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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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Ok so I'm rereading the two previous games I've been in with Ley, and what stood out for me at the beginning of Darthe's last game is how he was first joke-voting, and then he was annoyed with Turin for buddying Ithi, and then annoyed with the drama surrounding Ithi/Turin in that game. 


The Cliche game is a bit less clear in terms of meta, but the cliches did tune out after a while... still reading. 

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I really don't see why anybody cares what a phase changer does at this point.

I don't know, yet. I like to have any pertinent game mechanic information public, though. Are you not concerned with figuring out how this game works?
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Ok so I'm rereading the two previous games I've been in with Ley, and what stood out for me at the beginning of Darthe's last game is how he was first joke-voting, and then he was annoyed with Turin for buddying Ithi, and then annoyed with the drama surrounding Ithi/Turin in that game. 


The Cliche game is a bit less clear in terms of meta, but the cliches did tune out after a while... still reading. 

Just to follow up on this...


I've read a whole lot more, though not all, of the Cliche game, and what stands out for me is that in that game Ley was consistently trying to make reads. He was methodical and active. I haven't seen that here yet. 

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Turin and Clov are both strong town reads


Dice and Tina are lighter green, Dice is from tone and what he's choosing to comment on, Tina for the 'easy' reads she's giving.


Zander is lightest green at the moment, becoming slightly wary that he's sounding very self-conscious.


Darthe is null, I don't agree with his read on Turin, but his stubbornness about Ithi being town over survivor may be town indicative, as I don't see any benefit to the stubbornness if mafia.


Leyrann is making me feel somewhat uneasy, his content so far has all been about survivor/Ithi, which is something that seems alignment neutral to discuss while avoiding mentioning Ithi/Turin push on Darthe winch h's been the biggest 'event' in the thread so far, and otherwise just responding with a joke.


I don't have any major issues with most of this.  I've already addressed why I had Leyrann as probable town earlier, but I at least understand where that's coming from.  Your Tina point doesn't really jive with me, though.  I would think that "easy" reads would be a knock on somebody, rather than a good sign, unless I'm just completely misunderstanding what you're getting at.


By easy I think off the cuff comes closest to what I mean, when reading her recent anti-town games there seems little interaction and a well thought out reads post that can seem a bit formulaic. This game Tina had a strong OP imo, was questioning Turin as well as agreeing with him, early read on Ley (I don't remember anyone else talking about Ley at that stage). The content didn't seem forced.

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Sup girl


You planning on dropping a vote anytime soon?

Yup, last VC had Darthe and Ley as the leading trains. What are your opinions on them both?

My opinion of Ley is pretty well-documented


Gun to head I'd say Darthe is a villager but who ever really knows

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Darthe and ley are very interesting wagons.


Based on the thread flow it appears One of them will flip mafia more often than not


This will become especially true if one of them becomes indignant/one of them disappears and the thread seems like it wants to shift off these wagons


how close is deadline?

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