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I'm back!!! :D


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*is tethered* bored and tired... but busy (a contradiction, I know, but the things I was busy doing weren't voluntary) *snuggles the cat and gives some chicken* I was watching some funny cat videos the other day and I thought of you... :D how have you been doing cindy??

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*noms the chicken and does not move from your lap* :happy:


I am bored and busy most every day at work. I totally get that.


I have been very not bored and in a steady state of happy and very happily surprised for a few months now. I think I'm doing great enough to cancel out 20, 30 years of general craptitude.



and I am very glad to see you back. you have been sorely missed.

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I have baked a lovely batch of gluten free dairy free brownies. sadly, I have no pictures. but they are da bomb.


I gateway some atcha, time.


shhh... nobody's supposed to know about my dairy allergy ;) but thank you cindy and Panchi for the delicious brownies... I have missed their tainted goodness...

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