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The Red Trench


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It's been years since this has taken place, and with the influx of new faces, I think it's time that we held another one.


The Red Trench is a tournament/party that is held in the quarry where the stone for the Citadel was mined.  There is alcohol to consume, gambling to lose money on, and a large open area where people can spar for the entertainment of everybody else.


There is no real rhyme or reason to RP the Red Trench other than having fun with each other's characters in whatever way you want.  Want a rivalry?  You can start one here.  Want to find drinking buddies?  Same thing.  The Red Trench serves as a way to get characters who might not interact with each other in normal circumstances into a situation where they can.


And it will start next week.

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I remember the old ones. These are great. Arinth will definitely have a few drinks which would make it possible for a silver tongued devil like Arkin to talk him into doing something crazy like getting on a horse.

Edited by Arinth
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