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What do you see?


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I don´t see anything at the first one.


The second one seems to be four pics. I see:

1. A burned piece of paper.

2. A mask.

3. A angry fat bear. 

4. A map. 


The third link seems to go to the same place as the second. 

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The four pics one

1. Angel

2. Some sort of mask

3. A gown but looking carefully it looks like a person trapped in darkness

4. A bat or teddy bear


The trapped man is hidden in every picture


Let's see


1. Angel - Symbol of light

2. Some sort of mask - Symbol of darkness (mystery)

3. A gown but looking carefully it looks like a person trapped in darknessSymbol of darkness

4. A bat or teddy bear - Either bat(dark) or cute, cuddly bear (light)



So Panchi, you believe in extremes. No middle ground. Either totally dark, depressing or happy and fun :)


RTE, how did I do? lol

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