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Clash of Divinity - Advanced Mafia - Day 7 - Reckoning


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I suppose we can trust Tom for today... Can we?


Damn I hate this recruiting game... On one hand Dice claimed cop and indeed got a mafia, on the other hand he might've been recruited by Tom and then claimed Tom was innocent. Or maybe he's unrecruitable. Or... I don't know anymore. I'll think a bit more about my vote. What stands is that, even though Tom was "cleared" by Dice, I am still not sure of Tom.

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Super simple. I really enjoy meta arguments from the person who always argues against using meta. 


vote Darthe


Flat out lie.  I use meta constantly.  I argue against people making null factors alignment indicative because that is bad logic creating a superficial force in the game.  

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Official Vote Count

Andrej (7): Turin, Dap, Dice, Andrej, chuckles (tom), Ley, Hallia

Chuckles (tom)(1): WBK (Ley 2)

GF (3): Rag, Chaelca, Darthe

Darthe (1): GF

Not Voting: Goldy

I don't believe for a second that only one cult would be on the AJ train

I know I am town

Therefore I believe tommy must be mafia

That also means dices cop view is fake, and he is converted

Official Vote Count

Darthe: Rags

Rag: Darthe, Turin

Turin: Dice, Tommy, Hallia, Goldy, Chaelca

Dice: GF

Not voting: Everyone else

Official Vote Count

Darthe (1/5): Rag

Rags (5/5): Darthe, Dice, Goldy, Dap, Tommy


Not voting: Hallia, Ley, GF

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I'm not in a cult


I am town

I have always been town

Therefore you should take Dice and I off the table for today

This is not even up for debate 

If you keep pushing the point you will convince me you are not town


I no longer believe that

Look at that VC

It's you or me.

I know I'm town so it must be you.


I'm pretty sure it's LYLO for town now so I will do everything in my power not to me lynched and to get you lynched instead

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I'm not in a cult


I am town

I have always been town

Therefore you should take Dice and I off the table for today

This is not even up for debate 

If you keep pushing the point you will convince me you are not town

I no longer believe that

Look at that VC

It's you or me.

I know I'm town so it must be you.


I'm pretty sure it's LYLO for town now so I will do everything in my power not to me lynched and to get you lynched instead


There were a lot of people on the Andre wagon because he ASKED people to lynch him over someone else like GF to prevent a mislynch of a PR like the doc.

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