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HP Week 2014 - Owl Post


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Welcome to the Blue & Yellow Ajah's HP Week 2014 Owl Post!  This is a very easy and fun activity.  Each post counts as one Owl Post.  The first person writes a letter or message and the following post is a message from someone else to the previous person.  For example:

(Owl Post #1)


I love you!  Have you thought any further about getting that hippogriff tattoo we talked about?



(Owl Post #2)


I love you more.  As for the tattoo, we’ll talk about it some more. I’m not keen about it but if I’m going to get a tattoo, I’d rather it be a hippogriff than a basilisk, like Ron suggested.



(Owl Post #3)


What’s wrong with a basilisk tattoo?  After all, you are a Parselmouth! Embrace your uniqueness, mate!



Rules:  Keep it PG-13, no double posts, and Owl Posts are limited to Harry Potter characters, actors from the Harry Potter movies, and DM members.



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Dear Hagrid,


Can you be a good chap and pick us up some butterbeer when you run to Hogsmeade this afternoon?  Oh, and some Cockroach Clusters for Dumbledore, too, please!


George & Fred

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Dear Dursley family,


Did you ever get that tail off your boy, Dudley?  If not, I'd be happy to come by and give him some ears to match.



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Dear Bella,


You failed me.  I am most displeased. I will expect you to arrive to face your punishment tomorrow, noon, at Malfoy Manor.


Lord Voldemort

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Dear Harry Potter Week,


We had a great time!  I just wish it could last longer and that I hadn't gotten so swamped there at the end. We had to do some emergency fencing repair.  Silly horses, breaking down the fence.  At least they didn't walk out through the gap and find their way to the road . . . *gulp*   I'm guessing Hagrid had a talk with them . . . thanks, Hagrid!  Now if you could just please tell them not to lean on the fence that would be great!





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