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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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Okay, I'm done with it right now. Haven't caught up yet, but Darthe's being so much of an asshole this game that I want him gone, regardless of alignment.


[v] Darthe [/v]

Not cool, Ley. Not cool.

Not out of his town range though, not even the bold. I have been an asshole and I have been instigative so it's not as if he can be faulted for disliking it.


@Sooh you're pretty good at figuring out how I approach things and seem really okay with my behavior so far. If the roles were reversed would that worry you?


@Cory I would have expected more from you by now? I don't really have a reason why.


@Turin, I had an issue with You/Ithi because you two screw up my ability to read you when you do your thang. Now that Ithi is dead I don't have that issue. Seems sensible to me.



Unrelated: I've been skimming while at work and feel like someone both held the opinion that I am mafia and that mafia killing Ithi makes more sense than town killing Ithi. That POV shouldn't add up together since if I were mafia Ithi would have been a lot more valuable to me alive and practically every bit of on thread evidence corroborates that.

I think both of those things. You.merely addressed the fallout of the kill. There is another part. If she hadn't been killed she would have come to get you.lynched. she is the royal Canadian mounted police. Always gets her man, lol. that would be inconvenient for you and your mafia team. Especially if you have a cool role. There wasn't much traction yet so it was still safe to get rid of the nuisance. It explains your trying to placate her with town reading then and me with town reading now.

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Dice well if you look I posted my list and explained why I thought

Zander was a slight mafia. Then he asked me to elaborate. Why would I not bring my main point back up.

All in all I do not understand your vote at all. You had a gut feeling you voted. I am dropping it after this, as my reasons didn't change your mind.

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he kept saying I was Town when I wasn't. He said he's explained himself when he hadn't. He was saying I was Town but also saying scummy things. He was trying to have it all ways and them cementing my feel on him.


I don't understand this point.  If he's mafia, he basically knows whether you're telling the truth about being the survivor.  All he would have to do is check his scumchat and see if you're there?  Nope?  Okay, you're not mafia, and you probably aren't going to claim 3P when you're not...


So now he keeps saying you're town.  How does that fit a scum narrative?  I don't get how that stance helps his team at all.


Actually, this is something that was bothering me too. My concern is if Darthe is scum all he knows is his scum team. Anyone else is generic "Town" for him to sort through to find PR's. So if he writes Ithi off as "not Town PR" then he's kind of done with her slot. At that point, it's easy to "forget" she's just 3rd party and to refer to her as Town.


I protected Dice 3rd Party when I was scum and claimed he was acting Townier than Townies because I wanted him on my side so I could get to end game faster and force him to vote with my scum team. THAT is how it fits the scum narrative.



That's fair, but I think it's worth noting Dice was not being the least bit pro-active in towards helping town.  If you recall, I definitely proved he wasn't playing towards a town WC early on D2.  It blew Darthe's mind.  Up until she got shot, Ithi was seemingly trying to help town.  I'm not going to assume it would necessarily be like that forever - she had a WC to play to, after all - but I don't find it nearly as off to say a survivor is town/townish/pro-town/China Town when they're helping as when they seem to be catching themself up in a lie.

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Probably the only thing worth wondering about unless RTE would like to explain what Phase Changer means

Really? I have to be the one to ask? Fine.


@RTE - What does a "phase-changer" do? Thanks!





But the only time I remember seeing the role on DM was in Verbs bastard X-Men game, when the role was used to stop night, prevented the mafia NK, but also all town actions so wasn't entirely beneficial.

Unspoilered because that's a big help. Thanks.



I think the top is a worthless question, and the bottom is either a waste of time or something is going on (i.e., a role inheritance).  I really don't see why anybody cares what a phase changer does at this point.


Yates, what's up?

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Timmy are you a villager?

Be a villager pls??? :)


Timmy are you a villager?

Be a villager pls??? :)

I'm gillagiNg like usual but I'm probably gonna approach this a lot slower than usual.


Pog ww has burned me out


Only read like this page and the page before it so far prolly just gonna comment on whatever springs out at me

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Timmy are you a villager?

Be a villager pls??? :)


Timmy are you a villager?

Be a villager pls??? :)

I'm gillagiNg like usual but I'm probably gonna approach this a lot slower than usual.


Pog ww has burned me out


Only read like this page and the page before it so far prolly just gonna comment on whatever springs out at me

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Timmy are you a villager?

Be a villager pls??? :)


Timmy are you a villager?

Be a villager pls??? :)

I'm gillagiNg like usual but I'm probably gonna approach this a lot slower than usual.


Pog ww has burned me out


Only read like this page and the page before it so far prolly just gonna comment on whatever springs out at me

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Specifically the line "i want darthe gone regardless of alignment" rang really pure to me. I realize that a mafiat can hide behind it pretty easily And it's not a beneficial line to take for someone who is actually town but hopefully ley realizes that and/or darthe is a wolf.


Haven't read how darthe handled ley or the interactions just wanted to make an observation on that one post

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I was thinking it was because him putting the disclaimer about formatting it correctly.  Since you probably don't know, it's his first game, and I can see why THAT would seem off to you.  Not really sure about opportunistic.

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I was thinking it was because him putting the disclaimer about formatting it correctly.  Since you probably don't know, it's his first game, and I can see why THAT would seem off to you.  Not really sure about opportunistic.

yes it was. I was hoping I had it right anyways lol.

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Sooh - talk to me about Leyrann, please.  What is your background with him?

I have played a few games with him. No great meta on him yet, though he is usually a lot higher content. His abrupt vote on Darthe with no explanation isn't something I remember him doing in other games, but I'd have to go back and check to be sure. 


Last time I played with him he was to the point and clear.


Everyone is new to me still, so that's why this isn't all sorted out and neatly placed in separate places in my brain as of yet, but I'll be happy to go back through my games and see if I can dig up something useful...


*goes to dig*

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Yes i believe it was Mafia, It isn't like ithi was pointing in a variety of directions, just at Darthe. Do I feel like it could of been town maybe im on a 90- 10% split there. everyone pretty much believed Ithi. unless someone can explain how that would benefit the town to me?


I strongly disagree with this theory.  I would be genuinely shocked if it was a mafia shot.  I don't get the feeling this is a "TMI slip" or anything of that nature, as much as inexperience.  


Also my gut tells me that mafia!seph isn't going to say it was his team's shot, regardless of whether or not it was.  I can't really justify that with any solid logic, but it's a good sign to me.

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