your own don't click for me.

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Was thinking about this post so I am going to drop it in here

I think the biggest obstacle facing DM towns is the tendency to completely flip around when something doesn't go exactly the way they expected... or even for no reason at all sometimes.


It's very rare that one new piece of information weighs enough to completely tip the scales of the information that's already available. You don't need to completely 180; you adjust. New information should be averaged with existing information; not replace existing information.

Using one new piece of evidence and ignoring all the prior information is much more likely to come from scum pushing a mislynch, but I saw town utilizing this kind of thinking.

I also think there are some "scumtells" in use that aren't actually scum behavior but are something mafia in the past used to scapegoat someone and the idea stuck in people's brains.

If I had my way I would show you guys how to toneread, too. Darthe and Des on D1/D2 were my top town reads for a reason. TG outing himself regarding the Pral event was real. Understanding that TG's, Des's and Puppet's claims aren't gonna come from scum -- also not difficult. People that think mafia is purely a logic or a math game are wrong. There's a very distinct human element, and to my mind it is the most helpful element for solving games.



Yes, sometimes I remember posts fondly made in games from ~7 months ago, it's just what I do


How I feel ATM

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I think seph made a slip. He said "both" as in two mafia and Manbat followed him. Seph will be my vote tomorrow.

If we have two mafia then we could have two mafia teams or sympathy or... That will make it harder.

This is demonstrably false.


I made more than a few posts discussing the idea of three wolves existinf

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Harder to follow or harder to agree with?  If it's harder to follow...I don't know. I feel like I've been around my norm for explaining my thought processes, but obviously I'm going to know how I reach my conclusions.  I'll gladly try to explain anything confusing for you if you give me specifics, though.


If you mean harder to agree with, I'm not sure what to say.  I feel I've disagreed with a lot of YOUR reasoning this game, too, but I think most of what you have said I can see you thinking.

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Stahp what



It's been "prickle at cory for being WRONG at WEREWOLF" hour


Expect it from some people, not from you

I wasn't prickling at you. I specifically said youre capable of being wrong as a villager and noted that I didn't like how people were calling you mafia just because you were on one mislynch


You're yelling at me for things I'm not doing


I'm sorry if you think me commenting that you were wrong lowered your villager equity... but it did. I still think you're a much more likely villager than any of the players I said I was gonna reread

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