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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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Thank you for those reads Turin. Does make me feel slightly better about you, but still, you pretty much have to be the lynch today. Not because of your actions but because of your predecessor. Poor Turin.




And fwiw, I never finished my last reread, but from what I have covered, Snow and Hallia seem more townie actually. Wish Snow could just get modkilled tho either way, would prevent us from having to use such an extremely outdated read. His reaction to recent events would have been much more helpful. And eh, I actually could see it being possible that Theo could mebbe be town. She has tossed out so many extremely antitown questions and setup speculation, but eh she had some earlier reactions with Ley that make me think they aren't scum together. If Turin DOES flip town, I'd think her definite scum again, but if he flips maf I'd be willing to be open to her "townness".


One person who I was surprised to flip the other way actually was Arez. He actually seems worse to me now than he did before, he had one post in particular that was highly questionable where he asked fans of the show if either brother seemed like they could be mafia, seemed a very strange thing to ask considering he claimed one of the brothers. Other stuff too, but that's all getting ahead of ourselves.


Now. 8 hours left? Something like that. Rags if you're online, please vote Turin. If you do I'll blow a gasket for you and post vid links of me sobbing because of how frustrated that I am that I can't read you. Promise.



I'd almost rather go Arez right now, He's been pinging me something awful for the past couple days.  And Turin really seems townie.  Chances that Ley was just that bad at being townie?


But that video bribe...I dunno if I can turn that down.

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At this stage I come to see Despo as mafia as well, let alone anyone else. I do not know anyone else's alignment and I only hope that my guts and what I've read for Ley have selected the right one. I don't know why you link me with Ley, Despo. We all do our best and hope we are right.


Rag, I can't be here for the whole 8 hours and now I am in Bulgaria, which is 6 pm now (+1h CET). Arez has a very strong claim as Stefan and I could see him flip to SK if we saw Elena character dead but everyone makes it very difficult to the less experienced ones by relying on meta, not being present ("lurky") at all, etc. Please give me a more relevant reason for Arez.


I always play to win and I would not go for a random lynch, this would be a total waste of everyone's time + the Mod. Despo, you could have written a whole novel with those posts, bro. So, if the inactives don't wanna play, just say it and we are done. If this is part of your strategy, I just would like you to explain it to me after that game as I think 2 random lynches are way too much.

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You mean you don't want to stay glued to your computer til 2 am?  That is shocking.  hahaha.


I know nothing of the theme, but I try not to clear people based solely on name claim.  It's really just a gut thing.  the tone and feel of his posts seems scummy.  I know that's hilariously unhelpful, but it makes sense to me.

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Mafia snow is often very lurky snow. But he hasn't even been here enough to really catch any heat for anything except being lurky.



Snow: vanished. is typical of mafia snow

Turin, that's twice you claim that Snow going AWOL is a sign that he is scum. I think that's a sign of mafia trying to throw heat onto the inactives to score an easy lynch. Not necessarily today, but perhaps later. You've obviously either forgotten or have chosen to overlook how Snow disappears all the time. Town, scum, and even as the mod, it doesn't matter what he is, he never sticks with a game, and sometimes doesn't even bother to check in (Rand's Calvin and Hobbes game comes to mind). So how is a player who goes MIA from pretty much every single game scum in this one for doing the same thing? (Seriously starting to wonder why Snow is still allowed to sign up for games in the first place.)


Vote Turin.

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Actually Basel it was always Snow's profile to vanish when mafia or cult and he got into trouble. The RL incident with his game not included of course. There were plenty of inactives to choose from but in my mind Snow as vanished and taking so long to be replaced signified to me that he may have been semi active in his QT. 


I remember him buddy hammering me in a game too. I had half the mafia team but couldn't out him cause the scene came up too fast. sort of like Rags just putting out how townie I am and he would rather go for Arez but still pulling the lever. 


Oh and Thea, the thing about the poor Turin and such is precisely that new players haven't become so callous about killing the innocent that they can't help apologizing in situations they shouldn't. That really is also a tone thing so... just something to keep an eye out for


vote Ley for getting me lynched in this manner. 


"Oh happy to be dead..."

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After Kol's death the day before, the town members participating in the hunt were feeling elated. Knowing that  there would likely be a slip after killing one of the Originals, they waited eagerly. The end of the day was a few hours away, and they figured it was as good a time as any to spring their trap. Stefan called Rebekah to meet him at the high school saying that he'd found something. Within 20 minutes, she showed up. Hiding behind the doors, he leapt at her as soon as she'd entered the hallway. Apparently expecting his attack, Rebekah whirled around and sent him flying into some lockers with a swipe of her arm. Using her vampire speed, she pinned him to the lockers with her hand holding her neck. He tried to strike at her with the White Oak stake he'd managed to hold onto after being flung but was quickly disarmed.


"Oh Stefan, you really should know better."


"That's where you're wrong." he gasped out. "I learned from the best." his eyes strayed from her face to look behind her.


Confused, she turned  just after Elena had fired another White Oak stake from a crossbow. She tried to snatch it out of the air, but she had turned a second too late and was struck hard in the heart. Looking down, she stared disbelievingly at the one thing that could kill her sticking out of her chest before screeching as she caught fire and burned to death like her brother before her...


Turin- Rebekah Mikaelson, mafia roleblocker has been lynched...


It is now Night 4, Deadline: Sunday December 22 21:00 EST http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131222T21&p0=263&msg=Vampire+Diaries+Mafia+Night+4

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